60 research outputs found

    Advanced MRI Center: a 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance system for preclinical, translational and clinical imaging studies

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    The Advanced MRI Center, located in the UMass Medical School building, is a research core facility providing the latest magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy capabilities to UMass scientists. It is equipped with a Philips Achieva 3.0T X-series whole-body scanner and radiofrequency coils for studying all organs of the human body, and small and large animals, such as mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, sheep and non-human primates. The center also includes a radiofrequency coil lab, a nurses’ station, two patient holding rooms and two patient changing rooms. The Center’s specialized techniques are able to elucidate functional, physiological and biochemical information from all organs of the body. The 3.0 Tesla system features the Quasar Dual gradient system with industry leading performance specifications, that allow high-level diffusion tensor imaging and functional MRI (fMRI) applications in humans, and high resolution imaging studies in small animal studies. A fMRI stimulus delivery system, a MRI compatible goggle set with eye tracking system, microphone and earphones are available for facilitating fMRI studies. Small animal monitoring and gating system and an MR compatible Anesthesia system with heater and ventilator option are also available. The 3.0T MR system is also equipped with a Multi-nuclear spectroscopy system, which provide the ability to perform 13C, 31P, 7Li, 23Na and other nuclei spectroscopy and imaging. Technical and clinical expertise for collaborative research is also provided

    Molecular Imaging of Stems Cells: In Vivo Tracking and Clinical Translation

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    After further evaluation of different possibilities of tracking stem cells, we do expect that many clinical questions, raised from applications of stem cells-based therapies, will find an answer in molecular imaging. Therefore, we do believe that stem cell-based therapies and molecular imaging will live together happily ever after

    442. LV Expressing MR Reporter Genes Allows In Vivo Monitoring of Stem Cell Gene Therapy

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    Somatic stem cells (SSC) have raised interest because of their therapeutic potential in both cell-based and gene therapy applications. Towards this goal, tracking the fate of either delivered cells or of genetically modified endogenous cells is of utmost importance. Diverse imaging approaches are available for cell tracking and among these MRI shows a greater resolution and allows direct anatomic correlation and long-term studies of dynamic cell migration on living animals. Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) has been used to label SSC in vitro and to make them detectable in vivo upon transplantation. However, major limitations of this approach are the progressive dilution of the contrast media among cell progeny and the need for ex vivo SPIO loading. We thus explored an alternative strategy based on the combination of lentiviral vectors (LV), which efficiently transduce SSC both ex vivo and in vivo and allow long-term expression in their progeny, and MR reporter genes, able to increase iron uptake and accumulation into different cell types

    Development and validation of a new MRI simulation technique that can reliably estimate optimal in vivo scanning parameters in a glioblastoma murine model

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) relies on optimal scanning parameters to achieve maximal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and high contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) between tissues resulting in high quality images. The optimization of such parameters is often laborious, time consuming, and user-dependent, making harmonization of imaging parameters a difficult task. In this report, we aim to develop and validate a computer simulation technique that can reliably provide optimal in vivo scanning parameters ready to be used for in vivo evaluation of disease models. METHODS: A glioblastoma murine model was investigated using several MRI imaging methods. Such MRI methods underwent a simulated and an in vivo scanning parameter optimization in pre- and post-contrast conditions that involved the investigation of tumor, brain parenchyma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) CNR values in addition to the time relaxation values of the related tissues. The CNR tissues information were analyzed and the derived scanning parameters compared in order to validate the simulated methodology as a reliable technique for optimal in vivo scanning parameters estimation. RESULTS: The CNRs and the related scanning parameters were better correlated when spin-echo-based sequences were used rather than the gradient-echo-based sequences due to augmented inhomogeneity artifacts affecting the latter methods. Optimal in vivo scanning parameters were generated successfully by the simulations after initial scanning parameter adjustments that conformed to some of the parameters derived from the in vivo experiment. CONCLUSION: Scanning parameter optimization using the computer simulation was shown to be a valid surrogate to the in vivo approach in a glioblastoma murine model yielding in a better delineation and differentiation of the tumor from the contralateral hemisphere. In addition to drastically reducing the time invested in choosing optimal scanning parameters when compared to an in vivo approach, this simulation program could also be used to harmonize MRI acquisition parameters across scanners from different vendors

    MRI Evidence of Cerebellar and Extraocular Muscle Atrophy Differently Contributing to Eye Movement Abnormalities in SCA2 and SCA28 Diseases.

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    PURPOSE Spinocerebellar ataxias type 2 and 28 (SCA2, SCA28) are autosomal dominant disorders characterized by progressive cerebellar and oculomotor abnormalities. We aimed to investigate cerebellar, brainstem, and extraocular muscle involvement in the mitochondrial SCA28 disease compared with SCA2. METHODS We obtained orbital and brain 1.5 T-magnetic resonance images (MRI) in eight SCA28 subjects, nine SCA2, and nine age-matched healthy subjects. Automated segmentation of cerebellum and frontal lobe was performed using Freesurfer software. Manual segmentations for midbrain, pons, and extraocular muscles were performed using OsiriX. RESULTS Eye movement abnormalities in SCA2 subjects were characterized by slow horizontal saccades. Subjects with SCA28 variably presented hypometric saccades, saccadic horizontal pursuit, impaired horizontal gaze holding, and superior eyelid ptosis. Quantitative brain MRI demonstrated that cerebellar and pons volumes were significantly reduced in both SCA2 and SCA28 subjects compared with controls (P < 0.03), and in SCA2 subjects compared with SCA28 (P < 0.01). Midbrain and frontal lobe volumes were also significantly reduced in SCA2 compared to controls (P < 0.03), whereas these volumes did not differ between SCA2 and SCA28 and between SCA28 and control subjects. The extraocular muscle areas were 37% to 48% smaller in SCA28 subjects compared with controls (P < 0.002), and 14% to 36% smaller compared with SCA2 subjects (P < 0.03). Extraocular muscle areas did not differ between SCA2 and controls. CONCLUSIONS Our MRI findings support the hypothesis of different cerebellar and extraocular myopathic contributions in the eye movement abnormalities in SCA2 and SCA28 diseases. In SCA28, a myopathic defect selectively involving the extraocular muscles supports a specific impairment of mitochondrial energy metabolism

    Metformin and temozolomide, a synergic option to overcome resistance in glioblastoma multiforme models

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive primary brain tumor with poor survival. Cytoreduction in association with radiotherapy and temozolomide (TMZ) is the standard therapy, but response is heterogeneous and life expectancy is limited. The combined use of chemotherapeutic agents with drugs targeting cell metabolism is becoming an interesting therapeutic option for cancer treatment. Here, we found that metformin (MET) enhances TMZ effect on TMZ-sensitive cell line (U251) and overcomes TMZ-resistance in T98G GBM cell line. In particular, combined-treatment modulated apoptosis by increasing Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and reduced Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production. We also observed that MET associated with TMZ was able to reduce the expression of glioma stem cells (GSC) marker CD90 particularly in T98G cells but not that of CD133. In vivo experiments showed that combined treatment with TMZ and MET significantly slowed down growth of TMZ-resistant tumors but did not affect overall survival of TMZ-sensitive tumor bearing mice. In conclusion, our results showed that metformin is able to enhance TMZ effect in TMZ-resistant cell line suggesting its potential use in TMZ refractory GBM patients. However, the lack of effect on a GBM malignancy marker like CD133 requires further evaluation since it might influence response duration

    Epidermal growth factor receptor expression identifies functionally and molecularly distinct tumor-initiating cells in human glioblastoma multiforme and is required for gliomagenesis

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a known diagnostic and, although controversial, prognostic marker of human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). However, its functional role and biological significance in GBM remain elusive. Here, we show that multiple GBM cell subpopulations could be purified from the specimens of patients with GBM and from cancer stem cell (CSC) lines based on the expression of EGFR and of other putative CSC markers. All these subpopulations are molecularly and functionally distinct, are tumorigenic, and need to express EGFR to promote experimental tumorigenesis. Among them, EGFR-expressing tumor-initiating cells (TIC) display the most malignant functional and molecular phenotype. Accordingly, modulation of EGFR expression by gain-of-function and loss-of-function strategies in GBM CSC lines enhances and reduces their tumorigenic ability, respectively, suggesting that EGFR plays a fundamental role in gliomagenesis. These findings open up the possibility of new therapeutically relevant scenarios, as the presence of functionally heterogeneous EGFR(pos) and EGFR(neg) TIC subpopulations within the same tumor might affect clinical response to treatment

    Quantitative MRI Harmonization to Maximize Clinical Impact: The RIN-Neuroimaging Network

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    Neuroimaging studies often lack reproducibility, one of the cardinal features of the scientific method. Multisite collaboration initiatives increase sample size and limit methodological flexibility, therefore providing the foundation for increased statistical power and generalizable results. However, multisite collaborative initiatives are inherently limited by hardware, software, and pulse and sequence design heterogeneities of both clinical and preclinical MRI scanners and the lack of benchmark for acquisition protocols, data analysis, and data sharing. We present the overarching vision that yielded to the constitution of RIN-Neuroimaging Network, a national consortium dedicated to identifying disease and subject-specific in-vivo neuroimaging biomarkers of diverse neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions. This ambitious goal needs efforts toward increasing the diagnostic and prognostic power of advanced MRI data. To this aim, 23 Italian Scientific Institutes of Hospitalization and Care (IRCCS), with technological and clinical specialization in the neurological and neuroimaging field, have gathered together. Each IRCCS is equipped with high- or ultra-high field MRI scanners (i.e., ≥3T) for clinical or preclinical research or has established expertise in MRI data analysis and infrastructure. The actions of this Network were defined across several work packages (WP). A clinical work package (WP1) defined the guidelines for a minimum standard clinical qualitative MRI assessment for the main neurological diseases. Two neuroimaging technical work packages (WP2 and WP3, for clinical and preclinical scanners) established Standard Operative Procedures for quality controls on phantoms as well as advanced harmonized quantitative MRI protocols for studying the brain of healthy human participants and wild type mice. Under FAIR principles, a web-based e-infrastructure to store and share data across sites was also implemented (WP4). Finally, the RIN translated all these efforts into a large-scale multimodal data collection in patients and animal models with dementia (i.e., case study). The RIN-Neuroimaging Network can maximize the impact of public investments in research and clinical practice acquiring data across institutes and pathologies with high-quality and highly-consistent acquisition protocols, optimizing the analysis pipeline and data sharing procedures

    Multi-centre and multi-vendor reproducibility of a standardized protocol for quantitative susceptibility Mapping of the human brain at 3T

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    Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) is an MRI-based technique allowing the non-invasive quantification of iron content and myelination in the brain. The RIN - Neuroimaging Network established an optimized and harmonized protocol for QSM across ten sites with 3T MRI systems from three different vendors to enable multicentric studies. The assessment of the reproducibility of this protocol is crucial to establish susceptibility as a quantitative biomarker. In this work, we evaluated cross-vendor reproducibility in a group of six traveling brains. Then, we recruited fifty-one volunteers and measured the variability of QSM values in a cohort of healthy subjects scanned at different sites, simulating a multicentric study. Both voxelwise and Region of Interest (ROI)-based analysis on cortical and subcortical gray matter were performed.The traveling brain study yielded high structural similarity (similar to 0.8) and excellent reproducibility comparing maps acquired on scanners from two different vendors. Depending on the ROI, we reported a quantification error ranging from 0.001 to 0.017 ppm for the traveling brains. In the cohort of fifty-one healthy subjects scanned at nine different sites, the ROI-dependent variability of susceptibility values, of the order of 0.005-0.025 ppm, was comparable to the result of the traveling brain experiment.The harmonized QSM protocol of the RIN - Neuroimaging Network provides a reliable quantification of susceptibility in both cortical and subcortical gray matter regions and it is ready for multicentric and longitudinal clinical studies in neurological and pychiatric diseases
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