202 research outputs found
Mass Formulae for Broken Supersymmetry in Curved Space-Time
We derive the mass formulae for , matter-coupled
Supergravity for broken (and unbroken) Supersymmetry in curved space-time.
These formulae are applicable to de Sitter configurations as is the case for
inflation. For unbroken Supersymmetry in anti-de Sitter (AdS) one gets the mass
relations modified by the AdS curvature. We compute the mass relations both for
the potential and its derivative non-vanishing.Comment: 14 pages; v2: v2: Extended conclusions and typos correcte
The 0-brane action in a general D=4 supergravity background
We begin by presenting the superparticle action in the background of N=2, D=4
supergravity coupled to n vector multiplets interacting via an arbitrary
special Kahler geometry. Our construction is based on implementing
kappa-supersymmetry. In particular, our result can be interpreted as the source
term for N=2 BPS black holes with a finite horizon area. When the vector
multiplets can be associated to the complex structure moduli of a Calabi-Yau
manifold, then our 0-brane action can be derived by wrapping 3-branes around
3-cycles of the 3-fold. Our result can be extended to the case of higher
supersymmetry; we explicitly construct the kappa supersymmetric action for a
superparticle moving in an arbitrary N=8 supergravity background with 1/2, 1/4
or 1/8 residual supersymmetry.Comment: 29 pages, LaTex; v2 and v3: twice reference added and typos
corrected; v4: typos corrected for final version in Class.Quantum Gra
N=2 Supergravity and Special Geometry
The essential elements in the construction of the couplings of vector
multiplets to supergravity using the conformal approach are repeated. This
approach leads automatically to the basic quantities on which the symplectic
transformations, the basic tools for duality transformations, are defined. A
recent theorem about the existence of a basis allowing for a prepotential is
discussed.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figures. Contribution to the workshop "Gauge
Theories, Applied Supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity", London Imperial
College, july 199
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