5 research outputs found
Registro dei battezzati della Parrocchia di Cherso (1571 – 1596)
Rad je nastao na temelju istraživanja i analize najstarije sačuvane Matične knjige krštenih župe Cres. Pisala su je u razdoblju od 1571. do 1596. godine čak tridesetorica svećenika. Svaki je svećenik, što je i sasvim razumljivo, imao poseban stil pisanja i različit način oblikovanja slova, pa je rad na njoj predstavljao i svojevrstan paleografski izazov. Matica je pisana talijanskim jezikom, odnosno mletačkim dijalektom, koji je bio svojstven urbanim središtima otoka Cresa zbog gotovo kontinuirane nazočnosti mletačke vlasti od 1145. do 1797. godine, kada je Mletačka Republika prestala postojati. U radu je pružen tek kratak analitički osvrt na rukopise svećenika u Matičnoj knjizi krštenih župe Cres, nakon čega slijede poglavlja s podrobnijim raščlambama i predstavljanjima rezultata u svezi s godišnjim i mjesečnim rasporedom rađanja djece, potom u svezi s mjesečnim rasporedom začeća te vezom začeća sa sezonskim poslovima. U posebnim su se poglavljima pružili i osvrti na broj i ulogu svećenika krstitelja, na nadijevanje imena krštenicima, a predstavila su se i (naj)češća te nešto rjeđa muška i ženska osobna imena. Isto su tako obrađeni i pridjevci (prezimena) krštenika i njihovih očeva. U kratku je poglavlju analiziran i broj upisa koji se odnosi na blizanačke parove, a koji su bili vrlo rijetki u župi Cres u promatranom razdoblju. Rad završava nešto detaljnijim poglavljem u kojemu je objašnjena uloga kumova, ne samo u životu krštenika nego i u životu obitelji kojoj je pripadao krštenik. Istaknuta je i važnost broja kumova/kuma te (naj)češće biranih krsnih kumova/kuma u creskoj gradskoj zajednici. Kako je riječ o prvom povijesno-demografskom uratku temeljenom na jednoj od matičnih knjiga otoka Cresa, komparativan je pristup sa sličnim istraživanjima i objavljenim rezultatima morao biti okrenut onima koje su odradili stručnjaci u susjednoj Istri. Riječ je o (polu)urbanim zajednicama, odnosno župama u Lindaru, Pićnu, Puli, Rovinju, Svetvinčentu, Umagu, Taru i Tinjanu.The paper is based on the research and analysis of the oldest preserved Register of Baptisms of the Parish of Cres. It was written in the period from 1571 to 1596 by as many as thirty priests. Each priest, which is quite understandable, had a special style of writing and a different way of formatting the letters, which made working on it a kind of palaeographic challenge. The Register was written in the Italian language, i.e. the Venetian dialect, which was characteristic of the urban centres of the island of Cres due to the almost continuous presence of Venetian rule from 1145 to 1797, when the Venetian Republic ceased to exist. The paper provides only a brief analytical review of the manuscripts written by the priests in the Register of Baptisms of the Parish of Cres, followed by chapters comprising more detailed analyses and presentations of results related to the annual and monthly distribution of births, then monthly distributions of conception and the relationship of conception with seasonal work. Specific chapters provide reviews of the number and the role of the baptizing priests, of the naming of the baptized, and the (most) frequent and somewhat rarer male and female personal names. The epithets (surnames) of the baptized and their fathers are also treated. A short chapter analyses the number of entries related to twins, who were very rare in the Parish of Cres in the observed period. The paper concludes with a somewhat more detailed chapter explaining the role of godparents, not only in the life of the baptized, but also in the life of the family to which the baptized belonged. The importance of the number of godparents and the (most)frequently chosen godparents in the Cres town community is also emphasized. As this is the first historical-demographic paper based on one of the registers of the island of Cres, the comparative approach with similar research and published results had to follow those done by experts in the neighbouring Istria researching (semi)urban communities, i.e. parishes of Lindar, Pićan, Pula, Rovinj, Svetvinčenat, Umag, Tar and Tinjan.Il lavoro è nato dalla ricerca e dall’analisi del più antico conservato Registro dei battezzati della parrocchia di Cherso. È stato scritto nel periodo tra il 1571 e il 1596 da addirittura trenta sacerdoti. Ogni sacerdote aveva un particolare stile di scrittura e un diverso modo di formare le lettere, fenomeno comprensibile, il motivo per quale il lavoro sul registro ha rappresentato anche una certa sfida paleografica. Il Registro è scritto in lingua italiana, ovvero in dialetto veneto, caratteristico per i centri urbani dell’isola di Cherso, per via della quasi continua presenza del dominio veneto dal 1145 al 1797, quando cessò di esistere la Repubblica di Venezia. Nel lavoro è presente una breve recensione analitica delle scritture dei sacerdoti nel Registro dei battezzati della parrocchia di Cherso, alla quale seguono capitoli con dettagliate analisi e presentazioni dei risultati relative alla distribuzione annuale e mensile delle nascite di bambini, alla distribuzione mensile dei concepimenti e la correlazione tra i concepimenti e i lavori stagionali. Nei capitoli a parte ci sono cenni relativi al numero e al ruolo dei sacerdoti che battezzavano, alla scelta dei nomi dei battezzati, e si sono presentati anche i nomi (più) frequenti e quelli più rari, maschili e femminili. Sono inoltre elaborati gli appellativi (cognomi) dei battezzati e dei loro padri. In un capitolo breve è analizzato il numero di iscrizioni relativo alle coppie di gemelli, che erano molto rari nella Parrocchia di Cherso nel periodo interessato. Nell’ultimo capitolo, viene spiegato, in modo accurato, il ruolo dei padrini, non solo nella vita del battezzato ma anche della famiglia a cui appartiene. Si sottolinea l’importanza del numero dei padrini/madrine e i più scelti padrini/ madrine del battesimo nella comunità urbana di Cherso. Poiché si tratta del primo lavoro storico-demografico basato su uno dei registri dell’isola di Cherso, un approccio comparativo con simili ricerche e risultati pubblicati doveva riguardare quelli realizzati da parte di esperti nella vicina Istria. Si tratta di comunità (semi)urbane, ovvero parrocchie di Lindaro, Pedena,Pola, Rovigno, Sanvincenti, Umago, Torre e Antignana
The register of the Parish of Cres 1571-1596
Rad prezentira istraživanje matične knjige Župe Cres u razdoblju od 1571. do 1596. s osvrtom na analizu rukopisa, godišnji i mjesečni raspored rođenja, potom mjesečni raspored začeća te vezu začeća sa sezonskim poslovima. Nadalje, osvrće se na nadijevanje imena krštenika te donosi muška i ženska imena, ali i pridjevke (prezimena) očeva krštenika. Uz spomenuto analiziran je i broj upisa koji se odnosi na blizanačke parove, a koji su bili vrlo rijetki u Župi Cres u promatranom razdoblju. Zatim se analiza struktura kumstva te njihov broj u pojedinim upisima. Rad je kompariran s istraživanjima koja su provedena za obližnja, ponajprije istarska mjesta.The paper present a research of the registry book of the Parish of Cres in the period from 1571 to 1596 with a review of manuscript analysis, annual and monthly birth schedules, then the monthly conception schedule and the relationship of conception with seasonal jobs. Furthermore, it brings the naming of the baptized and brings male and female names, but also the surnames of the baptized father. In addition to the above, the number of entries related to twin birth which were rare in the Parish of Cres in that period. Paper bring analysis of the structure of goodparents and their number in individual entries.The work is compared with research conducted for nearby places, primarily Istrian places
The register of the Parish of Cres 1571-1596
Rad prezentira istraživanje matične knjige Župe Cres u razdoblju od 1571. do 1596. s osvrtom na analizu rukopisa, godišnji i mjesečni raspored rođenja, potom mjesečni raspored začeća te vezu začeća sa sezonskim poslovima. Nadalje, osvrće se na nadijevanje imena krštenika te donosi muška i ženska imena, ali i pridjevke (prezimena) očeva krštenika. Uz spomenuto analiziran je i broj upisa koji se odnosi na blizanačke parove, a koji su bili vrlo rijetki u Župi Cres u promatranom razdoblju. Zatim se analiza struktura kumstva te njihov broj u pojedinim upisima. Rad je kompariran s istraživanjima koja su provedena za obližnja, ponajprije istarska mjesta.The paper present a research of the registry book of the Parish of Cres in the period from 1571 to 1596 with a review of manuscript analysis, annual and monthly birth schedules, then the monthly conception schedule and the relationship of conception with seasonal jobs. Furthermore, it brings the naming of the baptized and brings male and female names, but also the surnames of the baptized father. In addition to the above, the number of entries related to twin birth which were rare in the Parish of Cres in that period. Paper bring analysis of the structure of goodparents and their number in individual entries.The work is compared with research conducted for nearby places, primarily Istrian places
Population of Cres (1571-1700)
Rad obrađuje matične knjige (krštenja, vjenčanja, umrli) Župe Cres od kraja 16. pa do kraja 17. stoljeća. Prikupljanjem podataka stvorena je baza podataka koja se analizirala i iz koje su izvučeni podaci o prosječnom broj krštenih, vjenčanih, umrlih, broju stanovnika u župi, mjesečnom distrubucijom, odnosno ritmovima rađanja, vjenčavanja i umiranja, blizancima, prisutnosti primalja na porodu i njihovoj ulozi kod krštenja u hitnoći, strukturi kumstava, nezakonitoj djeci, popularnim imenima i sl... Svi su ti procesi uspoređeni s podacima za istarske i kvarnerske župe.The theisis deals with churhs registirys (baptisms, marriages, deaths) of the Parish of Cres from the end of the 16th to the end of the 17th century. By collecting data, a database was created that was analyzed and from which dana was extracted on the average numbers of baptisms, marriages, detahs and the number of inhabitants in the parish, monthly distributions the rhythms of births, marriages and deaths, twins, the presence of midwives at childbirth and their role in urgent baptisms, the structure of godparents, illegitimate children, popular names, etc... All these processes were compared with dana for Istrian and Kvarner parishes
[Characteristics and effectiveness of smoking cessation programs in Italy. Results of a multicentric longitudinal study]
Aim: to describe the characteristics and effectiveness of various smoking cessation programs offered by Italian treatment services operating within the National Health Service. Design: prospective longitudinal multicentre study involving 41 smoking cessation services in 16 Italian regions. Study population: the study population includes patients entering smoking cessation programs between April 2003 and June 2004. The "study population" includes 1226 patients (54.2% males and 45.4% females), mean age 47 years. Patients have a middle/high level of education and a long history of smoking; most are highly dependent on nicotine and report previous attempts to quit smoking. Methods: treatment effectiveness in smoking cessation is assessed six months after entering treatment service. Logistic Regression Model was used to determine the predictors of successfiul cessation, independent of treatment typology. The predictors were included as confounding variables in the logistic regression model that was used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments. Besides the effect of treatment completion on smoking cessation was estimated. Results: predictors of successful smoking cessation are: being male, presence of a partner, strong motivation to quit, previous attempts to give up smoking, mild nicotine dependence, and not suffering from mood disturbances. All treatments are effective in helping people to stop smoking: cessation rate ranges between 25.00% for patients receiving a single session of motivational counselling and 65.3% for those receiving nicotine replacement therapy combined to group therapy. Compared to a single session of motivational counseling, nicotine replacement therapy combined to group therapy is the most effective therapeutic program (OR 5.4; 95%CI 12.5-12.0). Treatment completion is a strong determinant ofsuccess (OR 4.8; 95%CI 3.5-6.4). Conclusion: enrolling people in any type of therapeutic program, in particular nicotine replacement therapy combined with group therapy increases the probability of successfully quitting smoking; moreover, patients that begin a smoking cessation program should be encouraged to complete the therap