114 research outputs found

    Decoupling of brain function from structure reveals regional behavioral specialization in humans

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    The brain is an assembly of neuronal populations interconnected by structural pathways. Brain activity is expressed on and constrained by this substrate. Therefore, statistical dependencies between functional signals in directly connected areas can be expected higher. However, the degree to which brain function is bound by the underlying wiring diagram remains a complex question that has been only partially answered. Here, we introduce the structural-decoupling index to quantify the coupling strength between structure and function, and we reveal a macroscale gradient from brain regions more strongly coupled, to regions more strongly decoupled, than expected by realistic surrogate data. This gradient spans behavioral domains from lower-level sensory function to high-level cognitive ones and shows for the first time that the strength of structure-function coupling is spatially varying in line with evidence derived from other modalities, such as functional connectivity, gene expression, microstructural properties and temporal hierarchy

    Augmented Slepians: Bandlimited Functions that Counterbalance Energy in Selected Intervals

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    Slepian functions provide a solution to the optimization problem of joint time-frequency localization. Here, this concept is extended by using a generalized optimization criterion that favors energy concentration in one interval while penalizing energy in another interval, leading to the "augmented" Slepian functions. Mathematical foundations together with examples are presented in order to illustrate the most interesting properties that these generalized Slepian functions show. Also the relevance of this novel energy-concentration criterion is discussed along with some of its applications

    Guided Graph Spectral Embedding: Application to the C. elegans Connectome

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    Graph spectral analysis can yield meaningful embeddings of graphs by providing insight into distributed features not directly accessible in nodal domain. Recent efforts in graph signal processing have proposed new decompositions-e.g., based on wavelets and Slepians-that can be applied to filter signals defined on the graph. In this work, we take inspiration from these constructions to define a new guided spectral embedding that combines maximizing energy concentration with minimizing modified embedded distance for a given importance weighting of the nodes. We show these optimization goals are intrinsically opposite, leading to a well-defined and stable spectral decomposition. The importance weighting allows to put the focus on particular nodes and tune the trade-off between global and local effects. Following the derivation of our new optimization criterion and its linear approximation, we exemplify the methodology on the C. elegans structural connectome. The results of our analyses confirm known observations on the nematode's neural network in terms of functionality and importance of cells. Compared to Laplacian embedding, the guided approach, focused on a certain class of cells (sensory, inter- and motoneurons), provides more biological insights, such as the distinction between somatic positions of cells, and their involvement in low or high order processing functions.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Network Neuroscienc

    Implementation of machine learning applications in healthcare organizations: A systematic review of empirical studies

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    A growing enthusiasm for machine learning (ML) has been noted among academics and healthcare practitioners. Despite the transformative potential of ML-based applications for patient care, their uptake and implementation in healthcare organizations is still sporadic. Numerous challenges currently impede or delay widespread implementation of ML in clinical practice, and limited knowledge is available regarding how these challenges have been addressed so far. The aim of this work is twofold: i) to examine the characteristics of the ML-based applications and the implementation process in clinical practice, using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) as theoretical guidance; ii) to synthesize the strategies adopted by healthcare organizations to foster successful implementation of ML. A systematic literature review was conducted based on the PRISMA guidelines. The search was conducted using three databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) over a 10-year time frame (2013-2023). The search strategy was built around four blocks of keywords (artificial intelligence, implementation, health care, and study type). Only empirical studies documenting the implementation of ML applications in clinical settings were considered. The implementation process was investigated using a thematic analysis and coding procedure. The study protocol was registered in PROSPERO with registration number 403873. Thirty-four studies were selected for data synthesis. Selected papers were relatively recent, with only 9% of the records published before 2019. ML-based applications were implemented mostly within hospitals (29/34, 85%). In terms of clinical workflow, ML-based applications supported mostly prognosis and diagnosis, as observed in 20 (59%) and 10 (29%) studies, respectively. The implementation efforts were analyzed using the CFIR domains. As for the inner setting, access to knowledge and information (12/34, 35%), IT infrastructure (11/34, 32%), and organizational culture (9/34, 26%) were amongst the most observed dimensions influencing the success of implementation. As for the ML innovation itself, factors deemed relevant were its design (15/34, 41%), relative advantage with respect to existing clinical practice (14/34, 41%), and perceived complexity (14/34, 41%). As for the other domains – i.e., processes, roles, and outer setting, stakeholder engagement (12/34, 35%), reflecting and evaluating practices (11/34, 32%) and the presence of implementation leaders (9/34, 26%) were the main factors identified as salient. This study contributes to shed some light on the factors that are relevant and that should be accounted for in an implementation process of ML-based applications in healthcare. While the relevance of ML-specific dimensions, like trust, emerges clearly across several implementation domains, the evidence from this study highlighted that relevant implementation factors are not necessarily specific for ML, but rather transversal for digital health technologies. More research is needed to further clarify the factors that are relevant to implementing ML-based applications at the organizational level, and to support their uptake within healthcare organizations

    Dynamics of functional connectivity at high spatial resolution reveal long-range interactions and fine-scale organization

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    Dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) derived from resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging sheds light onto moment-to-moment reconfigurations of large-scale functional brain networks. Due to computational limits, connectivity is typically computed using pre-defined atlases, a non-trivial choice that might influence results. Here, we leverage new computational methods to retrieve dFC at the voxel level in terms of dominant patterns of fluctuations, and demonstrate that this new representation is informative to derive meaningful brain parcellations, capturing both long-range interactions and fine-scale local organization. Specifically, voxelwise dFC dominant patterns were captured through eigenvector centrality followed by clustering across time/subjects to yield most representative dominant patterns (RDPs). Voxel-wise labeling according to positive/negative contributions to RDPs, led to 37 unique labels identifying strikingly symmetric dFC long-range patterns. These included 449 contiguous regions, defining a fine-scale parcellation consistent with known cortical/subcortical subdivisions. Our contribution provides an alternative to obtain a whole-brain parcellation that is for the first time driven by voxel-level dFC and bridges the gap between voxel-based approaches and graph theoretical analysis

    Eigenmaps Of Dynamic Functional Connectivity: Voxel-Level Dominant Patterns Through Eigenvector Centrality

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    Dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) based on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) explores the ongoing temporal configuration of brain networks. To reduce the large dimensionality of the data, conventional dFC analysis usually foresees an atlasing step, in which the brain is parcellated into specific regions of interest, and voxels' time-courses are spatially averaged within these regions before assessing connectivity. In this study, we addressed for the first time the exploration of dFC at the voxel level; i.e., without the use of any brain parcellation prior to the connectivity analysis. We used a sliding-window approach and extracted window-specific dominant patterns. To overcome the limitations due to the huge size of voxelwise connectivity matrices, we adopted the fast eigenvector centrality method with some adaptations to make it suitable for the dFC framework. After concatenation of the dominant patterns of all subjects, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract the eigenmaps; i.e., the most recurring voxelwise brain patterns characterizing resting-state. The obtained eigenmaps appeared consistent with previously observed resting-state eigenconnectivities, but with the substantial advantage of characterizing brain networks at the voxel level without the need of an atlas. The effect of the connection-wise temporal demeaning, usually performed in dFC analysis to remove the influence of static connectivity, was explored and does not seem to have an influence when voxelwise brain patterns are targeted

    Automated segmentation and labeling of subcutaneous mouse implants at 14.1T

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a valuable tool for studying subcutaneous implants in rodents, providing non-invasive insight into biomaterial conformability and longitudinal characterization. However, considerable variability in existing image analysis techniques, manual segmentation and labeling, as well as the lack of reference atlases as opposed to brain imaging, all render the manual implant segmentation task tedious and extremely time-consuming. To this end, the development of automated and robust segmentation pipelines is a necessary addition to the tools available in rodent imaging research. In this work, we presented and compared commonly used image processing contrast-based segmentation approaches—namely, Canny edge detection, Otsu’s single and multi-threshold methods, and a combination of the latter with morphological operators—with more recently introduced convolutional neural network (CNN-) based models, such as the U-Net and nnU-Net (“no-new-net”). These fully automated end-to-end state-of-the-art neural architectures have shown great promise in online segmentation challenges. We adapted them to the implant segmentation task in mice MRI, with both 2D and 3D implementations. Our results demonstrated the superiority of the 3D nnU-Net model, which is able to robustly segment the implants with an average Dice accuracy of 0.915, and an acceptable absolute volume prediction error of 5.74%. Additionally, we provide researchers in the field with an automated segmentation pipeline in Python, leveraging these CNN-based implementations, and allowing to drastically reduce the manual labeling time from approximately 90 min to less than 5 min (292.959 s ± 6.49 s, N = 30 predictions). The latter addresses the bottleneck of constrained animal experimental time in pre-clinical rodent research

    Prediction of post-stroke motor recovery benefits from measures of sub-acute widespread network damages.

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    Following a stroke in regions of the brain responsible for motor activity, patients can lose their ability to control parts of their body. Over time, some patients recover almost completely, while others barely recover at all. It is known that lesion volume, initial motor impairment and cortico-spinal tract asymmetry significantly impact motor changes over time. Recent work suggested that disabilities arise not only from focal structural changes but also from widespread alterations in inter-regional connectivity. Models that consider damage to the entire network instead of only local structural alterations lead to a more accurate prediction of patients' recovery. However, assessing white matter connections in stroke patients is challenging and time-consuming. Here, we evaluated in a data set of 37 patients whether we could predict upper extremity motor recovery from brain connectivity measures obtained by using the patient's lesion mask to introduce virtual lesions in 60 healthy streamline tractography connectomes. This indirect estimation of the stroke impact on the whole brain connectome is more readily available than direct measures of structural connectivity obtained with magnetic resonance imaging. We added these measures to benchmark structural features, and we used a ridge regression regularization to predict motor recovery at 3 months post-injury. As hypothesized, accuracy in prediction significantly increased (R 2 = 0.68) as compared to benchmark features (R 2 = 0.38). This improved prediction of recovery could be beneficial to clinical care and might allow for a better choice of intervention

    The dynamic functional connectome: State-of-the-art and perspectives

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    Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has highlighted the rich structure of brain activity in absence of a task or stimulus. A great effort has been dedicated in the last two decades to investigate functional connectivity (FC), i.e. the functional interplay between different regions of the brain, which was for a long time assumed to have stationary nature. Only recently was the dynamic behaviour of FC revealed, showing that on top of correlational patterns of spontaneous fMRI signal fluctuations, connectivity between different brain regions exhibits meaningful variations within a typical resting-state fMRI experiment. As a consequence, a considerable amount of work has been directed to assessing and characterising dynamic FC (dFC), and several different approaches were explored to identify relevant FC fluctuations. At the same time, several questions were raised about the nature of dFC, which would be of interest only if brought back to a neural origin. In support of this, correlations with electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, demographic and behavioural data were established, and various clinical applications were explored, where the potential of dFC could be preliminarily demonstrated. In this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive description of the dFC approaches proposed so far, and point at the directions that we see as most promising for the future developments of the field. Advantages and pitfalls of dFC analyses are addressed, helping the readers to orient themselves through the complex web of available methodologies and tools
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