28 research outputs found

    Vulnerability, resilience and resistance in diverse societies

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    The editorial presents the fifteenth ETMU Conference,  held at Åbo Akademi University in Turku on 15–16 November 2018, dedicated to the theme "Vulnerabil­ity, Resilience and Resistance in Diverse Societies’. The first two articles of the current issue are based on papers presented at the conference

    Kotimainen tieteellinen julkaisutoiminta

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    Professori Elina Pirjatanniemen puheenvuoro SÀÀtytalossa HelsingissÀ 14.3.2023 jÀrjestetyssÀ Suomalaisen Lakimiesyhdistyksen 125-vuotisjuhlaseminaarissa Oikeustieteellisten seurojen rooli ja tehtÀvÀt tieteellisinÀ seuroin

    KestÀvÀn lainsÀÀdÀnnön valmistelu : tapaus ulkomaalaislaki

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    TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa selvitettiin hallituksen esitysten empiirisen analyysin avulla, millaisia muutoksia ulkomaalaislakiin on tehty ja miksi. LisÀksi kartoitettiin, mitkÀ osat ulkomaalaislaista ovat sÀilyneet muuttumattomina. EU-sÀÀntelyÀ, ulkomaalaislakiin liittyvÀÀ perus- ja ihmisoikeuskÀytÀntöÀ ja lainsÀÀdÀnnön laatua tarkastelemalla etsittiin lainsÀÀdÀnnön kestÀvyyttÀ vahvistavia tekijöitÀ ja kartoitettiin, millaisilla konkreettisilla keinoilla tulevia muutostarpeita voitaisiin ottaa huomioon lainvalmistelussa. Ulkomaalaislakia on tarkasteluaikana muutettu eniten EU-sÀÀntelyyn liittyvistÀ syistÀ, hallitusten toimenpiteiden johdosta, ja muiden lakien muutoksiin liittyen. KestÀvÀn lainsÀÀdÀnnön edellytyksenÀ on asianmukainen tilannekuva, hallittu muutos, ja laadukas, riittÀvÀn hyvin resursoitu valmisteluprosessi. Suosittelemme ulkomaalaislain kokonaisuudistuksen riittÀvÀÀ resursointia, ja kokonaisuudistuksen toteuttamista osahankkeina. Asetusten hyödyntÀminen aiempaa enemmÀn on mahdollista lainsÀÀdÀnnön valtiosÀÀntöisiÀ reunaehtoja kunnioittaen. Suomen on jatkossakin oltava aktiivinen EU:n maahanmuutto- ja turvapaikkapolitiikan kehittÀmisessÀ. TÀmÀ julkaisu on toteutettu osana sisÀministeriön tutkimus-, kehittÀmis- ja innovaatiotoimintaa. Julkaisun sisÀllöstÀ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikÀ tekstisisÀltö vÀlttÀmÀttÀ edusta sisÀministeriön nÀkemystÀ

    Social Networking Sites’ Gag Order: Commercial Content Moderation’s Adverse Implications for Fundamental Sexual Rights and Wellbeing

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    This article critically investigates the reasoning behind social media content policies and opaque data politics operations regarding sexual visual social media practices and sexual talk, asking what is at stake when social media giants govern sexual sociability on an international scale. Focusing on Facebook, in particular, this article proposes an alternative perspective for handling various expressions of sexuality in social media platforms by exploring the wide-ranging ramifications of community standards and commercial content moderation policies based on them. Given that sexuality is an integral part of human life and as such protected by fundamental human rights, we endorse the freedom of expression as an essential legal and ethical tool for supporting wellbeing, visibility, and non-discrimination. We suggest that social media content policies should be guided by the interpretive lens of fundamental human rights. Furthermore, we propose that social media content policies inclusive of the option to express consent to access sexual content are more ethical and just than those structurally erasing nudity and sexual display.</p

    KansainvĂ€listĂ€ suojelua koskevat pÀÀtökset Maahanmuuttovirastossa 2015–2017. Pilottitutkimus 18–34‐vuotiaita Irakin kansalaisia koskevista myönteisistĂ€ ja kielteisistĂ€ pÀÀtöksistĂ€

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    Researchers from the Faculty of Law of the University of Turku, The Institute for Human Rights of Åbo Akademi University, and the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman conducted an empirical study on the changes that have taken place in the decisions regarding international protection. In the internationally unique study, the researchers compared the decisions of the Finnish Immigration Service on asylum seekers in 2015 and 2017.</p

    Collectivized Discretion: Seeking Explanations for Decreased Asylum Recognition Rates in Finland After Europe's 2015 “Refugee Crisis”

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    In 2015, during the so-called “refugee crisis” in Europe, Finland was among the European countries receiving exceptionally large numbers of asylum applications. As the volume of asylum applications surged, however, the percentage of positive asylum decisions in Finland declined substantially. In this article, we explore reasons for this dramatic drop in recognitions rates and examine Finnish immigration control authorities’ use of discretion in asylum credibility assessment. Our approach is unique in its application of mixed methods to examine asylum decisions in pre- and post-crisis situations. We found that asylum caseworkers’ inconsistent assessment of similar facts and lack of faith in the veracity of applicants’ claims were essential to the mass denial of young Iraqi asylum applicants in Finland. This finding is important because it illustrates how asylum officers are able to “shift the border,” or generate a shift in asylum decision-making on a grand scale, without meaningful changes in law. Asylum officers, we show, are able to bring about such a shift via what we call collectivized discretion, or large-scale use of discretion, in asylum status determinations to control migration. Prior research on discretion in asylum decision-making highlights the individual decision-maker. This article expands discretion research by offering new insights on large-scale, collective discretionary shifts in the application of asylum law. We conclude that it is crucial that asylum status determinations be anchored in the individual assessment of each applicant's case, as collectivized discretion can lead to arbitrary results in the application of asylum law, potentially forcing those in need of refugee protection to face deportation.</p