2,943 research outputs found
Abstract This study aims to examine the use of the Jakarta Maritime Museum's resources as an attraction for cultural tourism destinations. This study uses a qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis. The stages in this research are observation, description and interpretation through the approach of the concept of cultural tourism and the concept of museology. Through this research, it is hoped that optimal results will be obtained on how to use Jakarta's maritime museum resources as an attraction for cultural tourism destinations. The results of this research are also expected to be able to present the role and function of the Jakarta Maritime Museum through its various presentations that can be useful for the community. Keywords: Cultural Tourism, Jakarta Maritime Museum AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Museum Bahari Jakarta Sebagai Daya Tarik Destinasi Wisata Budaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, deskripsi dan interpretasi melalui pendekatan konsep pariwisata budaya dan konsep museologi. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan akan memperoleh hasil yang optimal bagaimana pemanfaatan sumber daya museum bahari Jakarta sebagai daya tarik destinasi wisata budaya. Hasil penelitian ini juga diharapkan akan dapat menyajikan peran dan fungsi Museum Bahari Jakarta melalui berbagai penyajiannya dapat bermanfaat untuk masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Pariwisata Budaya, Museum Bahari Jakart
Analisa Pengaruh Bentuk Saluran Pendingin Terhadap Cacat Warpage dari Produk Injeksi Plastik Berbahan Polypropylene
Injection molding is a plastic forming process by way of melting the plastic material is injected into a mold (mold). Defects that often occur in injection molding products include a short shot (defective products less full), Sink mark (point defects such as concave on the product) flash (excess material defect at the edge of the product) and warpage (arch defects in the product). The causes of warpage is affected by the injection pressure, mold temperature, melting and holding time in the injection process (Huang and Tai, 2001). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the defective form of cooling channels warpage of the results of injection molding products and to determine the exact shape of the cooling channels to obtain the optimal product of injection molding.
The initial step of making the mold (mold) with a CNC milling machine and manufacturing of coolers with soft tooling system type of conformal cooling channels and cooling type straight line. Sooftoling system is made by mixing powdered aluminum and epoxy glue in the ratio 2: 1 channel conformal printed therein. The data collection method extents used image processing with image capture using the camera 14 pixel and processed using software solidwork so it can be analyzed statistically and for measuring cup (point arch top) used a dial indicator, after we got the result, niali warpage can be determined by (cup : diameter = warpage) can then be drawn to a conclusion.
From the results of the study concluded that in this study the general area of greatest warpage occurs in the form of a straight cooling channel with an average of 5724,71mm and warpage smallest area to form conformal cooling channel with an average of 4427,49mm. As for the value that most large warpage occurs in the form of the conformal cooling channels, namely with an average of 0.0452 and the smallest value of warpage occurs in the form of straight cooling channel that is with an average of 0.0375.
Keywords: injection molding, solidwork, dial indicator, coolant channels form, warpag
Abstract The art of wayang kulit is an example of a form of folklore. Puppets are images made of leather, wood, and other materials as a means of attraction. It is estimated that there are hundreds of puppets in Indonesia, but at this time more than half of them are no longer played and some are even extinct. The focus of this article is to understand wayang kulit as a part of oral folklore and art in Indonesia, to its development and potential as a tourist attraction. The research method is carried out through literature studies of journals and other sources. At first wayang functioned as a means of ritual (religion) and had a close relationship with traditional values, but nowadays wayang has changed its function into purely entertainment or spectacle attractions and tourist attractions for the community. This change in the function of wayang is an opportunity for the tourism sector to develop its diversity of attractions. Keywords: cultural tourism, folklore, wayang AbstrakSeni wayang kulit merupakan salah satu contoh dari bentuk folklor. Wayang merupakan gambar yang terbuat dari kulit, kayu, dan bahan lainnya sebagai sarana atraksi. Diperkirakan wayang yang terdapat di Indonesia jumlahnya mencapai ratusan, namun pada saat ini lebih dari setengahnya sudah tidak dimainkan lagi bahkan ada yang sudah punah. Fokus dari artikel ini adalah memahami wayang kulit sebagai salah satu folklor sebagian lisan dan kesenian di Indonesia, hingga perkembangan dan potensinya sebagai salah satu daya tarik atraksi pariwisata. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan melalui studi pustaka jurnal-jurnal dan sumber lainnya. Pada awalnya wayang berfungsi sebagai sarana ritual (religi) dan memiliki hubungan erat dengan nilai-nilai tradisi, namun saat kini wayang telah berubah fungsi menjadi murni atraksi hiburan atau tontonan dan atraksi wisata bagi masyarakat. Perubahan fungsi dari wayang inilah yang menjadi peluang bagi sektor pariwisata mengembangkan keberagaman atraksinya. Kata kunci: folklor, pariwisata budaya, wayan
Membangun Infrastruktur Sosial dalam Pengembangan E-learning
Membangun infrastruktur sosial adalah membangun hubungan antara manusia dan struktur, yaitu memandang sistem sosial secara utuh dalam pengembangan e-learning. Pengembangan ini dapat dilakukan menggunakan teori institusional yang memberi fokus pada pencapaian legitimasi di mata pemangku kepentingan sosial dan menekankan pentingnya lingkungan kelembagaan sebagai sikap dan perilaku dari para pelaku sosial
Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar IPA Materi Perubahan Bentuk Benda Melalui Penggunaan Alat Peraga Pada Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri 1 Sukowetan Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015
During this time, there are still many teachers who likens the learning process with students as blank paper and still found a teacher who suppress learning through rote formulas and specific strategies to solve specific problems so that the knowledge gained survive only in short-term memory of the child. Learning through the use of props at SDN 1 Sukowetan encourage students to make observations on an object independently, to train students to learn to find new ideas and their relationships with the concepts that have been known, and can increase the concentration of learning and student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the observation of students in learning activities changes in the shapes of objects through the use of props that have increased as well as the completeness achieved from 60% in the first cycle increased to 90% in the second cycle
Sistem pertahanan semesta adalah strategi menghadapi ancaman militer dan nonmiliter dalam rangka meningkatkan keamanan nasional Indonesia yang mandiri, dinamis, bersatu dan berwibawa. Rakyat sebagai komponen cadangan dan komponen pendukung dapat berperan aktif dalam bela negara sebagaimana diatur dalam UU PSDN, sehingga semua warga negara dapat menjadi komponen cadangan dan dipersiapkan secara dini oleh pemerintah. Pembentukan komponen cadangan yang dilakukan tidak wajib militer, tetapi ada masyarakat sukarela yang ingin menjadi komponen cadangan dapat mendaftar sebagai anggota komponen cadangan dan jika memenuhi persyaratan, mereka akan berpartisipasi dalam militer. pelatihan sampai mereka ditetapkan sebagai anggota komponen cadanga
Integrasi Artificial Intelligence dalam pembelajaran bahasa di SMP
Integrasi AI dalam pembelajaran bahasa menawarkan potensi besar untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan keterlibatan siswa, mempercepat pemahaman materi, serta memberikan pengalaman belajar yang lebih personal dan interaktif. Namun, meskipun penggunaan AI semakin meluas, pemahaman mendalam mengenai dampaknya terhadap proses pembelajaran bahasa di tingkat SMP masih terbatas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana AI mempengaruhi pembelajaran bahasa siswa SMP, serta tantangan dan peluang yang dihadapi dalam penerapannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pengalaman siswa dalam menggunakan AI dalam pembelajaran bahasa, khususnya dalam hal motivasi, keterlibatan, dan pemahaman materi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman siswa dalam penggunaan AI dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan 10 siswa SMP, serta observasi partisipatif di kelas yang menggunakan AI sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis tematik untuk mengidentifikasi tema-tema utama yang muncul dari pengalaman partisipan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa integrasi AI dalam pembelajaran bahasa secara signifikan meningkatkan motivasi dan keterlibatan siswa. Fitur-fitur AI seperti umpan balik langsung, latihan interaktif, dan elemen gamifikasi membuat proses belajar menjadi lebih menarik dan menyenangkan bagi siswa. Siswa merasa lebih termotivasi karena mereka dapat belajar secara mandiri dan mendapatkan umpan balik secara instan.
The integration of AI in language learning offers great potential to increase student motivation and engagement, accelerate comprehension of material, and provide a more personalized and interactive learning experience. However, despite the widespread use of AI, there is limited in-depth understanding of its impact on the language learning process at the junior high school level. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore how AI affects junior high school students' language learning, as well as the challenges and opportunities faced in its application. This study aims to understand students' experiences in using AI in language learning, particularly in terms of motivation, engagement, and comprehension of materials. This study used a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods to explore students' experiences in using AI in language learning. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 10 junior high school students, as well as participatory observation in a classroom that uses AI as a learning tool. The data obtained were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques to identify the main themes that emerged from the participants' experiences. The results showed that the integration of AI in language learning significantly increased student motivation and engagement. AI features such as immediate feedback, interactive exercises, and gamification elements make the learning process more interesting and fun for students. Students feel more motivated as they can learn independently and get instant feedback
Written language is supposed to make it possible for the
reader to know what the writer wants to communicate to him. That
is to say, its function is to inform him of what the writer intends to
communicate to him. When reading the script of Anu, a certain
play written by Putu Wijaya, however, the reader would normally
find it somehow impossible to get a complete message, however
capable he might be. Bits of information concerning the content,
through no linguistic fault of the writer's, would somehow keep
escaping the reader. This reveals that various elements in the
writing enable it at same time to inform and not to infor
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