45 research outputs found
The purpose of this study was to find out that learning using RPP and LKPD learning tools with the Reasoning and Problem Solving model assisted by Inquiry Training can facilitate students' critical thinking skills in science lesson The Solar System Concept. The method used at the development stage is the one group pretest-posttest design experimental method. The use of pretest - posttest meant that there were differences in pretest and posttest scores due to the facilitation of critical thinking skills during the learning process. The sample in this study was class VI at SD Negeri Kaliboyo 01, Tulis District, Batang Regency, with a total of 30 students. The test instrument used is a critical thinking test to determine the critical thinking skills that have been tested. The collected data were analyzed using parametric statistical analysis Paired Sample T test – test. There is an average difference between pretest and posttest learning outcomes, which means that the use of lesson plans and LKPD models of Reasoning and Problem Solving assisted by Inquiry Training improves students' critical thinking skills. From the explanation above, the Reasoning and Problem Solving learning model assisted by Inquiry Training can facilitate students' critical thinking skills
The purpose of this study was to find out that learning using RPP and LKPD learning tools with the Reasoning and Problem Solving model assisted by Inquiry Training can facilitate students' critical thinking skills in science lesson The Solar System Concept. The method used at the development stage is the one group pretest-posttest design experimental method. The use of pretest - posttest meant that there were differences in pretest and posttest scores due to the facilitation of critical thinking skills during the learning process. The sample in this study was class VI at SD Negeri Kaliboyo 01, Tulis District, Batang Regency, with a total of 30 students. The test instrument used is a critical thinking test to determine the critical thinking skills that have been tested. The collected data were analyzed using parametric statistical analysis Paired Sample T test – test. There is an average difference between pretest and posttest learning outcomes, which means that the use of lesson plans and LKPD models of Reasoning and Problem Solving assisted by Inquiry Training improves students' critical thinking skills. From the explanation above, the Reasoning and Problem Solving learning model assisted by Inquiry Training can facilitate students' critical thinking skills
Pengaruh Waktu Sintering Dengan Variasi 60, 90, Dan 120 Menit Dengan Suhu 250°C Pada Pembuatan Brakepad Dengan Matrik Phenolic Resin
Brake is one component of a motor vehicle which serves to stop the vehicle speed motorcycle. When the rate of high-speed vehicle brake has an important role, even the safety of the rider depends on the quality of the brake lining The aim of this study was to compare the brake with the time variation of sintering to canvass the market for the brand Indopart.
Researchers will conduct research begins with making canvass sintering time varies with materials such as fiberglass, aluminum powder, brass powder, graphite, calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, and phenolic resin. After that mix the brake lining material in accordance with a predetermined composition. Then given the pressure while heated (sintering) with a load of 7.5 tons for 7 minutes with a variation of sintering time of 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes, with a temperature of 250ºC. Then tested friction with a load of 15 kg for 60 minutes with dry test, spraying of water, with a standard testing SNI 09-2663-1992 then calculated wear and coefficient geseknya, and tested by using a Durometer hardness.
From the research that the average wear of the brake lining Indopart lower and better than the brake with the sintering time variation in the friction test for 60 minutes. The coefficient of friction brake Indopart higher than the brake with the variation of sintering time on tests of friction for 60 minutes, the coefficient of friction Indopart high of 0.6708 while approaching at 0.6357 on the brake with a variation of 60 minutes at a temperature of 250 ° C on a test dry , Hardness values Indopart brake better than the brake with the variation of sintering time was 94 shored up, while the value of hardness approaching the brake with the variation of sintering time of 60 minutes dengn sintering temperature of 250 ° C for 88 shored
Keywords: brake, sintering time, swipe test, hardnes
This research aims to examine the effects of the characteristics of the board
of commissioners as measured by the number of board of commissioners, the
proportion of independent commissioners, frequency of board of commissioners
meetings, board of commissioners diversity, and the educational qualifications of
board members as independent variables on the performance of companies in the
manufacturing sector in Indonesia. The company's performance as a dependent
variable is measured by ROA (Return on Assets).
Researcher uses secondary data with a population of all manufacturing
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013-2015 period. The
sampling method in this study was purposive sampling with certain criteria. After
going through sampling and processing data, the final sample that is worth
observing in the study is 204 companies. The analysis technique in this study uses
multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that the size of the board of commissioners and the
diversity of the board of directors had a significant positive effect on company
performance, while the frequency of board meetings had a significant negative
effect on company performance, and the proportion of independent commissioners
and education qualifications of the board of commissioners had no effect on
company performance
Perbandingan Deformasi dan Tegangan Sisa pada Socket-Weld dan Butt-Weld Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deformasi dan tegangan sisa pada sambungan pipa-flange dengan variasi sambungan socket-weld, butt-weld dan urutan pengelasan untuk material stainless steel. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan numerik. Validasi hasil dilakukan dengan dengan hasil percobaan yang dilakukan oleh Xiangyang Lu untuk validasi struktur dan percobaan S. Murugan untuk validasi termal. Hasil variasi sambungan dan urutan pengelasan yang telah dilakukan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pada sambungan socket-weld (urutan pengelasan loncat) memiliki nilai tegangan sisa lebih besar dibandingkan sambungan butt-weld (urutan pengelasan loncat), sedangkan deformasi yang terjadi sambungan pada socket-weld (urutan pengelasan loncat) memiliki nilai yang lebih kecil dibandingkan sambungan butt-weld (urutan pengelasan loncat)
Perancangan Sistem Pengukuran pH dan Temperatur Pada Bioreaktor Anaerob Tipe Semi-Batch
Proses pada bioreaktor dapat dilakukan secara aerob yaitu menggunakan bantuan oksigen dan anaerob yaitu tidak menggunakan bantuan oksigen. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan fermentasi enceng gondok untuk menghasilkan biogas menggunakan bioreaktor anaerob tipe semi-batch. Enceng gondok memiliki rasio C/N sebesar 22.5 – 35.84% yang merupakan komposisi optimum untuk ekstraksi biogas. Kinerja dari bioreaktor dalam produksi biogas dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter seperti pH dan temperatur. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan sistem pengukuran besaran pH dan temperatur secara online sehingga memudahkan dalam pengambilan data. Bahan yang digunakan pada proses fermentasi adalah campuran enceng gondok yang telah dicincang dan dicampur air dengan dua komposisi penambahan berbeda untuk dibandingkan. Pada Bioreaktor1 digunakan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 1:3 dan pada bioreaktor 2 digunakan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 0,75: 1,25. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa bioreaktor 2 dengan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 0,75: 1,25 menghasilkan biogas lebih aktif dibandingkan dengan bioreaktor 1 dengan komposisi enceng gondok dan air sebesar 1 : 3. Hal tersebut diketahui dari hasil pengukuran selama 76 hari. Dari hasil pengukuran juga diketahui bahwa penurunan nilai COD pada bioreaktor 2 lebih besar dari pada bioreaktor 1
Diskusi tentang energi dan bagaimana peran, serta dampaknya terhadap kehidupan manusia, khususnya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan keberlanjutan fungsi lingkungan hidup, melibatkan berbagai pihak, baik pemerintah sebagai penentu kebijakan, sektor–sektor pengguna energi dan pihak–pihak lain yang terkait di dalamnya. Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian ESDM melaksanakan program konservasi energi melalui penerapan Sistem Manajemen Energi (SME) bagi industri–industri di Indonesia. Industri merupakan salah satu sektor pengguna energi terbesar kedua setelah sektor transportasi. Bekerjasama dengan UNIDO, Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian Perindustrian melaksanakan pelatihan dan pendampingan bagi industri–industri di Indonesia dalam menerapkan SME melalui program pilot company. Evaluasi dampak pelatihan dan pendampingan yang telah diberikan, terhadap keberlanjutan penerapan SME di masing–masing perusahaan pilot company, dilakukan melalui survei dengan mendistribusikan kuesioner terkait faktor–faktor kunci dalam penerapan SME. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari total 28 industri yang telah menjadi pilot company, 86% dari total pilot company atau sejumlah 24 industri masih menerapkan SME secara berkelanjutan dan 10 industri di antaranya sudah mendapatkan sertifikat ISO 50001, dengan peningkatan kinerja energi rata–rata 1 – 12% per tahun.
Kata kunci : konservasi energi, industri, ISO 50001, pilot company, sistem manajemen energi
The discussions about energy and how the role, as well as its impact on human life, especially on economic growth and the sustainability of environmental functions, involve various parties, both the government as policy makers, the sectors of energy users and other parties involved in it. The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) implements an energy conservation program through the implementation of an Energy Management System (EnMS) for industries in Indonesia. Industry is one of the second largest sectors of energy users after the transportation sector. In cooperation with UNIDO, MEMR and the Ministry of Industry (MoI) conducted training and mentoring activities for industries in Indonesia for EnMS implementation through the pilot company program. An evaluation of the impact of the training and mentoring activities that has been given, on the sustainability of EnMS implementation in each pilot company, was conducted through a survey by distributing questionnaires related to key factors in the implementation of EnMS. The results showed that 86% of total pilot company or 24 industries still applied EnMS in a sustainable manner and 10 of which had received ISO 50001 certificates, with an increase in energy performance on average 1 - 12% per year .
Keywords : energy conservation, energy management system, industry, ISO 50001, pilot compan
Pengaruh Core Stability Exercise Terhadap Peningkatan Keseimbangan Dinamis Pada Pemain Sepak Bola
Balance is an ability to maintain and control the position of the body when stationary or moving. Balance is really needed by every player in the game of football, especially when making fast-paced movements such as one when dribbling, while avoiding and contacting opponents. If the player does not have a good balance, then when making a move that takes place quickly will have difficulty in controlling the movement, so that it could result in the risk of falling and injury so that the player's performance decreases. Provision of core stability exercise aims to strengthen core muscles to maintain position when controlling the ball and when making rapid movements through postural control. The method used is a quasi-experimental approach with a pre and post research design with a control group. Respondents were 20 PSB junior Al Wathonni players who were divided into 2 groups by purposive sampling. The results of research with statistical calculations show the value of sig. p = 0.00 in the treatment group given core stability exercise and sig. p = 0.327 in the control group. The conclusion from the statistical result is that there is an effect of providing core stability exercise on increasing dynamic balance in soccer players