112 research outputs found
Penerapan Lesson Study Pada Kegiatan Praktikum Mikrobiologi Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Microbiology course is one of the compulsory subjects in the study program of education. This course requires implemented in two activities that is theory and practical. Limitations of equipment and materials in practical activities, the lack of detailed practical instructions for each topic, as well as the implementation of lab activities less systematically make this activity less than optimal. The development of psychomotor abilities and performance of students who are less maximized become another problem related to the achievement of learning objectives in accordance with the standards of competence in this course. Based on the above problems the researchers conducted a study on lab activities based lesson study. Selection of lesson study is done to correct deficiencies in each study appears from some observers and colleagues who participated in the activities of lesson study. Results from this study that practical activities based lesson study is able to improve the quality of learning and improving biology education students psychomotor ability at IKIP Budi Utomo Malan
Chemical variation of five natural extracts by non-polar solvent
Chemical compounds of wood preservation from plants vary and are not known specific to the species. Chemical analysis of plants is responsible to ensure active compound in natural extracts wood treatment. There are many sources of natural extracts found in Indonesia that were explored for wood preservatives chemicals. They are bark of acacia and alstonia, leaves of orthosiphon and azardirachta and Dioscorea tubers. The present study was aimed at investigating the variation of the chemical constituent of natural extracts material of wood preservative through GC-MS analysis. Five natural extract sources were acacia bark (Acacia spp.), pulai bark (Alstonia scholaris), kumis kucing leaves (Orthosiphon spp.), mimba leaves (Azardirachta indica), and gadung tubers (Dioscorea spp.). Two non-polar solvents, i.e., n-hexane and petroleum ether were used for five natural source extractions following ASTM soxhlet extraction. The research showed that triterpene and fatty acid derivatives were the major compounds present in five natural extracts. They were lupeol; 7,22-Ergostadienone; Lup-20(29)-en-3-one; Lup-20(29)-en-3-ol, acetate, (3.beta.)-; urs-12-en-3-one; ethanol,2,2-diethoxy-; stigmasta-5,22-dien-3-ol, acetate,(3.beta.)-; 5H-3,5a-Epoxynaphth(2,1-c)oxepin, dodecahydro-3,8,8,11a-tetramethyl-; linoleic acid; naphthalene, 1-methyl-. These compounds have been assigned as the possibly responsible to against termites or fungi
Pengaruh Ekstrak Tembakau Terhadap Sifat Dan Perilaku Mekanik Laminasi Bambu Petung
Timber supply is diminishing in addition to the trend to lower quality but higher cost of wood production manufacturing. However, because the demand of this material continues, an alternative or substitution on the use of timber, such as bamboo laminated, is desirable. Having susceptible character to powder by beetles attack, bamboo must be passed through preservation process before it is applied as laminating materials, but chemical preservative materials used in industrial process bring negative impacts to the environment. One of human and environmental friendly preservatives is the tobacco extract. Nevertheless, the most effective concentration of tobacco extract and its influence to the adhesive materials have not been well recognized. This research objective was to investigate the influence of tobacco extract to the natural and mechanic behaviour of laminated bamboo. Dried tobacco flake was mixed with water in variable concentration of 100, 125, 150 and 175 gram/liter. Bamboo split were given treatment in boiling water with tobacco extract solutions. As benchmarking, bamboo split also preserved with boiling water (without preservatives materials) and 5% concentration of borax. Non preservative bamboo was used as the control. The result of experiment showed that tobacco extract concentration of 150 gram/liter caused 61,33% insect mortality and 1,87% decreased weigh, which is effective to be used as preservative in compare to other three concentrations. Water content and density observation showed that preservation using 150 gram/liter extract tobacco comparing to non preservative boiling preservation, produced smaller value of water content and larger value of density than borax preservative. Preservation using 150 gram/liter tobacco extract produced highest value of compression parallel to grain and modulus of the bamboo elasticity Petung mechanic properties were 277,95 MPa and 170,34 MPa, respectively. Mechanical properties of laminated bamboo that were significantly influenced by preservative variation showed that highest values for compression parallel to grain and modulus of elasticity were 66,09 MPa and 127,12 MPa, respectively and reached by preservation using 100 gram/liter tobacco extract
Pengaruh Compaction Ratio Terhadap Sifat Papan Lantai Partikel Kayu Jati Dan Sengon
Wood particle board is one of building materials which can be used as floor like solid wood. To utilize particle boards with appropriate compaction ratio, study should be conducted to know the influence of compaction ratio on the particle board characteristics of two wood species namely teak and sengon, and the research result could be used as a base of the assessment to particle board for building.
The preliminary test was done to know the density of teak and sengon wood. This study used teak and sengon wood particles with 10% by weight of particle urea formaldehyde adhesive UA-147. This study was arranged in the completely randomised design with factorial experiment. The factors in this experiment were compaction ratio and wood species, while the parameters which observed were density, water content, water absorption, thickness swelling, internal bonding, hardness, MOE, and MOR.
The research result showed that the higher compaction ratio, the higher density, internal bonding, hardness, MOR and MOE of both species particle board, the higher thickness swelling, and the lower water absorption of sengon particle board. The highest average density of the teak particle board was 0,80 g/cm3 (J1K3) and 0,67 g/cm3 for sengon (J2K6). The highest average internal bonding of the teak particle board was 5,20 kg/cm2 (J1K3) and 5,85 kg/cm2 for sengon (J2K6). The highest average hardness of the teak particle board was 666,7 kg/cm2 (J1K3) and 533,3 kg/cm2 for sengon (J2K6). The highest average MOR of the teak particle board was 145,9 kg/cm2 (J1K3) and 162,7 kg/cm2 for sengon (J2K6). The highest average thickness swelling of the sengon particle board was 30,76% (J2K4) and 11,84% the lowest (J2K3). The highest average MOE of the sengon particle board was 18605,45 kg/cm2 (J2K6) and 22580,41 kg/cm2 for the teak (J1K3). The highest average water absorption of the sengon particle board was 170,30% (J2K1) and 72,12% the lowest (J2K6). With the same compaction ratio of the teak and sengon particle board, the teak wood species had the better physic and mechanic characteristics than sengon. Based on the comparation result with some industries standard of the particle board, it showed that particle boards J2K1, J2K2, and J2K3 did not correspond to some industries standard
Kuat Tekan Bambu Laminasi dan Aplikasinya pada Rumah Tradisional Bali (Bale Daje/bandung)
Building material technological development recently is very fast, and in every technological innovation creation, it's inspired by some of the main purpose, such as: cost efficiency, material use optimization, conservation and development of natural material, smart building material technology and ecologically friendly. Lamination bamboo technology is a product that can act as substitution material of wood that can be customized with the need. In the effort to support the innovation of lamination bamboo as a wood substitution in Balinese traditional building, the characteristic mechanics of lamination bamboo as column in supporting axial loading should be known. Lamination bamboo for the experiemnt was made in the form of column with two kind of longitudinal section dimension, size 20x20 mm with slenderness value (λ) of 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150, and size 120x120 mm with the length of 2400 mm (as the dimension in Balinese traditional building). The bamboo used were petung bamboo made of blade about 5x20 mm attached to glue of Urea Formaldehyde (UF) and pressed with a pressure of 2,0 MPa. The research stage was physical property test and the mechanic of petung bamboo material, and continued with a process of making the lamination bamboo column and carving. Pressure axial loading for testing of column the lamination bamboo used hinge placement bamboo until maximum loading, big deformation and not until collapse. The technological innovation of lamination bamboo was able to increased the pressure strength of blade until 36,02% compared to the bamboo material used. The role of glue and pressing given a substantial contribution on pressure strength of lamination bamboo, so besides having a capability to be made with dimension and form us want, lamination bamboo also had high pressure strength. Lamination bamboo pressure strength of petung bamboo in variety of slenderness had pressure strength less with the higher slenderness. The pressure voltage in the smallest slenderness, λ=50 is 60,093 MPa until the blade with the highest slenderness, λ=150 is 12,946 MPa while for the plain and carved structural model they were 25,578 MPa and 23,529 Mpa respectively. The formula of proposal in column pressure strength modeling of lamination bamboo material for for λ λb, σtk = (π2E)/λ r2. The treatment of carving in structural lamination bamboo column weakens the support to average axial load of 41,15% and the decrease of average pressure voltage of 8,009%
Social Capital, Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
Arjowilangun Village is one of the most significant areas of origination in the Malang Regency for Indonesian migrant workers aiming to work overseas. The remittance sent by Indonesian migrant workers can be utilised to support the Designative program, by establishing and developing entrepreneurship. The growth and development of entrepreneurship can be formed from theparticipation of the village community. Community participation in developing independent entrepreneurship can in turn boost village development. In line with Indonesian culture, rural communities still put forward kinship, trust, mutual cooperation, networking and high social norms (social capital component). This research aims to identify the social capital of retiredIndonesian migrant workers and their decision to start business entrepreneurship. The results of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) as identified through three approaches: rate of participation, density and centrality showed that 14 respondents had the potential to be key figures in spreading information to increase community participation in village development. While the results of the correlation analysis indicate that the decision to start a business were influenced by the high value of their social capital, higher social capital can encourage the community to become entrepreneurs, enabling them to have a positive influence on village development
Performance of Dairy Cows in Late Lactation Period Recieving Heit Chrose Feed Suplement
The objective was to evaluate Heit Chrose (HC) as a feed supplement for dairy cows, which was measured through digestibility, milk production, milk components and body conditions scores. The research was conducted at UPTD Pagerkukuh Wonosobo using 21 dairy cows in late lactation period (12 cows in
Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Bahan Bakar Alternatif
ENGLISHThe amount of waste generation continued to increase in Indonesia due to economic development and population growth. In addition, the diversity of solid waste becomes another problem since products made from plastics became widely used and were discarded in large amounts. Plastic waste can be converted into fuel through pirolisis in order to reduce the amount of plastic waste as well as to produce alternative fuel. Pyrolysis is a process of thermal degradation in the absence of oxygen. The objective of this study is to investigate and to compare the performace of fuel produced by pyrolisys, kerosene and diesel oil. The performance of those fuels is investigated in 4 parameters including density, burning time, temperature of water and the volume of water evaporated. The result of this study are 1) the density 0.8 g/ml; burning time 4.02 minutes; water temperature 75°C and water evaporated 12.6 ml. 2) Compared to kerosene and diesel oil, the quality of the fuel is lower than kerosene and higher than diesel oil in all parameters. INDONESIAPertumbuhan penduduk dan ekonomi menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan produksi sampah khususnya sampah plastik. Pirolisis merupakan proses perekahan atau pemecahan rantai polimer menjadi senyawa yang lebih sederhana melalui proses thermal (pemanasan/pembakaran) dengan tanpa maupun sedikit oksigen. Sampah plastik bisa diurai dan diubah menjadi bahan bakar yang memiliki nilai kalor yang tinggi melalui proses pirolisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan kemampuan minyak hasil pirolisis plastik dengan minyak tanah dan solar dalam hal massa jenis, lama pembakaran, temperatur air dan volume air yang hilang (menguap) saat dimasak menggunakan minyak tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) massa jenis minyak pirolisis adalah 0,8 g/ml. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membakar habis suatu benda adalah 4,02 menit. Pemasakan air menggunakan bahan bakar minyak pirolisis menghasilkan temperatur 75°C pada waktu pemasakan 4 menit dengan volume air yang hilang (menguap) sebesar 12,6 ml. 2) Dari 4 parameter yang diamati, kualitas minyak pirolisis berada di bawah minyak tanah namun di atas minyak solar
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