39 research outputs found

    Rekonstruksi Sistem Fiskal Nasional dalam Bingkai Konstitusi

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    There are two main objectives in this research such as identifying the fiscal developmentstage in Indonesia, and reconstruction of national fiscal system in the framework of 1945constitution. The initial foundation that must be built to strengthen the national fiscalsystem is a principle that comes from our basic nation's cultural such as the principle oftogetherness and kinship. These principles should be supported by the function and basicprinciples of management of state finances such as allocation, distribution, and stabiliza-tion. While the basic principles of state financial management includes transparency, account-ability, efficiency and effectiveness. With the various components are expected to achievea state of self-reliance and fiscal sustainability, which in turn will lead to the ultimate goalof a country that is the welfare of society

    Determinants of local public expenditures on education: Empirical evidence for Indonesian districts between 2005 and 2012

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    We provide an empirical analysis of the factors that drive expenditures on primary and secondary education in Indonesian districts. We use a panel-data set covering 398 districts between 2005 and 2012. We account for the impact of socio-economic, political and geographical factors on expenditures per pupil and on the share of the overall budget spent on education. Our results are in line studies from other countries showing that educational expenditures are rising in the municipalities' fiscal capacity. Landlocked districts are found to spend less on education than non-landlocked ones. We find some support for the notion that the share of educational expenditures in total expenditures increases in the demand for education, though our indicators for demand are not associated with higher expenditures per pupil. Somewhat surprisingly, the characteristics of the local municipal council do not influence educational expenditures

    Corruption and Decentralisation: Some Evidence in Indonesia

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    This paper seeks to disentangle the relationship between decentralisation andcorruption In Indonesia. The implementations of decentralisation in Indonesia in2001, on one hand give an opportunity for local government for more responsiveand accountable to citizens. Therefore, service delivery will improve and corruptionwill decline. On the other hand, more decentralisation has a positive impact oncorruption, raising individual propensity to accept bribes due to an increasing anopportunities for corruption at local level. Some studies show that the implementationof decentralisation in Indonesia tends to an increasing in corruption at local level.However, some local governments have an initiative to addressing the problem ofcorruption through several approaches

    Pengukuran Efisiensi Perbankan Syariah Berbasis Manajemen Risiko

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    Efficiency was very important to note because it reflected the performance of a bank. This research aimed todetermine the level of efficiency of Islamic banking in Indonesia using risk management approach during theperiod 2005 to 2009. The samples in this research were commercial Islamic banks and sharia business unit.Commercial Islamic banks consisted of Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Syariah Mega, and Bank Muamalat.While the Sharia Business Unit consisted of Bank Permata and Bank Niaga. This research used Data EnvelopmentAnalysis (DEA) to obtain the level of efficiency of each bank which was being investigated. Inputvariables used in this study were the input variable of risk such as operational risk, liquidity risk, andfinancing risk. While the output used was the total financing, and revenue sharing. The results showed thatlevels of efficiency in this research period, Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank Muamalat always had an efficientcondition. This was because the number of customers of the two banks were large and both of them had arelatively large branch network

    Grand Design Perencanaan Pembangunan Ekonomi Berbasis Ekonomi Kerakyatan dalam Upaya Mencapai Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Malang

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    The objective of this research is to analyse the possibility of community economybased (ekonomi kerakyatan) implementation in Malang district in order to achievesustainable economic development. This reseach state that there are four stages incommunity economy based design: first, mapping the leading economic sectors inMalang District. Second, mapping of socio-political conditions surrounding thecommunity. Third, identify the existing institutional order. Fourth, designing anappropriate form of partnership in order to accommodate the common good of thegovernment, private sector, and society

    Intergovernmental Transfers Reduction Policy and Flypaper Effect: Case of Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

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    This study empirically examines the influence of intergovernmental transfers and the fall of it to local government’s expenditure in Indonesia as well as the possibility of flypaper effect occurrence over pandemic. Over the years, in general, intergovernmental transfers in Indonesia was increasing since decentralization was applied in 2000 till the pandemic hit the country which made the regulator for the first time in 20 years decided to cut overall transfers for municipalities in order to recover economically. A set of cross-section data used in this study is the year 2020 from 34 provinces, 417 regencies, dan 91 cities. The result of pooled OLS regression model shows that flypaper effect does appear for all types of expenditures, such as total expenditure, capital expenditure, and operational expenditure of the local government. Asymmetric response of those three are quite varied. Total expenditure shows asymmetry whereas capital and operational expenditures find the opposite.

    Fiscal Decentralization and its Effect on Poverty Alleviation: Case Study of Indonesia

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    This research provides empirical evidence of the effect of fiscal decentralization on poverty alleviation and used data from 505 districts/cities in Indonesia from 2010 to 2019. The poverty rate is used as an indicator to measure the social condition of the area with the parameter of the percentage of the total population below the poverty line, while the fiscal decentralization indicator uses approach to the size of the ratio of PAD to total regional income and expenditure. The estimated results used the fixed effect model shows that fiscal decentralization have significant role to reduce the level of poverty in districts/cities nationally. From this estimation result, the recommended policy formulation is pro-poor fiscal decentralization through strengthening regional financial capacity, both optimizing Original Local Government Revenue (PAD), allocating Transfer Funds to Regions that are specific grants, improving the quality of spending and regional financial management, as well as mechanisms monitoring - better evaluation. In addition, the effectiveness and efficiency of regional government policies in dealing with socio-economic issues such as unemployment and growth population must also be considered

    Optimalisasi Rantai Pasok Komoditas Pertanian Strategis di Jawa Timur

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    This study aims to identify value chain of  strategic agricultural commodities in East Java. In addition, this study formulate supply chain optimization of strategic agricultural commodities in East Java. This study uses several analysis approaches, namely 1) input output analysis; 2) supply chain descriptive analysis, 3) supply chain management institutional pattern analysis, 4) trading margin analysis, 5) value chain analysis, 6) root problem analysis; and 7) Process Hierarchy Analysis (AHP).The results of this study indicate that there are three strategic commodities in East Java, namely sugar cane, cayenne pepper and corn. These strategic agricultural commodities have a fairly long supply chain. On average, producers (farmers/breeders) receive the lowest price margins among other supply chain actors. Collectors and wholesalers are known to receive the most margins

    It takes two to Tango: The joint effect of democracy and fiscal capacity on economic growth in Indonesia

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    The literature continues to debate the effects of democracy and fiscal capacity on economic growth, both partially and jointly. To remedy the literature puzzle, this study examines the economic growth effects of democracy and fiscal capacity in 34 Indonesian provinces from 2016 to 2021. Using a fixed-effect model, this study documents no evidence of a partial effect; rather, it finds a joint effect of democracy and fiscal capacity on Indonesian economic growth. These findings remain relatively robust even when provincial heterogeneity, COVID-19 pandemic shocks, and sectoral composition are factored into the model. This finding indicates that regions with democracy and strong fiscal capacity possess relatively fast per capita GRDP growth. Based on these findings, the study concludes that democracy and fiscal capacity should exist side by side. Indonesia's sub-national economic growth strategy, like a tango game, requires reforming two types of decentralization: political decentralization to improve the quality of democracy that upholds the merit system and fiscal decentralization to expand local tax capacity to finance public goods productively

    Evaluasi Dana Otonomi Khusus terhadap Kapasitas Pajak Kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat.

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    Pertanyaan Penelitian: 1) Bagaimana pengaruh dana otonomi khusus terhadap tingkat pembangunan kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat; 2) Bagaimana pengaruh tingkat pembangunan kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat. Metodologi: analisis kuantitatif data panel pendekatan two-stage least square apabila terdapat masalah simultanitas dalam model yang digunakan. Namun, jika tidak terbukti terdapat simultanitas maka pendekatan yang lebih efisien untuk digunakan adalah ordinary least square. Hasil: dana otonomi khusus yang diterima oleh 40 kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat dapat mempengaruhi secara positif tingkat pembangunan yang direpresentasikan oleh pendapatan per kapita. Namun, peningkatannya tidak terbukti mampu meningkatkan kapasitas pajak di setiap daerah. Selain itu, determinan daripada pendapatan per kapita diantaranya adalah struktur perekonomian, karakteristik demografi dan pendapatan dana transfer berupa dana otsus dan bagi hasil pajak provinsi. Sementara untuk local taxable capacity hanya terdiri dari karakteristik demografi. Selain itu, dikarenakan simultanitas yang diharapkan tidak terdapat dalam model maka tidak terbukti pula bahwa dana otonomi khusus memiliki pengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap kapasitas pajak kota dan kabupaten di Provinsi Papua dan Papua Bara