8 research outputs found


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    Abstract:  This study aims to identify and analyze the effectiveness of Administrative and Academic Information Dissemination through the Open University Catalog On Non Basic Education Program Student in UPBJJ-UT Mataram. The method used in this research is descriptive correlational survey. The results in this study is that there was a significant relationship between: 1) the characteristics of the respondents, the accessibility of information and intensity of communication with the effectiveness of administrative and academic information dissemination through the catalog of the Open University in UPBJJ-UT Mataram. 2) Each of the three independent variables: characteristics, accessibility of information and communication intensity Non Basic student in UT UPBJJ Mataram. 3) Use of the Open University catalog with the catalog of benefits for Non Basic student in UT UPBJJ Mataram


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    Abstract:  This study aims to analyze the information and communications technology media preferences of Non Basic Education Program Student in UPBJJ-UT Mataram and analyzes the factors that influence the media preference information communication technology of Non Basic Education Program Student in UPBJJ-UT Mataram. The results in this study is 1) generally known that most respondents own dan able to use information technology communication tools to seek administrative and academic information for higher education at the Open University, 2) generally known that the media of information most used by respondents in the search for administrative and academic information for higher education at the Open University is an Internet, phone and catalog UT

    Representasi Perempuan Bercadar di Media Sosial Instagram (Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce Perempuan Bercadar dalam Akun Media Sosial Instagram @unialfi)

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    Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali representasi perempuan bercadar dengan membaca pesan-pesan atau memberikan makna melalui tanda-tanda verbal maupun nonverbal berdasarkan audio-visual yang terkandung di dalam teks akun sosial media Instagram pribadinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptip dengan unit analisis berupa unggahan foto, video, dn narasi caption dari akun @unialfi. Dalam hal analisis penelitian ini menggunakan model semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce. Hasik menunjukkan bahwa representasi perempuan bercadar di media sosial melalui tiga hal, yaitu: pertama: pada tingkat tanda atau ground menunjukkan bahwa instagrama sebagai media sosial mampu menjadi media komunikasi alternatif yang telah dijadikan wahana oleh para perempuan bercadar untuk membagikan segala aktivitas keseharian mereka tanpa Batasan. Kedua, Kedua, pada tingkat obyek, temuan lain menunjukkan bahwa perempuan becadar turut terlibat dalam berbagai kegiatan tanpa membatasi ruang gerak untuk menjadi perempuan produktif. Ketiga, tingkat interpretan memberikan gambaran secara keseluruhan bahwa representasi perempuan bercadar yang memiliki latar belakang identitas dalam mengenakan pakaian sebagai latar belakang agama yang diintegrasikan dengan sifat-sifat fundamental.Abstract: This study aims to explore the representation of veiled women by reading messages or giving meaning through verbal and nonverbal signs based on audio-visual content contained in the text of their personal Instagram social media accounts. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with units of analysis in the form of uploaded photos, videos, and narrative captions from the @unialfi account. In terms of analysis, this study uses Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic model. The results show that the representation of veiled women on social media is through three things, namely: first: at the sign or ground level it shows that Instagram as social media is capable of becoming an alternative communication medium that has been used as a vehicle for veiled women to share all their daily activities without any limitations. Second, Second, at the object level, other findings show that veiled women are also involved in various activities without limiting their space to become productive women. Third, the interpretant level provides an overall picture that the representation of veiled women who have an identity background in wearing clothes as a religious background is integrated with fundamental characteristics

    Pengaruh Endorsement Influencer Terhadap Penjualan Kassa Cake & Desser

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya Pengaruh Endorsement Influencer Terhadap Penjualan Kassa Cake & Dessert. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dimana teknik pengumpulan data berupa riset lapangan dengan dilakukannya pengamatan, wawancara, serta studi kepustakaan. Data yang diaplikasikan dalam penilitian ini merupakan data primer dan data sekunder. Sistem pemasaran pada Kassa Cake & Dessert sebelumnya hanya mengandalkan promosi dengan menggunakan akun media sosial milik sendiri sehingga feedback yang didapat oleh Kassa Cake & Dessert tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap tingkat penjualan. Setelah dilakukannya perbandingan dan riset terhadap penjualan pada saat sebelum dan sesudah melakukan Endorsement Influencer, terdapat adanya peningkatan penjualan dan daya beli konsumen yang cukup signifikan. Abstract:This research aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of Influencer Endorsements on sales of Kassa Cake & Dessert. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative, where the data collection technique is field research using observations, interviews, and literature studies. The data applied in this research is primary and secondary. The marketing system at Kassa Cake & Dessert previously only relied on promotions using its own social media accounts, so the feedback received by Kassa Cake & Dessert did not have much influence on sales levels. After conducting comparisons and research on sales before and after the Influencer Endorsement, there was a significant increase in sales and consumer purchasing power

    Pola Penggunaan Media Sosial Whatsapp Dalam Pemenuhan Informasi Mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka Mataram

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pola penggunaan media sosial WhatsApp dalam pemenuhan informasi mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka Mataram. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei korelasional deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1. Frekuensi dan waktu yang digunakan oleh responden dalam mencari informasi di komunitas WhatsApp tergolong tinggi. Jenis informasi yang paling banyak dicari oleh responden adalah tutorial dan nilai. Faktor kepemilikan TIK dan motif mencari informasi memiliki hubungan yang sangat nyata dengan pola penggunaan komunitas WhatsApp, sedangkan faktor jenis kelamin, umur, pekerjaan dan informasi yang paling banyak dicari tidak memiliki hubungan yang nyata. 2. Tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi mahasiswa melalui komunitas WhatsApp tergolong tinggi. Faktor pola penggunaan komunitas WhatsApp seperti jumlah hari kunjungan, jumlah kunjungan, dan jumlah waktu kuncungan memiliki hubungan yang sangat nyata dengan tingkat pemenuhan informasi mahasiswa.This study aims to identify and analyze  pattern of the use of WhatsApp social media in fulfilling information of students of Mataram Open University. The method used in this research is a descriptive correlational survey. The results in this study: 1. The frequency and time spent by respondents in finding information in the WhatsApp community is high. The types of information most sought by respondents were tutorials and grades. ICT ownership factors and information seeking motives have a very real relationship with WhatsApp community usage patterns, while the sexes, age, occupations and information that are most sought after do not have a real relationship. 2. The level of fulfillment of student information needs through the WhatsApp community is high. Factor patterns of use of the WhatsApp community such as the number of visit days, the number of visits, and the amount of time the kuncungan has a very real relationship with the level of student information fulfillment


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    Abstrak: Desa Serage merupakan desa penghasil kerajinan tenun manual yang mempunyai kualitas yang baik dan motif yang unik. Pengelolaan usaha tenun manual khususnya dalam hal pemasaran dilakukan oleh Kelompok Tenun Manual. Namun pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam hal pemasaran usaha masih terbatas sehingga memerlukan pendampingan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan motif yang dihasilkan lebih bervariasi. Pemberian pelatihan merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan Kelompok Tenun Manual. Kegiatan PkM dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dan pelatihan yang diawali dengan identifikasi permasalahan mitra, kemudian pelatihan Digital Marketing dan pembuatan motif serta evaluasi kegiatan PkM. Diharapkan peran Pemerintah Daerah dan instansi terkait dalam memberikan jaminan kelangsungan usaha, meningkatkan permodalan, dan memfasilitasi pemasaran berbasis web sehingga masyarakat umum sebagai calon konsumen dapat mengakses informasi produk secara lengkap, bahkan dapat melakukan transaksi secara online. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan PkM ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan wawasan, pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra mengenai konsep digital marketing; mitra memiliki keterampilan dalam menggunakan beberapa teknologi informasi yang mendukung kegiatan produksi dan pemasaran kain tenun, mitra mampu membuat kain tenun dengan motif yang lebih variatif, dan mitra dapat memperluas jaringannya dan memperoleh mitra baru untuk meningkatkan penjualan.Abstract:  Serage Village is a village producing manual weaving crafts that have good quality and unique motifs. The management of the manual weaving business, especially in terms of marketing, is carried out by the Manual Weaving Group. However, knowledge and skills in terms of business marketing are still limited, so they require assistance and training so that sales increase and the resulting motives vary. Providing training is a form of Community Service (PkM) activity with the aim of increasing the knowledge and skills of the Manual Weaving Group. PkM activities are carried out through outreach and training, which begins with identifying partner problems, then Digital Marketing training and creating motifs, as well as evaluating PkM activities. It is hoped that the role of the Regional Government and related agencies in providing guarantees for business continuity, increasing capital, and facilitating web-based marketing so that the general public as potential consumers can access complete product information, and can even make transactions online. The results obtained after implementing this PkM activity show that there is an increase in partners' insight, knowledge, and skills regarding digital marketing concepts; partners have skills in using several information technologies to support woven cloth production and marketing activities; partners are able to make woven cloth with more varied motifs; and partners are able to expand their network and acquire new partners to increase sales


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    Abstrak: Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat “Pelatihan pembuatan bros dan viral marketing” adalah untuk transfer keterampilan pembuatan bros dan viral marketing kepada masyarakat dusun Mertak Wareng, desa Beber, kecamatan Batukliang, kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan melalui intervensi dan pelatihan. Kelompok sasaran kegiatan pengabdian kepada  masyarakat ini adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga dusun Mertak Wareng, desa Beber, kecamatan Batukliang, kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Manfaat kegiatan ini adalah 1) memberikan keterampilan pembuatan bros mutiara, 2) memberikan keterampilan cara pengambilan foto produk, dan 3) meningkatkan pengetahuan viral marketing. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa peserta pelatihan sudah mampu membuat beberapa bros mutiara, mengambil foto produk dengan peralatan sederhana, dan melakukan kegiatan viral marketing. Namun, untuk pembuatan bros dan viral marketing perlu diadakan pelatihan lebih lanjut untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membuat bros dengan berbagai varian dan meningkatkan pemasaran. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat “Pelatihan pembuatan bros dan viral marketing” di dusun Mertak Wareng, desa Beber, kecamatan Batukliang, kabupaten Lombok Tengah berjalan dengan baik dan mendapatkan respon positif dari peserta dan Kadis Dikbud Kabupaten Lombok Tengah.Abstract: The purpose of the community service activity "Brooch making training and viral marketing" is to transfer brooch making and viral marketing skills to the people of Mertak Wareng hamlet, Beber village, Batukliang sub-district, Central Lombok district. The method of implementing activities is carried out through intervention and training. The target group for this community service activity is housewives in Mertak Wareng hamlet, Beber village, Batukliang sub-district, Central Lombok district. The benefits of this activity are 1) providing pearl brooch making skills, 2) providing skills on how to take product photos, and 3) increasing viral marketing knowledge. The evaluation results showed that the training participants were able to make several pearl brooches, take product photos with simple equipment, and carry out viral marketing activities. However, for brooch making and viral marketing, further training is needed to improve skills in making brooches with various variants and improve marketing. Overall, the community service activity "Brooch making training and viral marketing" in Mertak Wareng hamlet, Beber village, Batukliang sub-district, Central Lombok district went well and received positive responses from participants and the Head of the Education and Culture Office of Central Lombok Regency

    Roland Barthes Semiotic Analysis Of Rimpu Bima Costume

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    Indonesia has a lot of culture. Each culture of various signs have their own meaning. A culture still preserved by Bima society is Rimpu. Rimpu is a costumes that was worn by Muslim women from Mbojo tribe in Bima during ancient times. Bima women began to wear this costumes since Islam was invaded in Bima. This research uses a qualitative method by semiotic analysis from Roland Barthes. The results of this study concluded that 1) denotative meaning of Rimpu clothing culture worn by Bima Muslim women is traditional dress in form of typical Bima-Dompu sarong which included as characteristic of the Bima society. practically, Rimpu dress is similar to hijab, which has a functions to cover the head (which include as restricted part of moslem woman) according to Islamic teachings and is a traditional characteristic of Bima Muslim women, 2) The connotative meaning of Rimpu traditional costumes that was worn by Muslim women Bima is an ancient culture of Muslim women in Bima. There are at least two connotative meanings, the first Rimpu mpida clothing has the connotation of single woman, while Rimpu colo dress has the connotation of a married woman. &nbsp