12 research outputs found
Latar belakang dalam penelitian yaitu rendahnya kemampuan membaca siswa ketika Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebar keseluruh negara dan mempengaruhi segala sektor termasuk di tingkat pendidikan dasar pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang tergolong pembelajaran wajib dipelajari sejak dini, maka perlu dilakukan upaya membantu siswa dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menciptakan suatu media interaktif yang di beri nama Roda Literasi (Rossi) sehingga mampu meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Fokus penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis tingkat kevalidan serta kepraktisan media pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan. Subjek dalam penelitian yaitu siswa kelas III SD Negeri 4 Gubug dan Metode yang digunakan yaitu Research and Development dengan menggunakan Teori ADDIE. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu Studi Pendahuluan dengan teknik wawancara, Validasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, Angket respon Guru dan Siswa terhadap produk media pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan 97% media Roda Literasi telah sesuai dengan materi dan mendapatkan 96% media Roda Literasi valid untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Produk yang dihasilkan memperoleh respon positif dari siswa dengan skor 86.90% dari keseluruhan siswa merasa senang terhadap media Roda Literasi. Merujuk hasil penelitian tersebut, penulis dapat memberi saran agar muatan materi pada media Roda Literasi dapat lebih bervariasi mencangkup mata pelajaran yang lain
Efektifitas Penggunaan Association Rules Mining dalam Personalisasi Website
As the usage of the internet grows, more and more information is obtained, thus presenting challenges, especially for users and website owners. Website users often have difficulty finding products or services that are relevant to their needs caused by abundant amounts of products and services delivered on a website. Website owners often find it difficult to convey information about the right products and services to certain target users. Based on the problem given above, we can conclude that a recommendation system approach that can improve personalization on their website is needed. The recommendation system approach must be able to provide navigation on the website to make it more adaptive towards the interests and information needed by the user. This study uses Association Rules formed from Microsoft web access log data by finding visitor patterns based on frequently visited web site pages. From the results of the research conducted, the performance of the method used has a precision value of 0.896, 0.058 recall, and F-measure 0.104. Whereas the measurement of the accuracy value resulted in a performance recommendation of exactly 3%, an acceptable rate of 87%, and 10% incorrect. This research shows that the Association Rules method can increase the effectiveness of website personalization to provide relevant information recommendations for visitors. For further research, it can concentrate on improving existing methods thus website personalization becomes more adaptive
Fermentation Characteristics and Nitrogen Retention of Madura Cattle Fed Complete Rations Containing Soybean Pod and By-Products
This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of complete rations containing soybean pod and soybean by-products (soybean meal and tofu waste) on rumen microbial population, fermentation characteristics, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen retention of Madura cattle. Twelve Madura cattle of 1.5 years of age were given 4 feeding treatments in triplicates in randomized block design experiment. The treatments included T0 (100% native grass) as a negative control, T1 (concentrate: grass (60:40) as a positive control, T2 (complete ration containing 15% soybean pods), and T3 (complete ration containing 30% soybean pods). The treatments were based on feeding practices commonly applied by farmers in the village. The results showed that the use of concentrate rations or complete rations containing soybean pod and by-product did not affect protozoa population, ammonia concentration, and total VFA production compared to cattle fed 100% native grass. In contrast, the use of concentrate rations or complete rations containing soybean pod and by-products reduced acetate and increased butyrate proportion compared to native grass. The use of a concentrate ration resulted the highest propionate proportion. Methane estimation increased with the use of concentrate ration or complete ration containing 15% soybean pod, but it decreased when the level of soybean pod was increased to 30%. It can be concluded that soybean pod has a potential to be used as a fiber source in beef cattle ration to substitute native grass
Harmonizing Faith and Inclusion: Integrating Religious Values in Inclusive Education
Inclusive education, an educational concept that promotes equality and participation of all individuals, is receiving increasing attention in a diverse global era. This article explores inclusive education from the perspective of religious literature, analyzing how the values and teachings of various religions can shape education that is inclusive, accepting, and respecting differences. Through library research methods, this article collects views from Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish and traditional religious literature. The results of the study show that the concept of inclusive education can be found in universal values such as compassion, justice and brotherhood found in religious literature. These teachings offer a strong foundation for developing a learning environment that embraces diversity, builds student character, and promotes interfaith understanding. However, challenges in integrating religious values in educational practices are also found, including diverse interpretations and contextual adaptations. This article suggests steps towards implementing inclusive education based on religious values, including developing learning materials, training educators, collaborating with religious communities, and developing interfaith dialogue. Although complex, the application of this concept has the potential to shape a more inclusive and sustainable educational environment, building a society that values diversity and equality
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena guru belum mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran kurikulum merdeka belajar muatan pembelajaran IPAS secara lengkap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan, menganalisis karakteristik, kevalidan, dan kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar BAB 3 Muatan Pembelajaran IPAS Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Bucu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata hasil angket validasi media sebesar 89%, angket validasi materi sebesar 98% angket respon peserta didik sebesar 98%, dan angket respon guru sebesar 100% yang berarti baik sekali. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran kurikulum merdeka belajar BAB 3 muatan pembelajaran IPAS praktis dan efektif untuk siswa kelas IV SD
The effectiveness of auditory intellectually repetition learning aided by questions box towards students’ mathematical reasoning ability grade XI SMA 2 Pati
The objective of this study is to determine does the AIR learning is effective towards students’ mathematical reasoning ability grade XI SMA 2 Pati on the sequence and the series material. The population in this study is all students grade XI SMA 2 Pati Academic Year 2016/2017. The method used in this study is quantitative method. While the data collection includes test methods, questionnaires, and observations. The results showed that: (1) the mathematical reasoning ability of students grade XI SMA 2 Pati who learn with AIR learning model is reaching the mastery learning; (2) the mathematical reasoning ability of students grade XI SMA 2 Pati who learn with AIR learning model aided by Questions Box is reaching the mastery learning; (3) the mathematical reasoning ability of students grade XI SMA 2 Pati who learn with AIR model aided by Questions Box is better than the mathematical reasoning ability of students who learn with AIR learning model and expository learning model; (4) the mathematical reasoning ability of students grade XI SMA 2 Pati who learn with AIR model aided by Questions Box is better than the mathematical reasoning ability of students who learn with AIR learning model and expository learning model for each group, either low, medium or high. Based on the four results of the above research, it can be concluded that the AIR learning aided by Questions Box is effective towards students’ mathematical reasoning ability grade XI SMA 2 Pati on the sequence and series material
This research aims to observe the background of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan set the heavy and large equipment as objects of motorized vehicle tax (PKB) and cost for conversion the motorized vehicle ownership (BBNKB), as well as the suitability of implementation for collection of PKB and BBNKB of the heavy and large equipment to the optimization policy of regional tax in the province of East Kalimantan. This research is empirical research, that prioritizes the field research to obtain the primary data. In this case, the literature research is also carried out to support and complement the primary data. Furthermore, various of data reports obtained was processed in the form of the analytical descriptive reports. Based on the results and discussion of the research, can be concluded as follows:
1. The Provincial District Regulation of East Kalimantan sets heavy and large equipments as PKB and BBNKB objects which intended politically to increase the local revenue sources through local taxation instruments as consequence of implementation the regional autonomy, which is based on the jurisdiction principle in accordance to Article 158 paragraph (1) of Law Number 32, 2004 on the Regional Government Jo Article 95 paragraph (1) of Law Number 28, 2009 on the Regional Taxes and Retribution.
2. Implementation of the PKB and BBNKB collection on the heavy and large equipment in the Province of East Kalimantan that established since 2002, apparently could be realized starting in 2009 due to the refusal from a number of associations and businessman in the mining sector. In this case, realization of the PKB and BBNKB collection of heavy and large equipmentas from year 2009 up to date has been in accordance with the optimization policy of regional tax of the Province of East Kalimantan, which the results exceeded the targets set by the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan
Komparasi Analisa Kinerja Mesh Interface Dan Bridge Interface Pada Wireless WDS Mesh Network
Wireless mesh networking provides a solution to the problem of network distribution that has been constrained by cable networks and wireless networks that are not directly related to other wireless networks. Some of the advantages of wireless mesh technology include extended coverages, robustness, self-configuration, easy maintenance, and low cost. Based on the problems described in the previous paragraph, this research will analyze the performance of two wireless mesh distribution methods using several topology scenarios which will later be considered to affect the quality of network distribution WDS Mesh distribution methods that will be compared in this study are WDS Mesh with Mesh Interface, and WDS Mesh with Bridge Interface. Evaluation of the two methods will be conducted periodically to get the results of the analysis which will be used to do re-configuring to maximize the features and advantages of mesh technology in maintaining reliable network quality