27 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Stres Kekeringan terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Sinensetin Tanaman Kumis Kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq.)

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    The response of plants to environmental stress depends on the type of plant, the level, and the duration of stress. Drought stress affects growth, development, and the content of secondary metabolites produced by the plant. Kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq.) is one example of a tolerant plant to drought stress. A study was conducted to compare the effect of several drought stress levels on plant growth and its sinensetin content. For this purpose, the experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with a one-factor complete randomized design, namely the level of water availability. The treatment tested consisted of: 100; 50; 37.5; 25; 12.5 percent of field capacity. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and further tested with the Duncan Multiple Range Test level of 5% on significant results. The High-Performance Liquid Chromatography method was employed to test the sinensetin content (in percentage). The results showed that low water availability (50-12.5% field capacity) harmed plant growth and negatively affected leaf, stem, and root dry weight. The reduction in growth was highly significant in plants with water availability of 12.5% of field capacity. In low water availability, the plant that experience drought stress produced greater sinensetin content (0.0133%). Increased sinensetin in drought stress condition is a biochemical and physiological response of plants to unfavourable conditions


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    PKM partners are SMEs engaged in the smoked fish business, production and marketing having their address in Penatarsewu Village, Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo Regency. An environmentally friendly smoker is a modern smoker which is expected to be a solution to problems in the production of smoked fish which has not been optimal so far. In the process, smoking using an environmentally friendly smoker is more hygienic than traditional smoking. The results of smoking in an environmentally friendly manner produce better and more delicious colors, aromas, tastes and textures. Problems in the production aspect: (1) The production location is narrow and limited, (2) There are more buyers and product orders, while there is no labor (3) The smoking is still manual, so the smoke pollutes the environment, the smoking time is long (4) The results are uneven , some are too ripe, some are still undercooked, (5) There is no nutrition and expiration test, (5) There is no environmentally friendly smoking device, (6) There is no large capacity storage space (7) Capital. The impact is (1) the order is increasing, the place of production is limited, (2) the need for workers is increasing, recruiting workers requires a large budget. (3) Smoke causes pollution to the community around MSMEs, (4) Manual processing hinders the production process, (5) Products go stale quickly if not put in a cooler, there is no expiration date, difficulties when there are large-scale orders, (6) Water content is still high cause the product does not dry quickly, (7) There is no PIRT and the Ministry of Health permit.Problems in the management aspect: (1) Difficulty in finding permanent employees, because many are not interested, (2) Business processes and business SOPs have not been well documented, (3) Capital constraints for business development with sharia concept, and (4) Do not have an integrated information system ordering, raw materials, production and sales. The impact: (1) Business management is still traditional, controlled by the owner/family, (2) Constraints in processing information related to the stock of materials and products that have been ordered (3) Limited sharia-based business development, (4) Availability of raw materials depends on the season. Problems in marketing aspects Partners do not have adequate display space. As a result, smoked fish are allowed to accumulate, not properly arranged. During the rainy season, demand decreases.The results of the activities that have been carried out: (1) Training, practice, and assistance in making quality Smoked Fish, the same level of maturity, nutrition testing and natural preservation (2) Training, practice, and mentoring of business process management materials and ISO 9001: 2015 regarding quality management standards, (3) Training, practice, and assistance for sharia-based business management (4) Design and layout of new product display rooms, production rooms, product storage rooms, (5) Design of environmentally friendly fumigation machines. Outcome targets: (1) Smoked fish products with the same maturity quality, not easily spoiled and do not smell fishy, (2) Quality management based on ISO 9001:2015, (3) Able to get sharia capital, (4) Design and layout of the display room for smoked fish products (5) New innovations of environmentally friendly smoking machine TTG (6) Publications in the Journal of Community Service (ABDIDAS), (7) Publications in the international journal IJMRA, (8) Articles in mass media/online at www.radarjatim .com, (9) videos of PKM activities uploaded on Youtube, (10) Student Involvement of the MBKM program is equivalent to 6 credits of Entrepreneurship courses [1

    Assessment for Identification of Stelechocarpus burahol and Sister Species Complex of Annonaceae Family Using trnL Intron Sequences

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    Stelechocarpus burahol (kepel) belongs to the Annonaceae family, and is considered to be a native species to Indonesia which is mainly distributed on the island of Java. However, the plant’s existence is currently difficult to find, so it is categorized as rare in Indonesia. A molecular approach using DNA barcoding technique is significant to assist plant identification. The gene that is widely used and proven to be accurate for Annonaceae is trnL-F. This study was aimed to evaluate the efficiency of trnL as DNA barcode for the identification of S. burahol and its relatives (Annonaceae) from Java Island. In total 10 specimens have been used in this study. Whole genome DNA was isolated by Tiangen kit and amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique using a specific primer. Results showed that trnL was easily amplified with a DNA fragment length of 500-600 bp. The trnL amplicons have successfully sequenced as indicated by the high QV20+ values. The sequence compositions were high in AT bases (63.9%). BLAST analysis of the sequences showed that S. burahol and sister species have been confirmed its identity according to the reference sequences in NCBI with query cover identities 98%-100%. This research can be concluded that trnL-F is suitable and recommended as a DNA barcode for S. burahol and its relatives. However, further research is suggested to combine analysis of both coding (rbcL, matK, etc) and non-coding (trnL) markers for better identification results.

    Clustering Analysis and Genome Inference of Pisang Raja Local Cultivars (Musa spp.) from Java Island by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Marker

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    Pisang Raja is an important local banana cultivar in the economy and cultural life in Indonesia, especially at Java. There are many Pisang Raja cultivars found on Java Island with various local names in each region, resulted in problems on taxonomic identification and grouping. Conventional research for grouping banana cultivars is still using morphological characters but considered inaccurate because of its subjectivity. This study aims to analyze the genetic diversity, grouping, and genome estimation of 13 local cultivars of Pisang Raja based on molecular approach using RAPD markers (OPA primers 1-20). Clustering and Principal Coordinates Analysis were performed to the amplified products using Paleontological Statistics (PAST) application version 3.15. Results showed that there were 12 primers which successfully amplified and produced DNA polymorphic bands in Pisang Raja, specifically OPA 1, OPA 2, OPA 3, OPA 4, OPA 5, OPA 8, OPA 16, OPA 17, OPA 18, OPA 19, and OPA 20. Pisang Raja cultivars considered have high genetic diversity, indicated by high polymorphic bands (95.17%) and low similarity coefficient values (0.2-0.6). Clustering and PCo analysis resulted in 3 clusters following its genomic group consist of AAA, AAB and ABB genomes, with Pisang Raja Bali as an outgroup (ABB). However, the separation of each cluster for genome inference was unclear. Cluster 1 consists of Pisang Raja Madu (AAB) and Raja Sereh (AAB). Cluster 2 consists of AAA and AAB genomes; includes Pisang Raja Jambe (AAA), Raja Kriyak (AAA), Raja Kutuk (AAB), Raja Brentel (AAB), Raja Seribu (AAB), and Raja Lini (AAB). Cluster 3 consists of AAA and AAB genomes, includes Pisang Raja Kisto (AAA), Raja Delima (AAA), Raja Bandung (AAB) and Raja Gareng (AAB). While Pisang Monyet (AAw) and Klutuk Wulung (BBw) as wild relatives were nested in Cluster 2. There were some different results of genome estimation based on RAPD markers compared to morphological characterization, and other molecular techniques. The use of RAPD markers is quite efficient and effective for studying genetic diversity and identifying genomes in banana

    Optimasi Berbagai Jarak Tanam dan Jumlah Tumbuhan Per Lubang terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.))

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    The high consumption of corn (Zea mays L.) requires optimal productivity improvement efforts, one of which is planting spacing patterns. Therefore, this study aimed to optimize the various spacings and quantity per hole of corn plants to increase corn growth and yield (Zea mays L.). The research method used was Randomized Block Design Factorial, where factor 1 consisted of 3 levels (J1: 20 x 60 cm, J2: 20 x 70 cm, J3: 20 x 80 cm) and factor 2 consisted of 3 levels ( B1: 1 seed, B2: 2 seed, B3: 3 seed). Data analysis used analysis of variance to determine the effect of treatment on the experimental parameters. This research showed that the spacing of plants could affect plant diameter 15 days after planting (DAP), 30 DAP, 45 DAP, and 60 DAP. Meanwhile, the combination of treatments that resulted in the best growth and production was found in the 20 x 60 cm spacing with one seed per hole. It is hoped that these results will become a primary reference for further research. Tingginya permintaan jagung (Zea mays L.) diperlukan upaya peningkatan produktivitas yang optimal salah satunya dengan perlakuan pola jarak tanam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimasi berbagai jarak tanam dan jumlah tumbuhan perlubang sebagai upaya meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi tanaman jagung (zea mays L.). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial, dimana faktor 1 terdiri dari 3 level (J1: 20 x 60 cm, J2: 20 x 70 cm, J3: 20 x 80 cm) dan faktor 2 terdiri dari 3 taraf (B1: 1 biji, B2: 2 biji, B3: 3 biji). Analisis data menggunakan analaisis ragam untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan terhadap parameter yang diamati. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pada perlakuan jarak tanam dapat memengaruhi diameter tanaman pada hari ke 15 HST, 30 HST, 45 HST dan 60 HST. Sedangkan kombinasi perlakuan yang menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan produksi terbaik terdapat pada parameter jarak tanam 20 x 60 cm dengan jumlah benih 1 perlubang. Diharapkan dari hasil ini akan menjadi acuan dasar untuk penelitian lanjut. 


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    Corn cultivation techniques can be performed using a conventional tillage system (CovTS) and conservation tillage system (CosTS), which consists of minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT) systems. These systems have been implemented by almost every corn-producing region in Indonesia. One of these areas is Patianrowo District, Nganjuk Regency of East Java Province, Indonesia. The study was conducted to analyze the comparison from the economic side, such as the use and cost of farming inputs, revenue, income, and farming feasibility of the two cultivation systems. The study applied the methods of interview, documentation, and literature study in collecting the required data. Differences in costs, income, and the R/C ratio of maize farming from the two cultivation systems were tested statistically for independent samples. The analysis results stated that the no-tillage system was economically more profitable than the conventional system. A higher R/C Ratio value indicated that the NT system was more efficient in using costs, coupled with production time, than the CovTS. However, statistically, the two cultivation systems did not differ in production and income but showed a significant difference in labor employment. The condition of an area experiencing labor difficulties and supported by soil types such as grumosol is suitable for implementing a no-tillage system. In this case, the local government, through field extension officers, can guide farmers' decision to apply either cultivation system. Providing information, knowledge, and skills will assist maize farmers and other related parties in making decisions to obtain maximum profit and increase welfare

    Variation and clustering analysis of several species of soursop family (Annonaceae) based on vegetative morphology characters

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    The Annonaceae family exhibited a high level of diversity and is spread over many regions. The designation of the names of several species of the Annonaceae family varies in each region.  Therefore, characterization is needed to confirm and classify the taxonomy position of the species. This study aims to characterize the variation and analyze the clustering pattern of several species of the Annonaceae based on vegetative morphology characters. The type of method used in this research is exploratory descriptive, with seventeen specimen species consisting of ten Annonaceae studied in this research. Characters observed include tree age, stem diameter, plant height, stem color, type of sapling, type of branching, leaf shape, leaf tip shape, leaf base shape, leaf width, leaf length, leaf thickness, petiole length and thickness, leaf hairs , color of young and mature leaves, type of leaf edge, number of leaf veins, color of young branches, leaf hairs on young branches, and number of nodes on the stem per meter. These qualitative and quantitative characters were observed using Descriptors for Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) from Bioversity International and CHERLA. Data analysis was conducted in the Paleontological Statistics program with cluster analysis method (Bray-curtis similarity index) to produce a dendrogram topology. Results showed that there were variations in vegetative morphological characteristics among the ten species examined. Dendrogram topology was divided into 3 groups relatively following the tribe division, with similarity index 0.64 to 0.96. Xylopia sp. was separated from the others in Group 1 (Xylopiae). Group 2 (Uvariae) consisted of Fissistigma sp., Desmos chinensis, Artabotrys suaveolens, Uvaria purpurea, and Desmos sp. Group 3 (Annoneae) consisted of Annona muricata, Annona montana, Stelechocarpus burahol, and Annona glabra. Vegetative morphological characters have proven to be useful and effective in differentiating species in the Annonaceae family; it is recommended for initial identification of species, especially in the Annonoideae subfamily

    Edukasi Pemanfaatan Kotoran Ternak Menjadi Pupuk Bokashi di Kelurahan Pojok Kota Kediri Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    The use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture is still the mainstay of farmers. However, in reality, fertilizer prices are getting higher and unaffordable, causing farmers to find it increasingly difficult. One of the solutions offered by the service team is to use livestock manure in bokashi fertilizer. The service was located in the Pojok Village, Kediri City, East Java Province. The methods include an initial survey, identification of partner problems, socialization and education, training and practice, then monitoring and evaluation. The initial survey results revealed that most residents applied chemical fertilizers in farming and did not know how to use livestock manure as an ingredient for making bokashi fertilizer. Furthermore, the service team conducted socialization and was followed by partners enthusiastically. The partner's response to this training was outstanding and was considered to provide a solution to the farmers. However, further assistance is still needed to apply bokashi fertilizer sustainably. Penggunaan pupuk kimia dalam bidang pertanian saat ini masih menjadi andalan petani, namun dalam kenyataannya harga pupuk yang semakin tinggi dan tidak terjangkau mengakibatkan petani semakin kesulitan. Salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan oleh tim pengabdian adalah memanfaatkan kotoran ternak menjadi pupuk bokashi. Lokasi pengabdian dilakukan di Kelurahan Pojok Kota Kediri Provinsi Jawa Timur. Metode yang dilakukan diawali dengan survei awal, identifikasi permasalahan mitra, sosialisasi dan edukasi, pelatihan dan praktik, kemuadian monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil survei awal diketahui bahwa mayoritas warga masih menggunakan pupuk kimia dalam bertani dan kurangnya pengetahuan petani tentang pemanfaatan kotoran ternak sebagai pupuk bokashi. Selanjutnya, sosialisasi yang dilaksankan oleh tim pengabdi direspon sangat baik oleh mitra, terbukti dengan antusias warga yang hadir untuk mengikuti sosialisasi. Respon mitra terhadap pelatihan ini sangat baik dan dianggap memberikan solusi kepada petani. Namun, masih diperlukan pendampingan lebih lanjut untuk mengaplikasikan pupuk bokashi secara keberlanjutan