8 research outputs found

    LC50s for Imidacloprid and DDT of susceptible and resistant flies.

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    *<p>RR (resistance ratio) – LC50 value of the MiT[<i>w<sup>−</sup></i>]3R2 line/LC50 value of the iso31 line.</p

    Crossing scheme of the genome-wide insertional mutagenesis system.

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    <p>TREP 2.30 – promoter delivery, minimal promoter under tTA control, <i>w<sup>+</sup></i> marker <i>CyO</i> [MiT 2.4] – <i>Minos</i> transposase source, CyO marker <i>Sco</i> – Sco marker BOEtTA – tTA source, <i>egfp</i> marker.</p

    Mapping of the lethality and resistance loci on the right arm of the second chromosome in the resistant line MiT[<i>w<sup>−</sup></i>]3R2.

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    <p>The resistance locus was mapped relative to P element insertions to a region between 8 Mb and 8.5 Mb (black arrows on the second scale, distance between insertion and resistance region is indicated with dotted horizontal lines). The location of the three highly expressed P450 genes (Cyp6a2, Cyp6g1 and Cyp4p2) in the resistant MiT[<i>w<sup>−</sup></i>]3R2 line is indicated. Below is a comparison of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) density (per 1 Kb) between resistant line MiT[<i>w<sup>−</sup></i>]3R2 and susceptible line iso31. At the bottom, Bloomington deletions overlapping lethality locus (filled box) and flanking the lethality locus (open boxes) (lethality maps to the region between 8.5 Mb and 9.9 Mb, close to the place of recombination).</p

    Gene functional groups in the up-regulated genes (analyzed with the DAVID 6.7 BETA bioinformatics resource).

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    *<p>Kappa score – The Kappa value quantitatively measures the degree to which genes share similar annotation terms (the higher the Kappa, the stronger the functional similarity).</p

    Gene functional groups in the down-regulated genes (analyzed with DAVID 6.7 BETA bioinformatics resource).

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    *<p>Kappa score – The Kappa value quantitatively measures the degree to which genes share similar annotation terms (the higher the Kappa, the stronger the functional similarity).</p