4,370 research outputs found
Noncommutative Wess-Zumino-Witten actions and their Seiberg-Witten invariance
We analyze the noncommutative two-dimensional Wess-Zumino-Witten model and
its properties under Seiberg-Witten transformations in the operator
formulation. We prove that the model is invariant under such transformations
even for the noncritical (non chiral) case, in which the coefficients of the
kinetic and Wess-Zumino terms are not related. The pure Wess-Zumino term
represents a singular case in which this transformation fails to reach a
commutative limit. We also discuss potential implications of this result for
bosonization.Comment: Version to appear in Nuclear Physics
Integrable Systems for Particles with Internal Degrees of Freedom
We show that a class of models for particles with internal degrees of freedom
are integrable. These systems are basically generalizations of the models of
Calogero and Sutherland. The proofs of integrability are based on a recently
developed exchange operator formalism. We calculate the wave-functions for the
Calogero-like models and find the ground-state wave-function for a
Calogero-like model in a position dependent magnetic field. This last model
might have some relevance for matrix models of open strings.Comment: 10 pages, UVA-92-04, CU-TP-56
Description of identical particles via gauged matrix models : a generalization of the Calogero-Sutherland system
We elaborate the idea that the matrix models equipped with the gauge symmetry
provide a natural framework to describe identical particles. After
demonstrating the general prescription, we study an exactly solvable harmonic
oscillator type gauged matrix model. The model gives a generalization of the
Calogero-Sutherland system where the strength of the inverse square potential
is not fixed but dynamical bounded by below.Comment: 1+10 pages, No figure, LaTeX; a reference added, title changed
slightly, minor correction, to appear in Phys. Lett.
Quantum Hall states as matrix Chern-Simons theory
We propose a finite Chern-Simons matrix model on the plane as an effective
description of fractional quantum Hall fluids of finite extent. The
quantization of the inverse filling fraction and of the quasiparticle number is
shown to arise quantum mechanically and to agree with Laughlin theory. We also
point out the effective equivalence of this model, and therefore of the quantum
Hall system, with the Calogero model.Comment: 18 pages; final version to appear in JHE
Recent developments in non-Abelian T-duality in string theory
We briefly review the essential points of our recent work in non-Abelian
T-duality. In particular, we show how non-abelian T-duals can effectively
describe infinitely high spin sectors of a parent theory and how to implement
the transformation in the presence of non-vanishing Ramond fields in type-II
supergravity.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings contribution to the 10th Hellenic School on
Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, Corfu, Greece, September 201
Quasihole wavefunctions for the Calogero model
The one-quasihole wavefunctions and their norms are derived for the system of
particles on the line with inverse-square interactions and harmonic confining
potential.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, phyzzx.te
Quantum Hall states on the cylinder as unitary matrix Chern-Simons theory
We propose a unitary matrix Chern-Simons model representing fractional
quantum Hall fluids of finite extent on the cylinder. A mapping between the
states of the two systems is established. Standard properties of Laughlin
theory, such as the quantization of the inverse filling fraction and of the
quasiparticle number, are reproduced by the quantum mechanics of the matrix
model. We also point out that this system is holographically described in terms
of the one-dimensional Sutherland integrable particle system.Comment: 25 pages; final version to appear in JHE
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