269 research outputs found

    Deteksi dini akibat lanjut berat lahir rendah

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    ABSTRAK The probability of acquiring disorders of immunity, psysical, neurologic and mental development is higher in LBW babies. This paper discusses early detection tests for these disorders. Key Words :LBW, serologic test, anttu-opometric measurement, neurologic examina tion, psychological test

    Gondok dan kecerdasan anak sekolah dasar di kecamatan ngablak, kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah

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    ABSTRAK This study was based on a hypothesized statement that goiter influenced intelligence. The children progressive matrices test for intelligence were administered to 234 elementary school students of the Ngablak Sub-district, Magelang District. Goiter data was obtained from the Magelang Health District Office. An analysis of variance was conducted and the results did not support the hypothesis. Key words : intelligence, endemic goiter, progresive matrices tes


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    Background: In favor of the economic value of tobacco,Indonesia has minimal anti-smoking policies and regulations.Even though smoking is not permitted in the government offices,health facilities, and schools, the regulation has not yet beenfully implemented, particularly in tertiary education institutionssuch as universities. Faculty of medicine, as institutioneducating future medical professional, should be role model inimplementing the tobacco free campus policy.Objective: The present study examines the effectiveness oftobacco free campus policy in the Faculty of Medicine,University of Gadjah Mada (FM UGM) in Yogyakarta Province.Method: Two cross-sectional surveys on medical studentsmoking behaviors were conducted in 2003 (n=734) and 2007(n=463), respectively. The prevalence of smoking and quittingeffort were measured in both surveys. Student’s opinion ontobacco free campus policy was measured in 2007.Result: The percentage of male non-smoker has increased19.1%, while among female was 1.2%. While 11.9% studentsstopped smoking when they were admitted in FM UGM, 6%quitted smoking following the tobacco free campusimplementation and 7% reduced the number of cigarettessmoked. Moreover, ninety percent of male and 94% of femalestudents at public schools supported the implementation oftobacco free campus policy.Conclusion: The implementation of tobacco free campuspolicy has positive impact on reducing smoking behavior andpromoting quitting behavior among students in FM UGM. Bothmale and female students unanimously support the tobaccofree area.Keywords: smoke free area, smoking status, smoking behavior,university studen

    Persepsi Ibu Rumah Tangga terhadap Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi bagi Remaja (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok BKR Kecamatan Prambanan Kabupaten Sleman)

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    Background: Recently various adolescents\u27 behavior is very worried in our society. Indeed, unprotected sexuality is a very worried problem in the whole of health problem. It is expected that housewives could give reproduction health education in their family, although it is found that from many studiesparents\u27 role is minimal. Methods: This study is a cross sectional study, which aim to investigate housewives\u27 perception toward reproduction health\u27 education for adolescents. In addition, to examine the relationship of personal characteristic which consist of age, formal education, family experience, knowledge, religion values, social-culture, and situational factor, which consist of access to mass media and meeting with cadre. Furthermore, this study is also aim to investigate the relationship of personal characteristic plus situational factor, and housewives\u27 perception toward reproduction health education. Rbsults: The subjects of this study are housewives who have children between 14 to 21 h. years old and become the member of BKR (Bina Keluarga Anak dan Remaja) group in Prambanan sub-district, Sleman regency, DIY province. Indeed, this study was done in Madurejo, Wukoharjo, Sumberharjo, and Sambirejo villages. Conclusions: From data analytic and interpretation," it is known that most of housewives\u27 perception toward reproduction health education for adolescents is minimal. In addition, there was a significant relationship between personal characteristic which consist of formal education, knowledge, religion values, social-culture, and situational factor which consist of access to mass media and meeting with cadreand the combination of personal characteristic and situational factor with housewives\u27 perception toward reproduction health education for adolescents (p 0,01). Keywords: mothers\u27perceptionreproductionhealtheducationadolescent

    Pelatihan Keterampilan Pencegahan Perilaku Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Bagi Siswa SD Dan SMP Di Yogyakarta

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    Abstract: Background and Objective: This study was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a prevention skills training of drugs abuse to deter the initiation of using drugs among elementary and junior high school students in Yogyakarta. The prevention skills training were carried out among students and their parents. Method: An experimental study using pre test-post test control group design was used to assess the effectiveness of prevention skills training of drug abuse. Participants of this study were 242 grade 5 Primary School students and grade 2 Junior High School students, as well as their parents. Knowledge about the harm of drug, attitude toward drug use and intention of using drug were measured by questionnaire. Data were analysed by independent and paired t-tests. Results: There were differences of knowledge about the harm of drug, attitude toward drug use and intention for using drug between experimental and control group in the post test among elementary school students. However, the difference of attitude toward drug use and intention for using drug were not found between experimental and control group among junior high school students. Within the paired West, the result indicated that there were differences of knowledge of the harm of drug between pre test and post test among elementary and junior high school. Moreover, there was a difference of attitude toward using drug between pre test and post test among elementary school students, while the difference was not found among junior high school students. The intention for not using drug was not significantly different between pre test and post test among two groups (elementary and junior high school students). Conclusion: An intervention could not be expected because the implementation of prevention skills training of drugs abuse could not be carried out as it was planned. The main obstacle was because each school has their own relatively tied academic schedule. It might be better if the prevention skills training of drugs abuse were included in the school curriculum. Keywords: prevention skills training, drugs abus

    Persepsi dan Aktifitas Kader PSN DBD terhadap Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Demam Berdarah Dengue

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    Background: Banjarbaru municipality is a DHF endemic area because of the annual occurrence. From the year of 2001 up to 2007 there was always a number of people who was died because of the disease. Effort to control DHF by municipality health office of Banjarbaru was DHF promotion, early awareness on DHF and forming trained cadre of mosquito net control (PSN) of DHF. This was shown from the result of PJB from the year of 2002 up to 2007 and the average of AJB was under 95% and the incident rate of DHF was still up and down every year. The cadre of PSN DHF was expected could stimulate communities\u27 participation in order to implement the PSN so that DHF incident could be suppressed.Objective: This research was aimed to find out the correlation of perception and activity of cadre of PSN DHF in DHF prevention and control in Banjarbaru municipality.Methods: This was an observational research that used cross sectional design. The research variable consisted of independent variable that was internal factor (knowledge, age, education level, job) and external factor (information source, information media) and the confounding variable was perception on cadre of PSN DHF and the dependent variable was activity of PSN DHF cadre. The sample was taken with proportional random sampling and the analysis being used was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with t test and regression linear was used to examine the correlation strength.Results: The research result showed that respondent\u27s perception was already good (81,08%) and respondent\u27s activity was also good (77,36%). There was a significant correlation between respondent\u27s knowledge on DHF disease with perception of PSN DHF cadre (p0,05). There was an unsignificant correlation between analysis of information source and information media with perception of PSN DHF cadre (p>0,05). Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between cadre\u27s perception with cadre\u27s activity (p < 0,05).Conclusion: Perception and activity of PSN DHF cadre in the municipality of Banjarbaru was already fine. There was a correlation between internal factor that was knowledge with cadre\u27s perception, while the other internal factor (age, education level, and job) did not have correlation with perception. External factor (information media and source of information) was not related with perception of PSN DHF cadre. Indeed, there was a correlation between perception and cadre\u27s activity

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Lingkungan melalui Kultum

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    Background: The condition of environmental health in Indonesia is still not good. This is noticed with high morbidity rate of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI), diarrhea, skin and TBC diseases. This condition is occurred in pondok pesantren (moslem school) which is spread out in the District of Bener Meriah Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Therefore, health promotion effort which considered value, norm as well as local resources is necessary. Kultum (kuliah tujuh menit/seven minutes speech) is one of media which could be used to convey da'wah (moslem learning) so that kultum can be used as media to conveys enviromental health message.Objective: The general objective of this research was aimed to find out the improvement knowledge, attitude and behavior related to the health environment through kultum method by ustadz toward pesantren community.Method: This was a quasi experiment research and the population was santri (moslem student in moslem school) and the subject for each group was all santri. The independent variable was health education through kultum and dependent variable were knowledge, attitude and behavior of santri regarding environmental health. The research instrument being used was questionnaire and observation check list. Data analysis was conducted by using independent sample t test and paired sample t test.Result: The result of statistic analysis showed that knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding environmental health of santri who were given health education through kultum with hand out were different with those who were not given kultum intervention. This was showed by the increasing average value score of knowledge, attitude and behavior of santri who were given environmental health education through kultum in post test 1 and 2. The routinity of environmental health message which is obtained by santri through kultum, conveying environmental health message which was implemented in religious situation as well as figure of guru/ustadz that was credible and respected in pesantren effected on the changes of knowledge, attitude and behavior of santri toward positive respond.Conclusion: Knowledge, attitude and behavioral of santri who were given environmental health education through kultum better than santri who were not given intervention kultum. Kultum as da'wah media could be used to conveys health message in pesantren, mosque or praying forum

    Peran Petugas Puskesmas dalam Promosi Kesehatan Berhenti Merokok pada Pasien dan Masyarakat

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    Role of Health Center Staff in Health Promotion of Smoking Cessation of Patients and The CommunityBackgrounds: Smoking is a complex and global problem. Its impact to health is undeniable. Nevertheless, the prevalence of smoking increases in developing countries, whereas in developed countries the prevalence decreases. The prevalence of smoking in population always increases. In the Sleman district the prevalence of smoking in the population of above 10 years old reaches 26.7%, the prevalence of smoking household is 55.74%. Data of 8 major diseases causing mortality in hospitals at District of Sleman shows that 4 of them are diseases related to cigarettes. Health staffshave a very strategic role to promote smoking cessation in patientsand the community.Objectives: To identify the role of health center staff promoting healthty smoking cessation in patients and community and aspects related to it.Methods: The study used qualitative approach and phenomenological design. The main subject of the studywas staff of public health promotion, clinical coordinator and heads of health center. The supporting subjects were patients and the community and the officials of the health office. Selection of health centers were based on coverage of the highest and the lowest smoke free household, each representing one respondent. Data were obtained through indepth interview and observation.Results: Role of health center staff in the promotion of smoking cessation includes patient and family education,community and school children education, giving advices and medical instructions, providing information, becoming non smoking role model, creating a model of smoke free area, collaborating clinical services with psychologists. Aspects related to these comprised were staff's attitudes, understanding of the need to quit smoking, responsibility, staff's competence, community's expectation, constraints and belief in success.Conclusions: Role of health center staff in the promotion of smoking cessation was not yet optimum due to limited competence, internal and external constraints, poor belief in success

    Hambatan pemberian ASI ekslusif pada ibu bekerja: teori ekologi sosial

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    Obstacles of providing exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers using social-ecological theoryBackground: The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in Indonesia was increased to 38% but it was lower than the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target (80%). One of the influence factors is to return to work. Society assumed that a mother who stays at home more successful to provide EBF than working mothers. A previous study indicated that some obstacles become early cessation factors among working mothers.Objective: To explore the obstacle of breastfeeding using social-ecological theory.Methods: Qualitative research inquiry based on phenomenology design. Informants were chosen through purposive sampling. Inclusion criteria were working mothers who succeeded provide exclusive breastfeeding, had children age 6-24 months, lived, and formally worked at Manado. Data triangulation was conducted through in-depth interviews with the manager/supervisor/colleague. Data collected using in-depth interviews and observation.Results: A total of twelve informants have interviewed consists of six working mothers and six triangulation informants. The result indicated that lack of confidence was related to providing exclusive breastfeeding. This is caused by family influence, culture, health provider, and lack of awareness from the working place. A support group was the main factors that influence the mother to overcome all obstacles.Conclusions: The main obstacles for working mothers to provide EBF come from interpersonal factors that determined by other factors: intrapersonal, organizational, community. Therefore working mothers need breastfeeding preparation since early pregnancy to decrease breastfeeding obstacles

    Pengaruh Relaksasi Otot dalam Menurunkan Skor Kecemasan T-Tmas Mahasiswa Menjelang Ujian Akhir Program di Akademi Keperawatan Notokusumo YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Anxiety is a disorders that has symptoms of heart, dizzy, wet palm and foot or emotional disorders such as discomfort feeling, difficult to concentrate, worried, exhaustness, insomnia, less appetite. This condition often occurred in students of Nursing Academy (Akper) of Notokusumo Yogyakarta when they are facing final examination. This is obtained from a preliminary research that was conducted by giving question on the condition experienced by the students of Akper Notokusumo Yogyakarta regarding their worryness in facing the examination with subject of 50 students that was held on the 5th – 8th of October 2007.Objective: This research was aimed to find out the influence of muscle relaxation in decreasing the TMAS anxiety score of students in facing their final examination.Method: This was a quasi experimental design with randomized control group pre test and post test design that was research subjects who were classified into two groups that were treatment group that was located in Akper Notokusumo with 100 students and control group that was located in Akper Karya Bhakti Husada Bantul with subjects of 50 students. Both of the groups were given pre test before given treatment, and yet, one group was given post test after treatment while the other group was given post test without treatment. The intsrument being used was Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (TMAS). The analysis being used to examine the difference of treatment and control group was conducted with independet sample t test with significance level of p = 0.05.Result: The result of the research showed that there was a decreasing on anxiety from pre test to post test. In control group, there was no decreasing of anxiety from pre test to post test even there was an improvement during post test.Conclusion: Relaxation had influence in decreasing anxiety of student of Nursing Academy of Notokusumo Yogyakarta as treatment group and the result was lower during post test compared to pre test
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