58 research outputs found
Large effect of polydispersity on defect concentrations in colloidal crystals
We compute the equilibrium concentration of stacking faults and point defects
in polydisperse hard-sphere crystals. We find that, while the concentration of
stacking faults remains similar to that of monodisperse hard sphere crystals,
the concentration of vacancies decreases by about a factor two. Most
strikingly, the concentration of interstitials in the maximally polydisperse
crystal may be some six orders of magnitude larger than in a monodisperse
crystal. We show that this dramatic increase in interstitial concentration is
due to the increased probability of finding small particles and that the
small-particle tail of the particle size distribution is crucial for the
interstitial concentration in a colloidal crystal.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Large difference in the elastic properties of fcc and hcp hard-sphere crystals
We report a numerical calculation of the elastic constants of the fcc and hcp
crystal phases of monodisperse hard-sphere colloids. Surprisingly, some of
these elastic constants are very different (up to 20%), even though the free
energy, pressure and bulk compressibility of the two crystal structures are
very nearly equal. As a consequence, a moderate deformation of a hard-sphere
crystal may make the hcp phase more stable than the fcc phase. This finding has
implications for the design of patterned templates to grow colloidal hcp
crystals. We also find that, below close packing, there is a small, but
significant, difference between the distances between hexagonal layers (c/a
ratios) of fcc and hcp crystals.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review
Point Defects in Hard Sphere Crystals
We report numerical calculations of the concentration of interstitials in
hard-sphere crystals. We find that, in a three-dimensional fcc hard-sphere
crystal at the melting point, the concentration of interstitials is 2 * 10^-8.
This is some three orders of magnitude lower than the concentration of
vacancies. A simple, analytical estimate yields a value that is in fair
agreement with the numerical results.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; Submitted to J. Phys. Chem.
The limits of filopodium stability
Filopodia are long, finger-like membrane tubes supported by cytoskeletal
filaments. Their shape is determined by the stiffness of the actin filament
bundles found inside them and by the interplay between the surface tension and
bending rigidity of the membrane. Although one might expect the Euler buckling
instability to limit the length of filopodia, we show through simple energetic
considerations that this is in general not the case. By further analyzing the
statics of filaments inside membrane tubes, and through computer simulations
that capture membrane and filament fluctuations, we show under which conditions
filopodia of arbitrary lengths are stable. We discuss several in vitro
experiments where this kind of stability has already been observed.
Furthermore, we predict that the filaments in long, stable filopodia adopt a
helical shape
Melting of Polydisperse Hard Disks
The melting of a polydisperse hard disk system is investigated by Monte Carlo
simulations in the semigrand canonical ensemble. This is done in the context of
possible continuous melting by a dislocation unbinding mechanism, as an
extension of the 2D hard disk melting problem. We find that while there is
pronounced fractionation in polydispersity, the apparent density-polydispersity
gap does not increase in width, contrary to 3D polydisperse hard spheres. The
point where the Young's modulus is low enough for the dislocation unbinding to
occur moves with the apparent melting point, but stays within the density gap,
just like for the monodisperse hard disk system. Additionally, we find that
throughout the accessible polydispersity range, the bound dislocation-pair
concentration is high enough to affect the dislocation unbinding melting as
predicted by Kosterlitz, Thouless, Halperin, Nelson and Young.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
There and (slowly) back again: Entropy-driven hysteresis in a model of DNA overstretching
When pulled along its axis, double-stranded DNA elongates abruptly at a force
of about 65 pN. Two physical pictures have been developed to describe this
overstretched state. The first proposes that strong forces induce a phase
transition to a molten state consisting of unhybridized single strands. The
second picture instead introduces an elongated hybridized phase, called S-DNA,
structurally and thermodynamically distinct from standard B-DNA. Little
thermodynamic evidence exists to discriminate directly between these competing
pictures. Here we show that within a microscopic model of DNA we can
distinguish between the dynamics associated with each. In experiment,
considerable hysteresis in a cycle of stretching and shortening develops as
temperature is increased. Since there are few possible causes of hysteresis in
a system whose extent is appreciable in only one dimension, such behavior
offers a discriminating test of the two pictures of overstretching. Most
experiments are performed upon nicked DNA, permitting the detachment
(`unpeeling') of strands. We show that the long-wavelength progression of the
unpeeled front generates hysteresis, the character of which agrees with
experiment only if we assume the existence of S-DNA. We also show that internal
melting (distinct from unpeeling) can generate hysteresis, the degree of which
is strongly dependent upon the nonextensive loop entropy of single-stranded
DNA.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure
Impaired Very-Low-Density Lipoprotein catabolism links hypoglycemia to hypertriglyceridemia in Glycogen Storage Disease type Ia
International audiencePrevention of hypertriglyceridemia is one of the biomedical targets in Glycogen Storage Disease type Ia (GSD Ia) patients, yet it is unclear how hypoglycemia links to plasma triglyceride (TG) levels. We analyzed whole-body TG metabolism in normoglycemic (fed) and hypoglycemic (fasted) hepatocyte-specific glucose-6-phosphatase deficient (L-G6pc-/- ) mice. De novo fatty acid synthesis contributed substantially to hepatic TG accumulation in normoglycemic L-G6pc-/- mice. In hypoglycemic conditions, enhanced adipose tissue lipolysis was the main driver of liver steatosis, supported by elevated free fatty acid concentrations in GSD Ia mice and GSD Ia patients. Plasma very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels were increased in GSD Ia patients and in normoglycemic L-G6pc-/- mice, and further elevated in hypoglycemic L-G6pc-/- mice. VLDL-TG secretion rates were doubled in normo- and hypoglycemic L-G6pc-/- mice, while VLDL-TG catabolism was selectively inhibited in hypoglycemic L-G6pc-/- mice. In conclusion, fasting-induced hypoglycemia in L-G6pc-/- mice promotes adipose tissue lipolysis and arrests VLDL catabolism. This mechanism likely contributes to aggravated liver steatosis and dyslipidemia in GSD Ia patients with poor glycemic control and may explain clinical heterogeneity in hypertriglyceridemia between GSD Ia patients
T cells with increased responsiveness cause obesity in mice without diet intervention
Obesity is a complex multicausal disease that can cause morbidity and mortality, and there is need for improved knowledge on the underlying mechanisms. Using a mouse model of increased T cell responsiveness, we show that development of obesity can be driven by immune cells. This was confirmed with bone marrow transplantation and adoptive T cell transfer to several recipient mouse models. Single-cell RNA sequencing and CyTOF analysis showed that the mice display altered composition of circulating T cells and increased T cell activation in visceral adipose tissue, suggesting activated T cells as critical players in the increased fat mass. In this study, we provide evidence that obesity can be driven by immune cell activity and in particular by T cells, which could have broad implications for prevention and treatment of this condition.</p
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