3,456 research outputs found
Quantum mechanics on the noncommutative plane and sphere
We consider the quantum mechanics of a particle on a noncommutative plane.
The case of a charged particle in a magnetic field (the Landau problem) with a
harmonic oscillator potential is solved. There is a critical point, where the
density of states becomes infinite, for the value of the magnetic field equal
to the inverse of the noncommutativity parameter. The Landau problem on the
noncommutative two-sphere is also solved and compared to the plane problem.Comment: 12 pages, no figures; references adde
Identification of circles from datapoints using Gaussian sums
We present a pattern recognition method which use datapoints on a plane and
estimates the parameters of a circle. MC data are generated in order to test
the method's efficiency over noise hits, uncertainty in the hits positions and
number of datapoints. The scenario were the hits from a quadrant of the circle
are missing is also considered. The method proposed is proven to be robust,
accurate and very efficient.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Two-dimensional Born-Infeld gauge theory: spectrum, string picture and large-N phase transition
We analyze U(N) Born-Infeld gauge theory in two spacetime dimensions. We
derive the exact energy spectrum on the circle and show that it reduces to N
relativistic fermions on a dual space. This contrasts to the Yang-Mills case
that reduces to nonrelativistic fermions. The theory admits a string theory
interpretation, analogous to the one for ordinary Yang-Mills, but with higher
order string interactions. We also demonstrate that the partition function on
the sphere exhibits a large-N phase transition in the area and calculate the
critical area. The limit in which the dimensionless coupling of the theory goes
to zero corresponds to massless fermions, admits a perturbatively exact free
string interpretation and exhibits no phase transition.Comment: 19 page
On the Lieb-Liniger model in the infinite coupling constant limit
We consider the one-dimensional Lieb-Liniger model (bosons interacting via
2-body delta potentials) in the infinite coupling constant limit (the so-called
Tonks-Girardeau model). This model might be relevant as a description of atomic
Bose gases confined in a one-dimensional geometry. It is known to have a
fermionic spectrum since the N-body wavefunctions have to vanish at coinciding
points, and therefore be symmetrizations of fermionic Slater wavefunctions. We
argue that in the infinite coupling constant limit the model is
indistinguishable from free fermions, i.e., all physically accessible
observables are the same as those of free fermions. Therefore, Bose-Einstein
condensate experiments at finite energy that preserve the one-dimensional
geometry cannot test any bosonic characteristic of such a model
On Level Quantization for the Noncommutative Chern-Simons Theory
We show that the coefficient of the three-dimensional Chern-Simons action on
the noncommutative plane must be quantized. Similar considerations apply in
other dimensions as well.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, no figure
Fuzzy spaces and new random matrix ensembles
We analyze the expectation value of observables in a scalar theory on the
fuzzy two sphere, represented as a generalized hermitian matrix model. We
calculate explicitly the form of the expectation values in the large-N limit
and demonstrate that, for any single kind of field (matrix), the distribution
of its eigenvalues is still a Wigner semicircle but with a renormalized radius.
For observables involving more than one type of matrix we obtain a new
distribution corresponding to correlated Wigner semicircles.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in Phys. Rev.
A spark-resistant bulk-micromegas chamber for high-rate applications
We report on the design and performance of a spark-resistant bulk-micromegas
chamber. The principle of this design lends itself to the construction of
large-area muon chambers for the upgrade of the detectors at the Large Hadron
Collider at CERN for luminosities in excess of 10**34/cm2/s or other high-rate
applications.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure
Inhomogeneous Condensates in Planar QED
We study the formation of vacuum condensates in dimensional QED in the
presence of inhomogeneous background magnetic fields. For a large class of
magnetic fields, the condensate is shown to be proportional to the
inhomogeneous magnetic field, in the large flux limit. This may be viewed as a
{\it local} form of the {\it integrated} degeneracy-flux relation of Aharonov
and Casher.Comment: 13 pp, LaTeX, no figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.
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