46 research outputs found
Towards comprehensive training
Training programs are the most common active labor market interventions around the world. Whether designed to develop skills of young job seekers or upgrading skills of adult workers, training programs are aimed at counteracting employability barriers that hinder the integration of people into the labor markets. Training approaches vary greatly across countries and regions. Some have a focus on classroom lectures while others emphasize training in the workplace. Based on a dataset of studies of training programs from 90 countries around the world, this paper examines the incidence of different training types over time and their impact on labor market outcomes of trainees. The authors find a general pattern of transition from in-classroom training to comprehensive measures that combine classroom and workplace training with supplementary services. Moreover, this transition has paid off. Comprehensive training interventions tend to increase the probability of having positive labor market outcomes for trainees, as compared to in-classroom training only.Primary Education,Labor Markets,Education For All,Poverty Impact Evaluation,Labor Policies
Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya
A common concern with efforts to directly help some small businesses to grow is that their growth comes at the expense of their unassisted competitors. We test this possibility using a two-stage randomized experiment in Kenya which randomizes business training at the market level, and then within markets to selected businesses. Three years after training, the treated businesses are selling more, earn higher profits, and their owners have higher well-being. There is no evidence of negative spillovers on the competing businesses, and the markets as a whole appear to have grown in terms of number of customers and sales volumes. This market growth appears to come from enhanced customer service and new product introduction, generating more customers and more sales from existing customers. As a result, business growth in underdeveloped markets is possible without taking sales away from non-treated businesses
A review of interventions to support young workers : findings of the youth employment inventory
This Youth Employment Inventory (YEI) is based on available documentation of current and past programs and includes evidence from 289 studies of interventions from 84 countries in all regions of the world. The interventions included in the YEI have been analyzed in order to (i) document the types of programs that have been implemented to support young workers to find work; and (ii) identify what appears to work in terms of improving employment outcomes for youth. This report synthesizes the information from this inventory and a set of background reports to document the global experience with youth employment programs. As background, Section B provides a brief summary of the situation of young people in labor markets world-wide, and also reviews the existing literature on policies to address youth employment problems. Following this, we turn to the underlying framework and methodology used to assemble the youth employment inventory in Section C. In Section D, we consider the coverage of the YEI, which represents the sample of youth programs identified in our global search of the available documentation. In addressing the question of"what works", it is critical to pay close attention to the quality of the evaluation evidence. This is discussed in Section E. The study then turns to the analysis of the effectiveness of the interventions included in the inventory. The descriptive evidence is presented in Section F. In addition, the study undertakes an econometric meta-analysis to more systematically identify the determinants of program success and the results of this analysis are presented in Section G. Finally, conclusions and implications are drawn in Section H.Labor Markets,Labor Policies,Youth and Governance,,Adolescent Health
El hecho de que el tema de la mortalidad materna continúe en la agenda mundial, denota que el fallecimiento de las mujeres durante el embarazo, parto y puerperio es un problema no resuelto
Se muestra la experiencia de aplicar diversas herramientas didácticas en la enseñanza de Electrotecnia Aplicada. Siguiendo la tendencia de los nuevos enfoques de la educación de darle mayor protagonismo al estudiante en su proceso de formación se emplearon: experiencias prácticas para corroborar conceptos teóricos, software de cálculo para comprobar los ejercicios de gabinete y diferentes software de simulación para visualizar y analizar diferentes eventos. Este portafolio fue usado para mantener la motivación de los alumnos en el proceso de aprendizaje; hubo constancia en la asistencia a las clases, las consultas se transformaron en, qué pasaría si?, las calificaciones de las evaluaciones se ubicaron por encima del 85%. La conclusión es que las herramientas colocadas en el momento adecuado y en el tema correcto conducen a mantener la motivación que redunda en un mejoramiento del rendimiento académico y en la calidad de la formación del futuro profesional
Efecto de la inmunoterapia con alérgenos específicos en pacientes pediátricos con asma atendidos en una institución de salud de Colombia
Introduction: Asthma is a chronic and potentially serious disease and 80% of the cases have an allergic etiology. In this sense, allergen-specific immunotherapy is an alternative that modulates the natural course of the disease.Objective: To evaluate the impact of immunotherapy in pediatric asthma patients treated at a health institution in Colombia.Materials and methods: We conducted an observational descriptive study with an analytical cross-sectional component. Sixty-two patients diagnosed with allergic asthma sensitized to dust mites and treated with at least 6 doses of mite immunotherapy were included. We assessed the impact of immunotherapy using the Asthma Control Test (ACT), the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) treatment scale, and spirometry values.Results: The ACT score before the start reported 30% of patients with uncontrolled asthma, 28% with good control, and 4% with totally controlled asthma. Of the patients with uncontrolled asthma, 46.7% achieved good control and 23.3% total control. Regarding patients’ perception of improvement with the immunotherapy, 9.75% perceived a response of less than 50%, 45.2% one between 50% -90%, and 41.9% reported response equal to or greater than 90%. No significant changes in FEV1 values were found in spirometry.Conclusions: Significant changes in the ACT scores and the perception of disease improvement were observed in the population evaluated with specific mite immunotherapy, i.e., it had a positive impact on the natural course of the disease.Introducción. El asma es una enfermedad crónica y potencialmente grave. El 80 % de los casos es de origen alérgico, por lo cual la inmunoterapia específica con alérgenos es una alternativa terapéutica que modula el curso natural de la enfermedad.Objetivo. Evaluar el impacto de la inmunoterapia en pacientes pediátricos con asma atendidos en una institución de salud de Colombia.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio observacional descriptivo con componente analítico de corte transversal. Se incluyeron 62 pacientes con diagnóstico de asma alérgica sensibilizados a ácaros del polvo y en tratamiento, mínimo, con seis dosis de inmunoterapia contra ácaros. El efecto del tratamiento se evaluó mediante la escala de puntuación del ACT (Asthma Control Test), la escala de tratamiento de la GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) y la espirometría.Resultados. La puntuación de la prueba ACT antes del inicio de la inmunoterapia, correspondía a 30 % de pacientes con asma no controlada, 28 % con buen control y 4 % con asma totalmente controlada. Entre los pacientes con asma no controlada, el 46,7 % logró un buen control y el 23,3 % alcanzó un control total. En cuanto a la percepción de los pacientes sobre la mejoría con la inmunoterapia, el 9,75 % percibió una mejoría menor del 50 %, el 45,2 %, una entre el 50 y el 90 %, en tanto que el 41,9 % refirió una igual o mayor del 90 %. No se encontraron cambios significativos en los valores del volumen espiratorio forzado en un segundo (VEF1) en las espirometrías.Conclusiones. Se observaron cambios significativos en los puntajes del ACT y en la percepción de mejoría de la enfermedad en la población tratada con inmunoterapia específica para ácaros, es decir, que esta tendría un efecto beneficioso en el curso natural de la enfermedad
Do Youth Employment Programs Improve Labor Market Outcomes? A Systematic Review
This study reviews the evidence on the impact of youth employment programs on labor market outcomes. The analysis looks at the effectiveness of various interventions and the factors that influence program performance including country context, targeted beneficiaries, program design and implementation, and type of evaluation. We identify 113 counterfactual impact evaluations covering a wide range of methodologies, interventions, and countries. Using meta-analysis methods, we synthesize the evidence based on 2,259 effect sizes (Standardized Mean Differences, or SMD) and the statistical significance of 3,105 treatment effect estimates (Positive and Statistically Significant, or PSS). Overall, we find that just more than one-third of evaluation results from youth employment programs implemented worldwide show a significant positive impact on labor market outcomes – either employment rates or earnings. In general, programs have been more successful in middle- and low-income countries; this may be because these programs' investments are especially helpful for the most vulnerable population groups – low-skilled, low-income – that they target. We also conjecture that the more-recent programs might have benefited from innovations in design and implementation. Moreover, in middle and low income countries, skills training and entrepreneurship programs seem to have had a higher impact. This does not imply, however, that those programs should be strictly preferred to others; much depends on the needs of beneficiaries and program design. In high-income countries, the role of intervention type is less decisive – much depends on context and how services are chosen and delivered, a result that holds across country types. We find strong evidence that programs that integrate multiple interventions are more likely to succeed because they are better able to respond to the different needs of beneficiaries. We also find evidence about the importance of profiling and follow-up systems in determining program performance, and some evidence about the importance of incentive systems for services providers
Tendencias de mortalidad por enfermedades del corazón en la Provincia de Villa Clara
Introduction: cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. In Cuba and in Villa Clara Province more than 20% of deaths occur from these causes. Objective: to identify mortality trends and changes experienced according to the epidemiological variables selected during the period. Methods: a descriptive-epidemiological study was conducted with the total number of deaths from heart disease in Villa Clara during the period 2001-2017 to identify trends and changes in mortality according to sex, age and cause. Rates, percentages and ratios were used as summary measures and percentage variation was calculated, shown through time series. Results: mortality increased in both sexes, and was higher in men. The greatest increase in mortality by sex was observed in the period from 2009 to 2017, which was 41.99% and 27.80% for men and women, respectively. There is a discrete trend towards a decrease from 70 years of age and an increase in premature mortality. Ischemic disease predominated among the causes of death, followed by heart failure (340.1%) and hypertensive disease (145.5%), both with a significant increase in the period. Conclusions: the changes are appreciable from 2010 and the mortality in early ages and the hypertensive and ischemic disease stand out with greater changes.Introducción: las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la primera causa de muerte en el mundo. En Cuba y en la Provincia de Villa Clara más del 20% de los fallecidos ocurre por estas causas. Objetivo: identificar la tendencia de la mortalidad y los cambios experimentados según las variables epidemiológicas seleccionadas en el período. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo-epidemiológico con el total de los fallecidos por enfermedades del corazón en Villa Clara en el período de 2001 a 2017 para identificarlas tendencias y los cambios experimentados en la mortalidad según el sexo, las edades y las causas. Se utilizaron las tasas, los porcientos y la razón como medidas de resumen y se calculó la variación porcentual, mostradas a través de series de tiempo. Resultados: se incrementó la mortalidad en ambos sexos, fue mayor en el sexo masculino. El mayor incremento de la mortalidad por sexos se observó en el período de 2009 a 2017, que fue de 41,99% y 27,80% para hombres y mujeres, respectivamente. Se evidencia una tendencia discreta a la disminución a partir de 70 años y se incrementó la mortalidad prematura. La enfermedad isquémica predominó entre las causas de muerte, seguida por la insuficiencia cardíaca (340,1%) y la enfermedad hipertensiva (145,5%), las dos con un incremento importante en el periodo. Conclusiones: los cambios son apreciables a partir del año 2010 y se destacan la mortalidad en edades tempranas y la enfermedad hipertensiva e isquémica con mayores cambios
Estimulación temprana en niños con baja visión
Introducción: la atención a edad temprana es el grupo de técnicas educativas especiales empleadas en niños entre el nacimiento y los 6 años de vida. Objetivo: profundizar en el tema y exponer los programas de estimulación visual más usados actualmente en el mundo. Material y Método: se revisaron textos básicos de pedagogía y psicología, artículos de Internet actualizados sobre estimulación visual y discapacidad visual. Desarrollo: se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica publicada sobre la estimulación a edad temprana, la aplicación de estos programas en niños discapacitados visuales a través de la acción oportuna de un equipo multidisciplinario. Conclusiones: muchas de las causas de discapacidad visual en niños son evitables o prevenibles si se actúa de manera oportuna. Palabras clave: estimulación, técnicas educativas especiales, discapacitados visuales, funcionamiento visual, ayudas ópticas, inclusión.</p
Histopatología y bioquímica clínica de ratas expuestas de forma subcrónica al extracto de migración de un material nanocompuesto
Junta de Andalucía AGR5969Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2010-2121