80 research outputs found
Non-Integrability of a weakly integrable Hamiltonian system
The geometric approach to mechanics based on the Jacobi metric allows to
easily construct natural mechanical systems which are integrable (actually
separable) at a fixed value of the energy. The aim of the present paper is to
investigate the dynamics of a simple prototype system outside the zero-energy
hypersurface. We find that the general situation is that in which integrability
is not preserved at arbitrary values of the energy. The structure of the
Hamiltonian in the separating coordinates at zero energy allows a perturbation
treatment of this system at energies slightly different from zero, by which we
obtain an analytical proof of non-integrability.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication on Celestial Mechanics and
Dynamical Astronom
Integrable Hamiltonian systems with vector potentials
We investigate integrable 2-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with scalar and
vector potentials, admitting second invariants which are linear or quadratic in
the momenta. In the case of a linear second invariant, we provide some examples
of weakly-integrable systems. In the case of a quadratic second invariant, we
recover the classical strongly-integrable systems in Cartesian and polar
coordinates and provide some new examples of integrable systems in parabolic
and elliptical coordinates.Comment: 23 pages, Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic
An energy-momentum map for the time-reversal symmetric 1:1 resonance with Z_2 X Z_2 symmetry
We present a general analysis of the bifurcation sequences of periodic orbits
in general position of a family of reversible 1:1 resonant Hamiltonian normal
forms invariant under symmetry. The rich structure of these
classical systems is investigated both with a singularity theory approach and
geometric methods. The geometric approach readily allows to find an
energy-momentum map describing the phase space structure of each member of the
family and a catastrophe map that captures its global features. Quadrature
formulas for the actions, periods and rotation number are also provided.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl
Relevance of the 1:1 resonance in galactic dynamics
This paper aims to illustrate the applications of resonant Hamiltonian normal
forms to some problems of galactic dynamics. We detail the construction of the
1:1 resonant normal form corresponding to a wide class of potentials with
self-similar elliptical equi-potentials and apply it to investigate relevant
features of the orbit structure of the system. We show how to compute the
bifurcation of the main periodic orbits in the symmetry planes of a triaxial
ellipsoid and in the meridional plane of an axi-symmetric spheroid and briefly
discuss how to refine these results with higher-order approaches.Comment: Corrected typos, to appear on the European Physical Journal Plus.
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0906.3138v
Invariants at fixed and arbitrary energy. A unified geometric approach
Invariants at arbitrary and fixed energy (strongly and weakly conserved
quantities) for 2-dimensional Hamiltonian systems are treated in a unified way.
This is achieved by utilizing the Jacobi metric geometrization of the dynamics.
Using Killing tensors we obtain an integrability condition for quadratic
invariants which involves an arbitrary analytic function . For invariants
at arbitrary energy the function is a second degree polynomial with real
second derivative. The integrability condition then reduces to Darboux's
condition for quadratic invariants at arbitrary energy. The four types of
classical quadratic invariants for positive definite 2-dimensional Hamiltonians
are shown to correspond to certain conformal transformations. We derive the
explicit relation between invariants in the physical and Jacobi time gauges. In
this way knowledge about the invariant in the physical time gauge enables one
to directly write down the components of the corresponding Killing tensor for
the Jacobi metric. We also discuss the possibility of searching for linear and
quadratic invariants at fixed energy and its connection to the problem of the
third integral in galactic dynamics. In our approach linear and quadratic
invariants at fixed energy can be found by solving a linear ordinary
differential equation of the first or second degree respectively.Comment: Some misprints corrected with respect to the printed versio
Bifurcation sequences in the symmetric 1:1 Hamiltonian resonance
We present a general review of the bifurcation sequences of periodic orbits
in general position of a family of resonant Hamiltonian normal forms with
nearly equal unperturbed frequencies, invariant under
symmetry. The rich structure of these classical systems is investigated with
geometric methods and the relation with the singularity theory approach is also
highlighted. The geometric approach is the most straightforward way to obtain a
general picture of the phase-space dynamics of the family as is defined by a
complete subset in the space of control parameters complying with the symmetry
constraint. It is shown how to find an energy-momentum map describing the phase
space structure of each member of the family, a catastrophe map that captures
its global features and formal expressions for action-angle variables. Several
examples, mainly taken from astrodynamics, are used as applications.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, accepted on International Journal of
Bifurcation and Chaos. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
On the detuned 2:4 resonance
We consider families of Hamiltonian systems in two degrees of freedom with an
equilibrium in 1:2 resonance. Under detuning, this "Fermi resonance" typically
leads to normal modes losing their stability through period-doubling
bifurcations. For cubic potentials this concerns the short axial orbits and in
galactic dynamics the resulting stable periodic orbits are called "banana"
orbits. Galactic potentials are symmetric with respect to the co-ordinate
planes whence the potential -- and the normal form -- both have no cubic terms.
This -symmetry turns the 1:2 resonance into a
higher order resonance and one therefore also speaks of the 2:4 resonance. In
this paper we study the 2:4 resonance in its own right, not restricted to
natural Hamiltonian systems where would consist of kinetic and
(positional) potential energy. The short axial orbit then turns out to be
dynamically stable everywhere except at a simultaneous bifurcation of banana
and "anti-banana" orbits, while it is now the long axial orbit that loses and
regains stability through two successive period-doubling bifurcations.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures: On line first on Journal of Nonlinear Science
Hamiltonian Normal Forms and Galactic Potentials
The study of self-gravitating stellar systems has provided important hints to
develop tools of analytical mechanics. In the present contribution we review
how to exploit detuned resonant normal forms to extract information on several
aspects of the dynamics in systems with self-similar elliptical equipotentials.
In particular, using energy and ellipticity as parameters, we compute the
instability thresholds of axial orbits, bifurcation values of low-order boxlets
and phase-space fractions pertaining to the families around them. We also show
how to infer something about the singular limit of the potential.Comment: To be published in "Chaos in Astronomy", G. Contopoulos, P.A. Patsis
(eds.), Springe
Halo orbits around the collinear points of the restricted three-body problem
We perform an analytical study of the bifurcation of the halo orbits around
the collinear points , , for the circular, spatial, restricted
three--body problem. Following a standard procedure, we reduce to the center
manifold constructing a normal form adapted to the synchronous resonance.
Introducing a detuning, which measures the displacement from the resonance and
expanding the energy in series of the detuning, we are able to evaluate the
energy level at which the bifurcation takes place for arbitrary values of the
mass ratio. In most cases, the analytical results thus obtained are in very
good agreement with the numerical expectations, providing the bifurcation
threshold with good accuracy. Care must be taken when dealing with for
small values of the mass-ratio between the primaries; in that case, the model
of the system is a singular perturbation problem and the normal form method is
not particularly suited to evaluate the bifurcation threshold.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, updated version accepted for publication on
Normal forms for the epicyclic approximations of the perturbed Kepler problem
We compute the normal forms for the Hamiltonian leading to the epicyclic
approximations of the (perturbed) Kepler problem in the plane. The Hamiltonian
setting corresponds to the dynamics in the Hill synodic system where, by means
of the tidal expansion of the potential, the equations of motion take the form
of perturbed harmonic oscillators in a rotating frame. In the unperturbed,
purely Keplerian case, the post-epicyclic solutions produced with the normal
form coincide with those obtained from the expansion of the solution of the
Kepler equation. In all cases where the perturbed problem can be cast in
autonomous form, the solution is easily obtained as a perturbation series. The
generalization to the spatial problem and/or the non-autonomous case is
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