6 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Mikrobiologi Terapan Berbasis Masalah

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    This study is aimed to develop a textbook of applied microbiology problem based in material industrial microbiology by standard BNSP. Teaching materials in the form of textbook will be to guide students in carrying out learning activities applied microbiology course. The research was conducted in the Graduate Program of UNIMED in January-May 2014, with the development model Thiagarajan (4-D), which consists of three stages: the first stage of defining which includes: initial preliminary final analysis, analysis of student, material analysis, task analysis and specification of learning objectives. The second stage of the design, which consists of: the selection of media, format selection, and initial planning. The third stage is the development, consisting of a lecturer assessment, validation by experts and the design of instructional materials, limited testing, and the final device. The resulting product is a textbook that will be used by third semester student of Biology Education Graduate Program of UNIMED. Teaching materials compiled into a book Industrial Microbiology problem based considered feasible by the validation team. Results matter expert team showed an average of 90.30 % very viable category, and instructional design experts categorized 83.4%. limited test group by microbiology lecturer gets by 91.30% results very appropriate category and 40 students of fourth semester of Biology Education Graduate Program of UNIMED assessed at 83.39 % of applied microbiology textbook problem-based in material industrial microbiology compiled interesting

    The Effectiveness of Webquest Media in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text

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    This research is focus on teaching writing descriptive text that used Webquest as a teaching media. The aim of conducting this research is to know whether webquest is effective to teach writing descriptive text to the first grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Ambawang in the academic year of 2014/2015. The researcher conducted a pre experimental study on teaching writing descriptive text using webquest media. The measurement technique was used specifically to measure the students' achievement and it was done through writing test. Based on data analysis, it was found that the effect size of this research is 2.44. Before the treatment the mean score of pre-test was 49 which categorizes as poor. After they received the treatment the mean score of the post test increased to 72.07 which categorize as average to good. The result the students post-test is better than pre-test. It means that there is an improvement in students' achievement

    Produksi Serbuk Pewarna Alami Bit Merah (Beta Vulgaris L.) dengan Metode Oven Drying

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    Bit merah merupakan sumber potensial dari pigmen yang larut air yaitu betanin dalam bentuk betanidin 5-O-beta-glukosa yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Di dalam bit merah terdapat pigmen betalain yang memberikan warna merah keunguan sehingga dapat dibuat pewarna alami untuk pengolahan pangan. Serbuk bit merah memiliki stabilitas yang sempurna dan karakteristik kelarutan yang baik, kadar airnya rendah sehingga umur simpannya lebih lama. Salah satu metode pengeringan dalam pembuatan serbuk bit adalah dengan oven drying. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik serbuk bit merah yang diperoleh melalui perbedaan suhu pengering oven dan konsentrasi maltodekstrin. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perlakuan pendahuluan perendaman asam sitrat 0,5% dan dalam maltodekstrin yang berperan sebagai drying agent dengan konsentrasi 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60%. Pengeringan bit merah dilakukan di dalam oven dengan suhu 60oC, 70oC, 80oC hingga mencapai kadar air bit merah <10%. Analisa fisikokimia yang dilakukan adalah pengukuran bulk density, intensitas warna, kemampuan pembasahan, kadar air dan aktivitas antioksidan (% inhibition). Serbuk bit merah yang memiliki kualitas terbaik dilihat dari aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi (84,82%) dan warna dengan nilai a* tertinggi (18,29) didapatkan pada perlakuan perendaman asam sitrat tanpa maltodekstrin dengan suhu pengeringan 80oC

    Hubungan Dukungan Sosial dan Keluarga terhadap Tingkat Stres pada Lansia

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    An elderly person who has entered the age of 60 years and over, the elderly are more susceptible to stress. The elderly who experience stress have the potential to experience health problems. Elderly who experienced mild stress (26.86%), moderate stress (17.59%), severe stress (4.16%), very severe stress (5.1%). Elderly people in Indonesia who experience stress usually lack social and family support, therefore the need for social and family support to reduce stress levels in the elderly. Objective: To determine the relationship of social and family support to stress levels in the elderly. Research Method: This study uses literature review. Literary studies can be obtained from various sources from journals, books and articles. By reviewing or reviewing ideas or findings contained in the literature. Research Results: Social and family support in previous studies has a relationship in the influence of stress levels in the elderly. The higher the social and family support given to the elderly the lower the level of stress experienced by the elderly, conversely the lower the social and family support obtained by the elderly the higher the level of stress experienced by the elderly

    Pengaruh Return On Asset, Net Profit Margin dan Current Ratio terhadap Harga Saham Food And Beverage di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the effect of Return on Asset, Net Profit Margin and Current Ratio on Food and Beverage Stock Prices listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2014-2018 period. The population in this study were all companies in the Food and Beverage sub-sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, amounting to 15 companies with a sample of 11 companies with the 2014-2018 period for 5 years and using a sampling technique, namely purposive sampling. The method of analysis used in this research is the Multiple Linear Regression Method. This research uses quantitative research. This type of research is descriptive statistics and the nature of the research is explanatory. The results of this study indicate that partially (t) Return On Asset and Net Profit Margin have no and insignificant effect on Stock Prices, while Current Ratio has a negative effect on Food and Beverage Stock Prices which simultaneously affect Return On Asset, Net Profit Margin, and Current Ratio. to the Food and Beverage Stock Pric

    Human Resource Planning and Development

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    Perencanaan SDM atau Human Resource Planning (HRP) merupakan proses peramalan yang bersifat sistematis dengan cara menghubungkan kebutuhan SDM suatu perusahaan dengan strategi dan tujuan perusahaan. Perencanaan sumber daya manusia adalah proses analisis dan identifikasi ketersediaan dan kebutuhan akan sumber daya manusia untuk mencapai tujuan. Buku dengan judul “Human Resources Planning and Development” ini terdiri dari 6 bab. Semoga buku ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi para pembaca