61 research outputs found

    Book Review: Editor: Al Khanif and Dina Tsalist Wildana ; Title: Kebebasan Beragama atau Berkeyakinan di Indonesia; Publisher: Intrans Publishing, 2020

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    The book entitled “Kebebasan Beragama atau Berkeyakinan di Indonesia: Perspektif Filosofis, Hukum dan Politik” explains the complexity of the rights of adherents of religion or beliefs in the era of democracy in Indonesia. What is important to note is whether there is freedom of religion or belief in Indonesia. Social scientists may find it difficult to determine the dimensions of freedom and obedience because in philosophy, for example, freedom and obedience are often contradicted as part of the existentiality of thought. However, in practice, especially in the context of the life of a nation-state, the discourse of freedom and obedience requires theoretical and empirical exploration to form a multicultural society. In this corridor, editors and book writers spread their knowledge as intellectuals and also as a form of taking sides on human rights issues. However, sociologically it should be noted that freedom is not a fixed social condition. The dynamics that accompany the emergence of religious adherents should be of public interest so that the knowledge of civil society are filled with emancipatory spirit. Yet in reality, the author actually finds the opposite condition, where the prerequisites for creating multiculturalism are far from democratic principles. Freedom is still framed legally formally and contradicted as if there is only one absolute truth. In this case, the argument that multiculturalism is a value worth fighting for actually becomes a barrier because diction has lost its supporting power. Not only because religious sentiment has developed into identity politics but also turned into a different imagination about Indonesia. Of course, the presence of this book is not intended to eliminate the current problems or even to emphasize the channels of difference. On the other hand, reading this book is a challenge to revive the spirit of multiculturalism with a frame of freedom that is a shared responsibility

    CloSpan Sequential Pattern Mining for Books Recommendation System in Petra Christian University Library

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    Petra Christian University (PCU) Library has been using website for their books search system. To further improve the service, it is necessary to develop the automatic system which can recommends the book or the correlation or the book which often being lend at the same time or sequentially by prospective borrowers. The algorithm used to explore the lending sequential patterns is CloSpan Sequential Mining algorithm. The output generated by this application is closed sequential pattern rules and the tree of sequential patterns. They can be used as a reference to establish a list of recommended related books. From the test results it can be concluded that the more data and smaller minimum support, the longer the process takes, and the more patterns that is produced. From the questionnaire outcome that are distributed to employees and users of the library can be concluded that the system can create right recommendations and useful


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    The article focuses issue of cyberspace with question “how subjects reproduce their presence in technological space?” Technological space is a space that is created through information or internet tehcnology network development. Internet booming in Indonesia’s social movement historicity attached with problem of information spreading under authoritarian New Order Regime that systematically placed truth which is controlled and centered. In this point, internet is able to uncover order and naration of truth from the ruler. But internet became ironic when its presence brought consequences into mass subjectivity presence space, fluid in up to speed technology and the will of becoming in experimentation form without limits. Experimentation which referred to subject’s textuality and visuality is presented as consciousness tendency in political order and at the same time, represented cultural dimension that discursively appeared to negate in virtual partial objectivity. This condition, for writer, is part of spatiality which signify the presence of subjectivity that is formed in late capitalism order. The order is able to touch social unconsciousness space. Especially, on how kinds of presence which are placed as self­consciousness particularity are only become kinds of language representations without refer to materiality formation movement that were represented. Keywords: experimentation, power of surveillance, politic of presence, virtualit


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    Studi tentang adat dan komunitas yang terintegrasi kedalamnya, menjadi persoalan mendesak untuk diperhatian, hal ini didasari oleh isu yang muncul dan berkembangnya ruang-ruang sosial pasca orde baru, yang memberikan kesempatan dan akses pada komunitas adat untuk berkontestasi pada ruang kebangsaan. Dengan kerangka berfikir pada artikulasi atas autentisitas adat, subjek yang mengatasnamakan adat membentuk ruang reproduksi sosial dengan menitik beratkan pada pembentukan akses ekonomi-politik untuk memperluas jangkauan legitimasi kultural pada posisi sosialnya. Pada titik tertentu isu akses ekonomi-politik menghadirkan posisi elite yang berkembang seiring dengan penciptaan kesadaran kelas pada komunitas adat. Apa yang secara diskursif, kemudian menjadi persoalan ialah: bagaimana restrukturisasi adat yang berkonsekuensi pada pembentukan formasi sosial baru?; bagaimana persoalan formasi kelas pada subjek adat terbentuk?; bagaimana subjek adat yang mendasarkan diri pada re-tradisionalisme adat mampu berhadapan pada kekuatan diluar dirinya? Dengan menarasikan komunitas Using, artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk menampilkan adat Using dalam pembacaan elite lokal yang dalam konteks penelitian ini merujuk pada aparatus birokratis pemerintah kabupaten Banyuwangi dan elite adat, yang secara spesifik menempatkan adat Using sebagai bagian dari agenda kepariwisataan nasional.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um021v2i22017p07


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    Coffee in everyday life of the society can not be separated from the contextualizing and and marginality placing it in the market. What makes it attractive to market is part of the formation of cultural values. The consequences of the emergence of cultural values are the presence of the cultural absorption of the locality to be displayed as part of globality. Coffee culture of the indigenous people of Using, is diametrically located in the global cultural space. The Using people who have been formed by agrarian culture running under the modernization looks stumbling when it is displayed as global. It starts with the formation of culture that is slowly changing self-awareness of indigenous peoples and accompanied by accelerated commodification of local culture. Coffee culture that comes from the local, at the same time faced with the presence of commodities and cultural formations to enjoy it. The coffee culture locality of the customary indigenous community formed within the marginality of the cultural taste to display the dominant and market oriented one. While the formation of postcolonial subjects who were trapped in the cracks of origin of awareness and articulation of cultural banality becomes commonly observable as part of the everyday practices of the people of Banyuwangi. Keywords:  cultural absorption, fetishism, locality, post-colonia

    Persamaan konsep Eco-Philosophy Henryk Skolimowski dan konsep Eco-Theology Seyyed Hossein Nasr dalam krisis lingkungan

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    Krisis lingkungan saat ini disebabkan oleh dua faktor utama. Pertama, perilaku manusia yang tidak memperhatikan nilai-nilai moral dan spiritual dalam berinteraksi dengan alam, sehingga menghasilkan pola eksploitatif yang tamak dan dominatif. Kedua, pandangan yang keliru terhadap alam yang didukung oleh kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi modern yang sering kali mengesampingkan keberlanjutan bumi, karena kurangnya kontrol spiritual yang sering diabaikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangkitkan semangat spiritual sebagai solusi terhadap krisis lingkungan, dengan mengacu pada konsep-konsep Henryk Skolimowski dan Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Sebab, orientasi manusia saat ini hanya terarah pada sikap materialistis yang kerap mengabaikan nilai spiritualitas dalam relasinya dengan alam sebagai makhluk Tuhan lainnya, dan menganggap seolah-olah manusia mempunyai kuasa penuh atas alam dan berhak untuk mendominasi alam. Hal ini, yang menjadi akar utama dari masalah krisis lingkungan di era kontemporer saat ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka dengan melakukan penelaahan terhadap buku, literatur, catatan, serta berbagai laporan yang berkaitan dengan karya-karya Henryk Skolimowski dan Sayyed Hossein Nasr yang relevan dengan topik krisis spiritualitas dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan. Metode penelitian filsafat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis data kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode analisis data, yakni hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menghormati alam dalam konteks krisis ekologis memerlukan pendekatan filosofis dan teologis yang holistik, untuk mencapai transformasi positif dalam kehidupan manusia. Konsep penciptaan alam oleh Tuhan menunjukkan bahwa ada proses yang mengarahkan manusia untuk mengenal lebih dalam keberadaan dan keesaan Tuhan. Dalam eco-philosophy dan eco-theology, kedua konsep tersebut menyoroti pentingnya spiritualitas untuk membantu manusia keluar dari kepincangan materialisme. Krisis iklim yang mendesak memerlukan pendekatan yang sifatnya rekonstruktif dalam dasar sains modern untuk mengembalikan kedaulatan alam sebagai realitas suci, dan manusia sebagai penjaga nilai-nilai suci

    Balinese Muslim Women’s Cultural Identity in the Context of Ajeg Bali

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    This research explores the negotiations carried out by Balinese Muslim women in Candikuning and Sinduwati in articulating their religious and cultural identities. The problems that arise in the study are related to stereotypes about being a Balinese Muslim, the origin of the land of birth, and the issue of secularism. Ajeg Bali, as a Balinese regional government regulation, presents a duality of interpretation of religious practices between Islam and Hinduism as social identities; for Balinese Islamic women, religious attributes such as the hijab are limited through the excessive practice of Ajeg Bali. Meanwhile, for those who adhere to Hinduism, religious practices are emphasized as an identity that is demonstrated and integrated into everyday life. Articulating identity through the legitimacy of local authorities strengthens Balinese identity. Yet, it is a challenge that Balinese Muslim women must manage, mainly to minimize cultural conflict. Marvasti’s ethnographic method is used with Fatima Mernissi’s perspective to elaborate on the identity of Islamic women. The research results show Balinese Islamic women’s negotiations are practiced through language and clothing in the Ajeg Bali practice. Then, the authors argue that cultural hybridity is demonstrated through Balinese dance arts and has combined with Islamic and Balinese aesthetics by strengthening the discourse of being Balinese Islamic Women. Hence, Islamic religious practices need to be formulated with the adoption of Balinese culture to enhance and maintain Balinese Islamic identity without neglecting the value of being Muslim
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