1,978 research outputs found
Early physics with ALICE
The ALICE experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider started its p-p data taking at the end of 2009. The availability of the first low luminosity collisions at âs = 900 GeV and âs = 2.36TeV allowed to improve and extend the
calibration and alignment procedures, started with cosmic rays in 2008. Together with the final commissioning of the detector with real data, the collected data sample of p-p collisions is presently being used to carry out the early physics studies, aimed at assessing the global characteristics of the interaction. In particular, results on the pseudorapidity density of primary charged particle in the central region are discussed here. They were obtained using the two innermost Silicon Pixel layers of
the Inner Tracking System, which provided both the primary vertex position and the charged multiplicity, by matching the reconstructed points on the two layers
Heavy flavours in heavy-ion collisions: quenching, flow and correlations
We present results for the quenching, elliptic flow and azimuthal
correlations of heavy flavour particles in high-energy nucleus-nucleus
collisions obtained through the POWLANG transport setup, developed in the past
to study the propagation of heavy quarks in the Quark-Gluon Plasma and here
extended to include a modeling of their hadronization in the presence of a
medium. Hadronization is described as occurring via the fragmentation of
strings with endpoints given by the heavy (anti-)quark Q(Qbar) and a thermal
parton qbar(q) from the medium. The flow of the light quarks is shown to affect
significantly the R_AA and v_2 of the final D mesons, leading to a better
agreement with the experimental data. The approach allows also predictions for
the angular correlation between heavy-flavour hadrons (or their decay
electrons) and the charged particles produced in the fragmentation of the
heavy-quark strings
Vertex reconstruction for proton-proton collisions in ALICE
Reconstructing the interaction vertex is a challenging task in the low multiplicity environment of pp collisions at the LHC. The two innermost layers of the Inner Tracking System (ITS), made of pixels, allow to obtain a first estimate of the vertex position, which can be provided also in a quasi-online mode, since only the local reconstruction is used. The optimal vertex measurement is obtained after the full event processing, using the tracks reconstructed in the ALICE barrel detectors. We present the methods for primary vertex reconstruction in pp collisions using pixels and tracks reconstructed in the ITS+TPC or in the TPC only. We also show the performance of the vertex finder in reconstructing displaced vertices originated by short-lived particles like charmed mesons
Heavy flavours in AA collisions: production, transport and final spectra
A multi-step setup for heavy-flavour studies in high-energy nucleus-nucleus
(AA) collisions --- addressing within a comprehensive framework the initial
Q-Qbar production, the propagation in the hot medium until decoupling and the
final hadronization and decays --- is presented. The initial hard production of
Q-Qbar pairs is simulated using the POWHEG pQCD event generator, interfaced
with the PYTHIA parton shower. Outcomes of the calculations are compared to
experimental data in pp collisions and are used as a validated benchmark for
the study of medium effects. In the AA case, the propagation of the heavy
quarks in the medium is described in a framework provided by the relativistic
Langevin equation. For the latter, different choices of transport coefficients
are explored (either provided by a perturbative calculation or extracted from
lattice-QCD simulations) and the corresponding numerical results are compared
to experimental data from RHIC and the LHC. In particular, outcomes for the
nuclear modification factor R_AA and for the elliptic flow v_2 of D/B mesons,
heavy-flavour electrons and non-prompt J/\psi's are displayed.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figure
Langevin dynamics of heavy flavors in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
We study the stochastic dynamics of c and b quarks, produced in hard initial
processes, in the hot medium created after the collision of two relativistic
heavy ions. This is done through the numerical solution of the relativistic
Langevin equation. The latter requires the knowledge of the friction and
diffusion coefficients, whose microscopic evaluation is performed treating
separately the contribution of soft and hard collisions. The evolution of the
background medium is described by ideal/viscous hydrodynamics. Below the
critical temperature the heavy quarks are converted into hadrons, whose
semileptonic decays provide single-electron spectra to be compared with the
current experimental data measured at RHIC. We focus on the nuclear
modification factor R_AA and on the elliptic-flow coefficient v_2, getting, for
sufficiently large p_T, a reasonable agreement.Comment: Talk given at the workshop "Jets in Proton-Proton and Heavy-Ion
Collisions", Prague, 12th-14th August 201
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