2 research outputs found

    High-resolution computation predicts that low dissolved CO concentrations and CO gradients promote ethanol production at industrial-scale gas fermentation

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    Gradients in dissolved gas concentrations are expected to affect the performance of large reactors for anaerobic gas (CO, H2, CO2) fermentation. To study how these gradients, and the dissolved gas concentration level itself, influence the productivity of the desired product ethanol and the product spectrum of C. autoethanogenum, we coupled a CFD model of an industrial-scale gas fermentor to a metabolic kinetic model for a wide range of metabolic regimes. Our model results, together with literature experimental data and a model with constantdissolved gas concentrations, indicate high ethanol specificity at low dissolved CO concentrations, with acetate reduction to ethanol at very low dissolved CO concentrations and combined ethanol and acetate production at higher CO concentrations. The gradient was predicted to increase both the biomass-specific ethanol production rate and the electron-to-ethanol yield by ~25%. This might be due to intensified ferredoxin and NAD+ redox cycles, with the rate of the Rnf complex – a critical enzyme for energy conservation – as key driver towardsethanol production, all at the expense of a reduced flux to acetate. We present improved mechanistic understanding of the gas fermentation process, and novel leads for optimization and fundamental research, by coupling observations from various down-scaled lab experiments to expected microbial lifelines in an industrial-scale reactor.BT/Bioprocess Engineerin

    Alleviating mass transfer limitations in industrial external-loop syngas-to-ethanol fermentation

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    Mass transfer limitations in syngas fermentation processes are mostly attributed to poor solubility of CO and H2 in water. Despite these assumed limitations, a syngas fermentation process has recently been commercialized. Using large-sale external-loop gas-lift reactors (EL-GLR), CO-rich off-gases are converted into ethanol, with high mass transfer performance (7–8.5 g.L-1.h−1). However, when applying established mass transfer correlations, a much poorer performance is predicted (0.3–2.7 g.L-1.h−1). We developed a CFD model, validated on pilot-scale data, to provide detailed insights on hydrodynamics and mass transfer in a large-scale EL-GLR. As produced ethanol could increase gas hold-up (+30%) and decrease the bubble diameter (≤2 mm) compared to air–water mixtures, we found with our model that a high volumetric mass transfer coefficient (650–750 h−1) and mass transfer capacity (7.5–8 g.L-1.h−1) for CO are feasible. Thus, the typical mass transfer limitations encountered in air–water systems can be alleviated in the syngas-to-ethanol fermentation process.BT/Bioprocess Engineerin