9 research outputs found
Penerapan Community based Tourism: Upaya Pendampingan Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Karangpakel Bersatu dalam Mengemas Produk Wisata di Desa Badean Jember
Badean Village has a lot of potential, including typical village cuisine, coffee plantations, durian gardens, clear river flows, megalithic historical stones and others. The current development of Badean Village is still not optimal, due to the lack of public knowledge about tourism and people who do not understand well about the tourism potential they have to be packaged, which will later become something interesting and have selling points to tourists. The purpose of this research is to encourage and assist the Pokdarwis Karangpakel Bersatuin optimizing tourism potential so that it can be packaged into tourism products. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and literature study. The results of this study are: (1) the implementation of the concept of community based tourism (CBT) in Badean Village has been in accordance with the principles of CBT; (2) efforts to assist the Pokdarwis Karangpakel Bersatu in packaging tourism products have been carried out in Badean Village; (3) there are several tourism potentials that have been packaged and developed into tourism products that have selling value
Tahapan Pembuatan E-Booklet Sebagai Media Informasi Objek Wisata Kedung Kandang di Desa Wisata Nglanggeran
Nglanggeran Tourism Village has several leading tourist objects, one of which is Kedung Kandang. The Kedung Kandang area presents an epic blend of natural beauty and modern accommodation, namely glamping. Some of the supporting facilities at Kedung Kandang have not been able to bring in many visitors, this is due to several factors, one of which is the lack of information and promotional media. One of the information media that can be used is e-booklets. The Kedung Kandang e-booklet displays some information such as Kedung Kandang Waterfall, glamping, flora and fauna, existing facilities and packages that can be chosen when visiting Kedung Kandang. To apply the Kedung Kandang e-booklet as an information medium, there are several means that are used, namely through the link in Kedung Kandang's Instagram bio and the QR code that can be found at the entrance to the Nglanggeran Purba Volcano. The purpose of this research is to describe the stages of making the Kedung Kandang e-booklet as a tourist information medium and to describe the material displayed in the Kedung Kandang e-booklet. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and literature study. The results of this study are: (1) the stages of making the Kedung Kandang e-booklet as a tourist information medium; (2) material displayed in the Kedung Kandang e-booklet
Optimalisasi Pokdarwis Massawi Melalui Tourism Service Management Pengembangan Objek Wisata Teluk Love Jember
Jember has a very diverse natural, cultural and artificial tourism potential. One of the natural potentials that currently become the prima donna in Jember is Teluk Love beach, located in Sumberrejo-Ambulu-Jember. The main attraction of the Love Bay is in terms of its shape that symbolizes love, which is not possessed by other destinations in Jember. The booming existence of the Love Bay increases tourist arrivals at this destination every day, in the other hand the condition of human resources and social economic environment is not ready to face of the growth of Love Bay tourism. Weak tourism knowledge, slum social environment patterns, society economic management are some challenges in developing this Love Bay tourism. Theoretically, if a tourist destination is well managed, tourists as subjects in the tourism industry have an important role in the sustainability of a tourist destination. The tourist services needs to get special attention. If the tourists are well served, then they will feel satisfied. This is a factor driving these tourists to come back, and with the more tourists it will have an effect on improving the economic level of the community itself. Based on the problems experienced by partners, the solutions that can be offered are providing soft skills training (attitude) for tourism services, providing hard skills training (procedural), providing assistance in the form of procurement of quality improvement service
Wisata Sejarah Megalitikum di kecamatan Arjasa merupakan salah satu potensi wisata di kabupaten Jember. Peninggalan situs purbakala menjadi bagian dari cagar budaya dan pelestarian sejarah. Dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia, salah satu faktor yang berperan penting adalah kompetensi pengelola wisata, untuk itu pengembangan dan pendampingan para pengelola menjadi penting untuk dilakukan. Pelayanan dan interaksi pengelola kepada pengunjung menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong wisatawan untuk mempromosikan dan datang kembali ke destinasi wisata. Dengan adanya pengembangan wisata, dampak ekonomi yang terasa adalah peningkatan pendapatan bagi masyarakat sekitar, khususnya desa Arjasa. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada, maka kelompok riset TOP SUN melaksanakan pengabdian desa binaan dengan hibah dari LP2M Universitas Jember melalui dukungan penguatan kapasitas sumber daya dalam pengembangan wisata sejarah megalitikum terhadap masyarakat pengelola desa Arjasa melalui POKDARWIS dan pemuda desa Arjasa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis situasi dan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra di desa Arjasa, dilakukan Upaya peningkatan sumber daya manusia (SDM) melalui pelatihan teknik pramuwisata serta penguatan kompetensi berupa kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. Dukungan lain berupa penguatan awareness melalui pengadaan papan petunjuk arah guna mempermudah wisatawan berkunjung ke obyek wisata, Dukungan ketiga, melalui diskusi bersama untuk menginisiasi potensi paket wisata edukasi sejarah kepada siswa sekolah. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pengelola dibidang Bahasa asing, kapasitas interpretasi sejarah megalitikum, Pendampingan ini dilakukan melalui pertemuan, pengadaan sarana berupa pengadaan papan interpretasi serta penyediaan video profil kawasan obyek wisata sejarah megalitikum. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam empat tahapan yaitu, survei permasalahan mitra, perencanaan, pengembangan sistem manajemen wisata dan pelatihan masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah menghasilkan produk berupa kapasitas pengelola dalam menyapa maupun berkomunikasi dengan pengunjung, tersediaya papan petunjuk arah dan video profil desa Arjasa
Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi potensi lokal dan menyusun model pengembangan wisata di wilayah sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung Bromo yang meliputi Kabupaten Malang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, dan Lumajang. Teridentifikasi bahwa potensi keempat kabupaten di sekitar kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Bromo tersebut memiliki potensi alam yang besar untuk dapat dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata untuk mendukung destinasi wisata Gunung Bromo. Potensi tersebut antara lain berupa desa wisata, air terjun, pemandangan alam berupa gunung, dan danau. Terhadap potensi destinasi wisata yang ada, secara ekonomi keempat kabupaten tersebut akan lebih mendapatkan manfaat apabila sumber daya yang dimiliki digunakan untuk memperbaiki kualitas manajemen, harga, ketersediaan informasi, dan kesediaan masyarakat untuk membayar. Adapun strategi yang berbasis masyarakat akan lebih tepat untuk pengembangan destinasi wisata di sekitar kawasan Bromo tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di empat kabupaten sekitar kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Bromo yakni Kabupaten Malang, Pasurauan, Probolinggo, dan Lumajang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah campuran kualitatif dan kuantitatif
Tahapan Pembuatan E-Booklet Sebagai Media Informasi Objek Wisata Kedung Kandang di Desa Wisata Nglanggeran
Nglanggeran Tourism Village has several leading tourist objects, one of which is Kedung Kandang. The Kedung Kandang area presents an epic blend of natural beauty and modern accommodation, namely glamping. Some of the supporting facilities at Kedung Kandang have not been able to bring in many visitors, this is due to several factors, one of which is the lack of information and promotional media. One of the information media that can be used is e-booklets. The Kedung Kandang e-booklet displays some information such as Kedung Kandang Waterfall, glamping, flora and fauna, existing facilities and packages that can be chosen when visiting Kedung Kandang. To apply the Kedung Kandang e-booklet as an information medium, there are several means that are used, namely through the link in Kedung Kandang's Instagram bio and the QR code that can be found at the entrance to the Nglanggeran Purba Volcano. The purpose of this research is to describe the stages of making the Kedung Kandang e-booklet as a tourist information medium and to describe the material displayed in the Kedung Kandang e-booklet. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and literature study. The results of this study are: (1) the stages of making the Kedung Kandang e-booklet as a tourist information medium; (2) material displayed in the Kedung Kandang e-bookle
Analysis of Potency and Strategy Identification of Wuluhan Subdistrict as A Super Priority Destination Area in Jember Regency
The potential of Wuluhan sub-district attracts the government to make a super priority area. This research with a cooperative tourism planning perspective will later present a normative model of tourism planning in Wuluhan area which requires integrative collaboration between government institutions and various stakeholders, both at the autonomous level and the public also private sectors. The analysis method in this research uses the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) method, the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) matrix analysis method and the quantitave strategy planning matrix (QSPM) method. The attractions in the four villages are agrotourism attractions, river tubing tourism, sports tourism, and recreational tourism. Accessibility to the four villages still needs development in terms of directional signage and improving road conditions. The amenities available in each village are still minimal and need improvement to support priority destinations. Ancillary services in each village already have tourism awareness group (pokdarwis), but there is still a need to improve human resources and governance. Based on the SWOT analysis, it was found: S-O strategy, W-O strategy, S-T strategy and W-T strategy to support super priority tourist areas
Penilaian dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Air Sub DAS Lubuk Paraku Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat
Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Lubuk Paraku ada di daerah hulu DAS Batang Arau dengan Sungai Lubuk Paraku sebagai sungai utama. Kawasan ini terdiri dari dua tipe hutan : Taman Hutan Raya Dr. Mohammad Hatta dan Hutan Lindung Bukit Barisan I. Fungsi hidrologis yang baik adalah kemampuan suatu DAS dalam menjaga keseimbangan tata air untuk mencegah banjir pada musim penghujan dan kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Aktivitas manusia dapat mempengaruhi sifat fisik suatu DAS, diantaranya yaitu pengelolaan lahan yang muncul karena pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk dan perkembangan teknologi. Hal tersebut terjadi karena kebutuhan manusia akan lahan semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk. Hal yang sama terjadi juga pada Sub DAS Lubuk Paraku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang bentuk pemanfaatan dan juga nilai ekonomi dari sumberdaya air Sub DAS Lubuk Paraku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Jumlah debit air Sub DAS Lubuk Paraku yaitu 2,8 m³/detik yang dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan air rumah tangga, pertanian, pembangkit listrik dan industri. Nilai ekonomi sumberdaya air yang berasal dari Sungai Lubuk Paraku dengan pendekatan pasar adalah sebesar Rp 54.488.861.890/tahun dan dengan pendekatan Willingness to Pay (WTP) sebesar Rp 363.273.000/tahu