154 research outputs found


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    Arief Prasetyo, 8215128585. The impact of Price, Product Quality, Promotion Toward Purchasing Decision Ready To Drink Teh Botol Sosro (study case in management undergraduate student) Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2017 The purpose of this study was 1) to examine the effect and significance of price towards purchasing decision of Teh botol sosro 2) to examine the effect and significance product quality towards purchasing decision teh botol sosro 3) to examine the effect and significance of promotion towards purchasing decision of teh botol sosro. The object of this study was 235 undergraduate students of management, State University of Jakarta. The result of the study are 1) the price effects and significance towards pruchasing decision of teh botol sosro 2) product quality effects and significance towards purchasing decision of teh botol sosro 3) promotion efffects and significance towards purchasing decision of teh botol sosro. Keywords: Price, Product Quality, Promotion, Purchasing Decisio

    Economic Growth of Indonesian Port Cities

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate what factors influence the growth of main Indonesian port cities. The analysis make use GLS to estimate the model using panel data from four major city in Indonesia (Surabaya, Jakarta, Makasar, and Medan) for period 1993-2001. This research found that growth in port cities in Indonesia determine by both manufacturer industries and the traffic of goods import.Growth, Cities, Agglomeration

    Penggunaan Karungut Dalam Pembelajaran Kimia Serta Pendidikan Karakter Peserta Didik: Pengembangan dan Penerapan Media, Instrumen dan Model Pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan Sains

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    Pendidikan karakter harus berakar dari budaya bangsa yang banyak melahirkan nilai atau kearifan. Khazanah budaya bangsa yang beragam, memberikan implikasi setiap masyarakat memiliki budaya lokal yang berbeda sehingga melahirkan kearifan lokal. Namun demikian, kearifan lokal melahirkan nilai-nilai yang realtif sama seperti tanggung jawab, kerjasama, toleransi dan lain-lain. Pembelajaran menggunakan karungut, mengimplementasikan penggunaan karungut dalam media pembelajaran dalam menghapalkan unsur-unsur dalam tabel periodik. Lagu yang digunakan dalam unsur-unsur tabel periodik, di terjemahkan dalam bahasa dayak dohoi sesuai dengan tempat peneliti mengajar. Setelah diterjemahkan, teks karungut tersebut di nyanyikan oleh alumni dari sekolah tempat penelitian yang menguasai kesenian karungut dan di dokumentasikan dalam bentuk video. Sumber daya lokal yang di implementasikan dalam pembelajaran kimia serta pendidikan karakter peserta didik berupa video karungut tentang unsur-unsur tabel periodik. Peserta didik lebih antusias dalam pembelajaran serta melestarikan kebudayaan lokal

    Eksistensi Pecinta Serial Drama Thailand Boys Love di Kalangan Fujoshi dan Fudanshi di Gresik

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    Abstrak  Boys Love merupakan suatu genre yang diadopsi dari cerita komik/ manga Jepang yang menggambarkan bubungan antar sesama laki-laki dari yang bersifat homoromantis hingga homoerotis yang kini telah bermetamorfosa kedalam bentuk visualisasi diri kedalam film. Boys Love dipopuler oleh negara Thailand dimana negara ini mencampurkan unsur budaya dan norma yang dianut masyarakatnya sehingga menjadikan suatu produk hiburan yang banyak diminati hingga keseluruh belahan dunia Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi Martin Heidegger. Secara empiris, penelitian ini mengupas tentang bagaimana eksistensi pecinta serial Boys Love Thailand di kalangan Fujoshi dan Fudanshi di Gresik. Penelitian ini mengambil informan dari member atau anggota grup Bl.Lover Gc (Gresik Community) yang terdapat di Gresik yang beranggotakan 119 anggota. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa fujoshi dan fudanshi menunjukkan eksistensinya melalui grup  chat bernama Gresik Comunity (GC). Adanya relasi dan komunikasi dapat membuat jalinan keakraban bagi grup member sebagai upaya mempertahankan eksistensinya. Eksistensialisme lebih menekankan atas pengalaman setiap individu sehingga kebenaran hanya bersifat relatif. Keywords: Boys Love; Fujoshi, Fudanshi; Eksistensi

    The Use of Information Retrieval in Student Academic Document Plagiarism Detection System

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    The practice of plagiarism can threaten the credibility of academic documents such as final assignments, theses, theses, and dissertations. Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (UMPO) is one of the best Muhammadiyah Universities in Indonesia. All academic documents at UMPO are well stored. However, plagiarism is only found in the Turnitin database and in the title of academic documents. This research aims to pre-screen academic documents in the internal scope by creating a plagiarism application that is easy to use and cheaper in terms of cost than using Turnitin. The steps of making a plagiarism detection system in academic documents using information retrieval (IR) with waterfall development. The design process starts from system requirements analysis, design, implementation, and testing. This plagiarism detection system goes through several stages, namely tokenisation, stopword removal, stemming, and termweigthing. Tokenisation involves converting uppercase letters into lowercase letters and removing punctuation marks. Stopword removal removes noise, stemming converts words into basic forms, and termweigthing uses local and global weighting to calculate similarity with the Vector Space Model. Document similarity is calculated using cosine similarity, rejected documents are considered free of plagiarism. If there is no similarity, the document is accepted as a source document, while the rejected document is not stored in the database. Further research on the document plagiarism detection system that previously only used the txt file extension, in the future it can use the .doc or HTML extension so as to increase the effectiveness of the performance of academic document examination time.Deteksi plagiarisme merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam dunia akademis, terutama di perguruan tinggi. Praktik plagiarisme dapat mengancam kredibilitas dokumen akademik seperti tugas akhir, skripsi, tesis, dan disertasi. Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (UMPO) merupakan salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah terbaik di Indonesia. Semua dokumen akademik di UMPO tersimpan dengan baik. Namun plagiarisme hanya ditemukan pada database Turnitin dan pada judul dokumen akademik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan pre-screening dokumen akademik di lingkup universitas dengan membuat aplikasi plagiarisme yang mudah digunakan dan lebih murah dari segi biaya daripada menggunakan Turnitin. Langkah pembuatan sistem pendeteksi plagiarisme pada dokumen akademik ini diujicobakan kepada mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknik UMPO dengan menggunakan information retrieval (IR) dan menggunakan model pengembangan waterfall. Proses perancangan dimulai dari analisis kebutuhan sistem, desain, implementasi, dan pengujian. Perhitungan manual digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan program. Sistem pendeteksi plagiarisme ini melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu tokenisasi, stopword removal, stemming, dan termweigthing. Tokenisasi melibatkan pengubahan huruf besar menjadi huruf kecil dan penghapusan tanda baca. Penghapusan stopword menghilangkan noise yang tidak perlu, stemming mengubah kata menjadi bentuk dasar, dan termweigthing menggunakan pembobotan lokal dan global untuk menghitung kemiripan dengan Vector Space Model. Kemiripan dokumen dihitung menggunakan cosine similarity, dan dokumen yang ditolak dianggap bebas dari plagiarisme. Jika tidak ada kemiripan yang ditemukan, dokumen tersebut diterima sebagai dokumen sumber, sedangkan dokumen yang ditolak tidak disimpan dalam database.Penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai sistem pendeteksi plagiarisme dokumen yang sebelumnya hanya menggunakan ekstensi file txt, kedepannya dapat menggunakan ekstensi .doc atau HTML sehingga dapat meningkatkan efektifitas kinerja waktu pemeriksaan dokumen akademik


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengetahui apakah harga berpengaruhdansignifikan Keputusan Pembelian minuman teh kemasan Teh Botol Sosro2) mengetahui apakah kualitas produk berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadapKeputusan Pembelian minuman teh kemasan Teh Botol Sosro. 3) mengetahui apakah promosi berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelianminuman teh kemasan Teh Botol Sosro. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah235responden Mahasiswa S1 Manajemen Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Hasil pengujianhipotesis menunjukan: 1) adanya pengaruh dan signifikan dari Harga (Price) terhadap keputusan pembelian minuman teh kemasan Teh Botol Sosro. 2) adanyapengaruh dan signifikan dari Kualitas Produk (Product Quality) terhadapkeputusan pembelian minuman teh kemasan Teh Botol Sosro. 3) adanyapengaruh dan signifikan dari Promosi (Promotion) terhadap keputusan pembelianminuman teh kemasan Teh Botol The purpose of this study was 1) to examine the ef ect and significance of pricetowards purchasing decision of Teh botol sosro 2) to examine the ef ect andsignificance product quality towards purchasing decision teh botol sosro3) toexamine the ef ect and significance of promotion towards purchasing decisionof teh botol sosro. The object of this study was 235 undergraduate students of management, State University of Jakarta. The result of the study are 1) the priceef ects and significance towards pruchasing decision of teh botol sosro 2) product quality ef ects and significance towards purchasing decision of teh botol sosro3) promotion ef ects and significance towards purchasing decision of teh botol sosro


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    Climate change has resulted in rising sea levels that could lead to floods in coastal areas. This has an impact on the people living in the area. Factors affecting the vulnerability of communities in the face of disasters include poverty, education level, knowledge, awareness, and availability of easily accessible information. Poor socially vulnerable societies and living in coastal areas make it even more vulnerable to frequent robust flood threats. For that the poor must have knowledge and preparedness in the face of rob flood in its territory. This research is a qualitative research with case study approach aimed at analyzing the knowledge of the poor about rob flood and poor people's preparedness in the face of rob flood. The research location is located in Kecamatan Penjaringan, North Jakarta with the participants selected through purposive sampling technique. Techniques of collecting data using interviews, observations, and study documents that are then analyzed thematically according to the code that has been determined. The results show that poor people's knowledge about rob floods is still low as their knowledge has not yet led to the safety (safe culture) habit of dealing with robot floods, their knowledge is based solely on experience during their stay in areas affected by rob floods and often experience them, as well as poor people's preparedness in the face of floods, rob is still low, the poor have not been empowered or involved in programs or activities related to disaster preparedness. The poor need to improve their knowledge capacity through education, training, socialization, and simulations that can be done alone or with government support


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    Information System of Technical Supervision and Planning Reports is a web-based system that is used to manage the process of supervision and technical planning activities in the CV. Tata Saka Consultant. The process in this system is focused on the process of collecting and archiving reports on activities carried out by employees. CV. Tata Saka Consultant which is a civil works consulting company domiciled in the city of Purbalingga and has routine activities in providing planning and supervision services to the Public Works Department. Because the process of collecting and archiving activity reports that are still manual and has not been computerized so that errors often occur in the placement of archiving reports of activities carried out by employees, the main purpose of this system is to help the process of gathering and archiving activity reports become more structured. The method used in the development of the Information System for Supervision and Technical Planning Reports is the Prototyping development method which requires a lot of discussion and evaluation between developers and users so that the system developed can be fully in accordance with what is expected by the user. Development on this system uses the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript and uses the MySQL database with the Black-box testing method. After all testing is carried out, this system is stated to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of planning and technical supervision activities at CV. Tata Saka Consultant based on the assessment obtained from all users

    Otomasi Irigasi Janggelan Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Internet and industrial revolution 4.0 brought influence in society, especially in agriculture, the changes that occurred were in farming activities by applying appropriate technology. This activity is much in demand, especially the planting irrigation process. However, the process of irrigation or irrigation that has used appropriate technology still has some shortcomings such as pumping and control hardware systems that are still stand-alone using a timer, so the automation and monitoring process is still semi-manual. As done in the cultivation of janggelan (black grass jelly), which focuses more on irrigation governance, because the janggelan requires water intake and fertilizer nutrition which is always monitored. In order for the device to function optimally, it is made a miniature tool based on the internet of things to facilitate control and monitoring via a smartphone. In order for the miniature tool can be integrated and function in real-time with the Internet of things, then all devices (YL 69 sensors, Relay, Board NodeMCU esp 8266 are given C language coding commands, via the Arduino ID interface. synchronization between the user interface, the miniature devices, and Internet networks running normally. IoT devices and internet networks can run normally. Sensor data is able to give the pump selenoid command to turn on under humidity conditions of less than 65%, while the pump is off at 40% humidity. The success rate of data sent on Google Firebase with an average total ping of 70.28% was all successful
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