43 research outputs found
--hyperreflexivity and hyporeflexivity of power partial isometries
Power partial isometries are not always hyperreflexive neither reflexive. In
the present paper it will be shown that power partial isometries are always
hyporeflexive and --hyperreflexive
Technique of endovascular rheolytic thrombectomy using AngioJet for treatment of acute pulmonary embolism
We present a technique of endovascular rheolytic thrombectomy using the AngioJet system for the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism. We describe the procedure in detail, suggesting the optimal catheter, wires and potential complications during the procedure. Recent advances in endovascular techniques, such as aspiration thrombectomy, endovascular thrombus fragmentation devices and rheolytic or rotational thrombectomy, suggest that the endovascular approach can represent an alternative for pharmacological thrombolysis and surgical embolectomy
Crossectomy as a method of pulmonary embolism prevention : could it be a hazardous treatment?
Wstęp: Wstępujące zapalenie żyły odpiszczelowej, zlokalizowane w jej bliższym odcinku, może być stanem zagrażającym życiu. Przecięcie i podwiązanie żyły w ujściu zapobiega propagacji zakrzepu do żyły udowej głębokiej i pozwala zapobiec zatorowości płucnej. Celem badania było określenie, jak często takie postępowanie samo w sobie stwarza ryzyko wywołania zatorowości płucnej. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano 59 kolejnych chorych (22 mężczyzn, 37 kobiet), o średniej wieku 62 lata (29–77), u których rozpoznano wstępujące zapalenie żyły odpiszczelowej. Badanie ultrasonograficzne układu żylnego we wszystkich przypadkach wykonał ten sam lekarz. W 4 przypadkach wykryto towarzyszącą zakrzepicę żył układu głębokiego w tej samej kończynie na poziomie podudziowym. W przypadku stwierdzenia procesu zakrzepowego w obrębie żyły udowej lub biodrowej chorych dyskwalifikowano od leczenia operacyjnego. Zabieg przecięcia i podwiązania żyły odpiszczelowej przeprowadzano w znieczuleniu miejscowym. Wyniki: U 50 chorych (85%) bliższy odcinek żyły odpiszczelowej wolny był od zakrzepu, a sam zabieg określano jako łatwy do przeprowadzenia. Ocena śródoperacyjna pozwoliła wykryć obecność zakrzepu w obrębie połączenia odpiszczelowo-udowego w 9 przypadkach (15%), podczas gdy w badaniu USG zakrzep w okolicy ujścia udokumentowano jedynie u 5 chorych (8%). Przecięcie żyły i usunięcie zakrzepu na tym poziomie były obarczone dużym ryzykiem fragmentacji skrzepliny. W trakcie zabiegu rutynowo stosowano cewnik Fogarty’ego. Wśród operowanych chorych nie stwierdzono żadnego przypadku zatorowości płucnej. Wnioski: U 15% operowanych chorych zabieg przecięcia i podwiązania żyły odpiszczelowej w przypadku jej wstępującego zapalenia jest ryzykowny. Równocześnie w doświadczonych rękach jest to zalecana i bezpieczna metoda zapobiegania wystąpieniu zatorowości płucnej w przebiegu tego schorzenia.Background: Ascending saphenous phlebitis (ASPh) located in the proximal part of the long saphenous vein (LSV) may be a life-threatening condition. Crossectomy preventing propagation of the thrombus to the femoral vein is a valuable method in order to avoid pulmonary embolisation. The purpose of this study was to assess how often such a treatment, instead of preventing the danger of embolisation, may in fact create it. Material and methods: 59 patients (22 men, 37 women), mean age 62 years (29–77) suffering from ASPh were analyzed. All Doppler duplex examinations were carried out by one investigator. In 4 cases, concomitant DVT of the same limb on crural level was found. A crossectomy was performed under local anaesthesia. If a thrombus was present in the deep veins (femoral, iliac), the patients were excluded from crossectomy Results: In 50 patients (85%) crossectomy was easy to perform because no thrombus was found in the most proximal part of LSV. An intraoperative evaluation revealed the presence of a thrombus at the sapheno-femoral junction in 9 cases (15%) but this had been recognized by previous doppler duplex in 5 cases (8%) only. In those patients, a thrombectomy at the saphenofemoral junction level and a crossectomy was defined as having a high risk of fragmentation during the procedure. A Fogarty catheter was routinely used. We did not notice any case of pulmonary embolisation perioperatvely. Conclusion: A crossectomy in ascending saphenous phlebitis is hazardous in 15% of cases. A crossectomy is recommended as a safe and advisable method, in experienced hands of preventing pulmonary embolism
Lithium attenuates TGF- β_1-induced fibroblasts to myofibroblasts transition in bronchial fibroblasts derived from asthmatic patients
Bronchial asthma is a chronic disorder accompanied by phenotypic transitions of bronchial epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts. Human bronchial fibroblasts (HBFs) derived from patients with diagnosed asthma display predestination towards TGF-β-induced phenotypic switches. Since the interference between TGF-β and GSK-3β signaling contributes to pathophysiology of chronic lung diseases, we investigated the effect of lithium, a nonspecific GSK-3β inhibitor, on TGF-β1-induced fibroblast to myofibroblast transition (FMT) in HBF and found that the inhibition of GSK-3β attenuates TGF-β1-induced FMT in HBF populations derived from asthmatic but not healthy donors. Cytoplasmically sequestrated β-catenin, abundant in TGF-β1/LiCl-stimulated asthmatic HBFs, most likely interacts with and inhibits the nuclear accumulation and signal transduction of Smad proteins. These data indicate that the specific cellular context determines FMT-related responses of HBFs to factors interfering with the TGF-β signaling pathway. They may also provide a mechanistic explanation for epidemiological data revealing coincidental remission of asthmatic syndromes and their recurrence upon the discontinuation of lithium therapy in certain psychiatric diseases
The first evidence of a host-to-parasite mitochondrial gene transfer in Orobanchaceae
Several parasitic plants are known to have acquired mitochondrial genes via a horizontal transfer from their hosts. However, mitochondrial gene transfer in this direction has not yet been found in the parasite-rich family Orobanchaceae. Based on a phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial atp6 gene in selected species of Orobanche s.l., we provide evidence of a host-to-parasite transfer of this gene in O. coerulescens, which is a Eurasiatic species that parasitises Artemisia (Asteraceae). We did not find the original Orobanche atp6 gene in this species, which suggests that it has been replaced by a gene that was acquired from Asteraceae. In addition, our data suggest the occurrence of a second HGT event in the atp6 sequence - from Asteraceae to Phelipanche. Our results support the view that the transfer of genetic material from hosts to parasites influences the mitochondrial genome evolution in the latter
The use of CA125, human epididymis protein 4 (HE4), risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA), risk of malignancy index (RMI) and subjective assessment (SA) in preoperative diagnosing of ovarian tumors
Objectives: To compare utility of CA125, human epididymis protein 4 (HE4), risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA), risk of malignancy index (RMI) and subjective assessment (SA) in preoperative diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Material and methods: Research was conducted among 456 patients qualified for surgery due to ovarian tumor. Preoperatively, CA125 and HE4 serum levels were estimated, and transvaginal ultrasound was performed. ROMA and RMI values and SA qualifications were obtained. Results were compared with pathomorphological findings. Results: Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)-Area Under Curve (AUC) values for CA125, HE4, ROMA, RMI and SA in preoperative diagnosis of malignant lesions were 0.819, 0.909, 0.911, 0.895 and 0.895, respectively. Combinations of biochemical and sonographic methods increased sensitivity in diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Combinations utilizing serum HE4 concentrations were most useful. Conclusions: CA125, HE4, ROMA, RMI and SA proved to be useful in preoperative diagnosis of ovarian tumors. HE4 and ROMA occurred to be the most useful. Ultrasonographic methods are considerably useful in diagnosis of ovarian tumors. RMI and SA present similar overall diagnostic value