534 research outputs found

    Cohort Differences in Cognitive Aging in the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to examine cohort differences in cognitive performance and rates of change in episodic memory, processing speed, inductive reasoning, and general cognitive performance and to investigate whether these cohort effects may be accounted for by education attainment. METHOD: The first cohort (N = 705) was born between 1920 and 1930, whereas the second cohort (N = 646) was born between 1931 and 1941. Both birth cohorts were aged 65 to 75 years at baseline and were followed up 3 and 6 years later. Data were analyzed using linear mixed models. RESULTS: The later born cohort had better general cognitive performance, inductive reasoning, and processing speed at baseline, but cohort differences in inductive reasoning and general cognitive performance disappeared after adjusting for education. The later born cohort showed steeper decline in processing speed. Memory decline was steeper in the earlier born cohort but only from Time 1 to Time 3 when the same memory test was administered. Education did not account for cohort differences in cognitive decline. DISCUSSION: The later born cohort showed better initial performance in certain cognitive abilities, but no better preservation of cognitive abilities overtime compared with the earlier born cohort. These findings carry implications for healthy cognitive aging

    Multistate survival modelling of multimorbidity and transitions across health needs states and death in an ageing population

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    ckground Unmet health needs have the potential to capture health inequality. Nevertheless, the course of healthcare needs fulfilment, and the role of multimorbidity in this process remains unclear. This study assessed the bidirectional transitions between met and unmet health needs and the transition to death and examined the effect of multimorbidity on transitions. Methods This study was based on the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, a nationally representative survey in 2011-2015 among 18 075 participants aged 45 and above (average age 61.1; SD 9.9). We applied a multistate survival model to estimate the probabilities and the instantaneous risk of state transitions, and Gompertz hazard models were fitted to estimate the total, marginal and state-specific life expectancies (LEs). Results Living with physical multimorbidity (HR=1.85, 95% CI 1.58 to 2.15) or physical-mental multimorbidity (HR=1.45, 95% CI 1.15 to 1.82) was associated with an increased risk of transitioning into unmet healthcare needs compared with no multimorbidity. Conversely, multimorbidity groups had a decreased risk of transitioning out of unmet needs. Multimorbidity was also associated with shortened total life expectancy (TLEs), and the proportion of marginal LE for having unmet needs was more than two times higher than no multimorbidity. Conclusion Multimorbidity aggravates the risk of transitioning into having unmet healthcare needs in the middle and later life, leading to a notable reduction in TLEs, with longer times spent with unmet needs. Policy inputs on developing integrated person-centred services and specifically scaling up to target the complex health needs of ageing populations need to be in place

    The efficacy of psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and their combination on functioning and quality of life in depression:a meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: There is growing recognition of the importance of both functioning and quality of life (QoL) outcomes in the treatment of depressive disorders, but the meta-analytic evidence is scarce. The objective of this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was to determine the absolute and relative effects of psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and their combination on functioning and QoL in patients with depression. METHOD: One hundred and fifty-three outcome trials involving 29 879 participants with depressive disorders were identified through database searches in Pubmed, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. RESULTS: Compared to control conditions, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy yielded small to moderate effect sizes for functioning and QoL, ranging from g = 0.31 to g = 0.43. When compared directly, initial analysis yielded no evidence that one of them was superior. After adjusting for publication bias, psychotherapy was more efficacious than pharmacotherapy (g = 0.21) for QoL. The combination of psychotherapy and medication performed significantly better for both outcomes compared to each treatment alone yielding small effect sizes (g = 0.32 to g = 0.39). Both interventions improved depression symptom severity more than functioning and QoL. CONCLUSION: Despite the small number of comparative trials for some of the analyses, this study reveals that combined treatment is superior, but psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy alone are also efficacious for improving functioning and QoL. The overall relatively modest effects suggest that future tailoring of therapies could be warranted to better meet the needs of individuals with functioning and QoL problems

    Pengaruh Jumlah Blade Dan Variasi Panjang Chord Terhadap Performansi Turbin Angin Sumbu Horizontal (Tash)

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    The willingness of electrical energy is one energy system has a very important role in the economic development of a country's survival. As one energy source (wind) can be converted into electrical energy with the use of a horizontal axis wind turbine. Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) that we know are two wind turbines in general, ie the horizontal axis wind turbine and vertical axis wind turbine is one type of renewable energy use wind as an energy generator. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the number of blade and the radius chord of rotation (n), Torque (T), Turbine Power (P), Power Coefficient (CP) and Tip Speed Ratio (λ) generated by the horizontal axis wind turbine with form linear taper. The results show that by at the maximum radius of the chord R3 the number blade 4 is at rotation = 302.700 rpm, Pturbine = 7.765 watt, Torque = 0.245 Nm, λ = 3.168 and Cp = 0.403 or 40.3%

    Physical activity and healthy ageing: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies.

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    BACKGROUND: Older people constitute a significant proportion of the total population and their number is projected to increase by more than half by 2030. This increasing probability of late survival comes with considerable individual, economic and social impact. Physical activity (PA) can influence the ageing process but the specific relationship with healthy ageing (HA) is unclear. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies examining the associations of PA with HA. Studies were identified from a systematic search across major electronic databases from inception as January 2017. Random-effect meta-analysis was performed to calculate a pooled effect size (ES) and 95% CIs. Studies were assessed for methodological quality. RESULTS: Overall, 23 studies were identified including 174,114 participants (30% men) with age ranges from 20 to 87 years old. There was considerable heterogeneity in the definition and measurement of HA and PA. Most of the identified studies reported a significant positive association of PA with HA, six reported a non-significant. Meta-analysis revealed that PA is positively associated with HA (ES: 1.39, 95% CI=1.23-1.57, n=17) even if adjusted for publication bias (ES: 1.27, 95% CI=1.11-1.45, n=20). CONCLUSIONS: There is consistent evidence from longitudinal observational studies that PA is positively associated with HA, regardless of definition and measurement. Future research should focus on the implementation of a single metric of HA, on the use of objective measures for PA assessment and on a full-range of confounding adjustment. In addition, our research indicated the limited research on ageing in low-and-middle income countries

    Ethnicity and survival after a dementia diagnosis: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health record data

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    BackgroundIndividuals from minority ethnic groups in the UK are thought to be at higher risk of developing dementia while facing additional barriers to receiving timely care. However, few studies in the UK have examined if there are ethnic disparities in survival once individuals receive a dementia diagnosis.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective cohort study using electronic health record data of individuals diagnosed with dementia from a large secondary mental healthcare provider in London. Patients from Black African, Black Caribbean, South Asian, White British, and White Irish ethnic backgrounds were followed up for a 10-year period between 01 January 2008 and 31 December 2017. Data were linked to death certificate data from the Office of National Statistics to determine survival from dementia diagnosis. Standardised mortality ratios were calculated to estimate excess deaths in each ethnicity group as compared to the gender- and age-standardised population of England and Wales. We used Cox regression models to compare survival after dementia diagnosis across each ethnicity group.ResultsMortality was elevated at least twofold across all ethnicity groups with dementia compared to the general population in England and Wales. Risk of death was lower in Black Caribbean, Black African, White Irish, and South Asian groups as compared to the White British population, even after adjusting for age, gender, neighbourhood-level deprivation, indicators of mental and physical comorbidities. Risk of death remained lower after additionally accounting for those who emigrated out of the cohort.ConclusionsWhile mortality in dementia is elevated across all ethnic groups as compared to the general population, reasons for longer survival in minority ethnic groups in the UK as compared to the White British group are unclear and merit further exploration. Implications of longer survival, including carer burden and costs, should be considered in policy and planning to ensure adequate support for families and carers of individuals with dementia.Introductio

    A Polysocial Approach in Exploring Racial and Ethnic Differences in Dementia and Cognitive Decline Among U.S. Older Adults: Health and Retirement Study

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America.Background and Objectives: The racial or ethnic disparity in the burden of dementia exists among older adults in the United States, whereas gaps remain in understanding the synergic effect of multiple social determinants of health on diminishing this disparity. We aim to build a polysocial score for dementia and investigate the racial or ethnic difference in dementia risk among older persons with different polysocial score categories. Research Design and Methods: In this prospective cohort study, we utilized longitudinal data from the Health and Retirement Study in the United States recruiting 6 945 participants aged ≥65 years who had data on 24 social determinants of health in 2006/2008. The dementia status of participants was measured by a modified version of the Telephone Interview of Cognitive Status. The stepwise Cox regression was applied to select social determinants of health associated with incident dementia to construct a polysocial score. The multivariable Poisson model and linear mixed model were utilized to investigate the associations between polysocial score and incident dementia and cognitive decline, respectively. Results: Eight social determinants of health were used to build the polysocial score. Non-Hispanic Black older participants had a higher incidence rate (incidence rate difference [IRD] = 22.7; 95% confident interval [95% CI] = 12.7–32.8) than non-Hispanic White older adults in the low polysocial score, while this difference was substantially attenuated in the high polysocial score category (IRD = 0.5; 95% CI = −6.4 to −7.5). The cognitive decline of non-Hispanic older Black adults with high polysocial score was 84.6% slower (averaged cognitive decline: non-Hispanic White: −2.4 [95% CI = −2.5 to −2.3] vs non-Hispanic Black: −1.3 [95% CI = −1.9 to −0.8]) than that of non-Hispanic older White persons. Discussion and Implications: These findings may help comprehensively understand and address racial and ethnic disparities in dementia risk and may be integrated into existing dementia prevention programs to provide targeted interventions for community-dwelling older adults with differentiated social disadvantages

    Sex differences in mortality: results from a population-based study of 12 longitudinal cohorts.

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    BACKGROUND: Women generally have longer life expectancy than men but have higher levels of disability and morbidity. Few studies have identified factors that explain higher mortality in men. The aim of this study was to identify potential factors contributing to sex differences in mortality at older age and to investigate variation across countries. METHODS: This study included participants age ≥ 50 yr from 28 countries in 12 cohort studies of the Ageing Trajectories of Health: Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies (ATHLOS) consortium. Using a 2-step individual participant data meta-analysis framework, we applied Cox proportional hazards modelling to investigate the association between sex and mortality across different countries. We included socioeconomic (education, wealth), lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption), social (marital status, living alone) and health factors (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mental disorders) as covariates or interaction terms with sex to test whether these factors contributed to the mortality gap between men and women. RESULTS: The study included 179 044 individuals. Men had 60% higher mortality risk than women after adjustment for age (pooled hazard ratio [HR] 1.6; 95% confidence interval 1.5-1.7), yet the effect sizes varied across countries (I2 = 71.5%, HR range 1.1-2.4). Only smoking and cardiovascular diseases substantially attenuated the effect size (by about 22%). INTERPRETATION: Lifestyle and health factors may partially account for excess mortality in men compared with women, but residual variation remains unaccounted for. Variation in the effect sizes across countries may indicate contextual factors contributing to gender inequality in specific settings

    Climate change and healthy ageing: An assessment of the impact of climate hazards on older people

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    Copyright \ua9 2024 by the Journal of Global Health. All rights reserved. Background: Climate change not only directly impacts older people\u27s longevity but also healthy ageing, which is the process of maintaining physical and mental capacities while optimising functional abilities. The urgency to address both population ageing and climate change necessitates a rethink and assessment of the impact of climate change on older people. This includes identifying what can be done to anticipate, mitigate and adapt to climate change and engage older persons. Methods: A review of climate change and healthy ageing forms the basis of evidence in this report. We developed a comprehensive search to assess current literature, combining terms related to ageing and climate change across four major data sets and assessing articles published up to the end of 2021. Results: We summarised the current and future impact of climate change on older people and developed a framework identifying climate change impacts on older persons, recognising social and environmental determinants of healthy ageing. Major hazards and some key exposure pathways include extreme temperatures, wildfire, drought, flooding, storm and sea level rise, air quality, climate-sensitive infectious diseases, food and water insecurities, health and social care system displacement, migration, and relocation. Strategies to address climate change require interventions to improve systems and infrastructure to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. As a heterogeneous group, older people\u27s perceptions of climate change should be integrated into climate activism. Increasing climate change literacy among older people and enabling them to promote intergenerational dialogue will drive the development and implementation of equitable solutions. Pathways may operate via direct or indirect exposures, requiring longitudinal studies that enable assessment of exposures and outcomes at multiple time points, and analyses of cumulative impacts of hazards across the life course. Conclusions: The lack of systematic reviews and primary research on the impact of most climate hazards, except for heat, on older people is apparent. Future research should include outcomes beyond mortality and morbidity and assess how older people interact with their environment by focusing on their capacities and optimising abilities for being and doing what they value
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