12 research outputs found

    Lineamientos proyectuales para la gestión ambiental del corredor Rur-Urbano Otún-Consotá de Pereira

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    Desde el inicio de las ciudades y la demanda de recursos para dar sustento a la población se han generado diferentes dinámicas dentro el territorio que traen consigo un desarrollo acelerado, en cuanto al crecimiento cada vez más rápido de la población, la sobre explotación de los recursos y la poca planificación del territorio como consecuencia de la falta de conciencia ambiental; en muchos casos y tratando de dar respuesta a los problemas asociados a la planificación se han desarrollado grandes esfuerzos para generar proyectos en caminados hacia un desarrollo del territorio amigable con el ambiente, pero que no han tenido el resultado esperado por la falta de articulación de los proyectos con la sociedad beneficiada o afectada por las decisiones que se tomen. Es por lo anterior se desarrollaron lineamientos proyectuales para la gestión ambiental en el corredor rur-urbano Otún-Consotá de Pereira, generando una estructura de gestión ambiental la cual surge por la necesidad de generar nuevos mecanismos de participación de la comunidad y para tratar de dar solución a problemas ambientales, la cual se realiza por medio de la interpretación del papel que juegan las instituciones y la comunidad dentro del territorio. Los lineamientos fueron desarrollados a partir de una evaluación sobre los efectos ambientales positivos y negativos relacionados con la expansión de la comuna Universidad que se encuentra alrededor del Área de Manejo Especial Canceles -AMEC, el Jardín Botánico de la Universidad Tecnológica -JBUTP- y el Salado de Consotá en la ciudad de Pereira, además de involucrar la cuenca media del río Otún y sus alrededores como zona de interés ecológico y turístico dentro del corredor. La cual al pasar de los años se ha realizado sin un adecuado conocimiento de los factores que de manera directa lo afectan, además de generar una presión a los recursos afecta a la población circundante en su forma de adaptación al territorio, esta también es una herramienta para mostrar los efectos de una planificación inadecuada alcanzando así un entendimiento común sobre la necesidades de la población, realizado por medio del análisis de interfases ambientales y las relaciones que esta permite y de esta manera determinar los conflictos y potencialidades para así obtener los lineamientos que ayuden a solucionar los problemas ambientales del lugar

    Estimación de la huella hídrica en la producción agrícola de lima Tahití en la Cuenca La Angula, Santander, Colombia

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    This study quantifies the blue, green and gray water footprint (WF) of the Tahiti lime crop in the upper area of the La Angula ravine basin, Santander, Colombia. Likewise, sustainability in the use of the water resource used in these activities is analyzed. For this, the standard methodology of WF calculation was used for agricultural activities, where the volume of blue and green water added in the production of Tahiti lime and the amount of the resource for the purification of contaminants in the gray was determined. For the years studied (wet and dry), total consumption for annual production of Tahiti lime was 1.74×106 m3 with a virtual footprint of 452.3 m3/t for the wet year, while for the dry year, total and virtual were 1.25×107 m3 and 486.2 m3/t, respectively.Este estudio cuantifica la huella hídrica (HH) azul, verde y gris del cultivo de lima Tahití en la zona alta de la Cuenca de la Quebrada La Angula, Santander, Colombia. Así mismo se analiza la sostenibilidad en el uso del recurso hídrico utilizado en estas actividades. Para esto se utilizó la metodología estándar de cálculo de HH para actividades agrícolas, en donde se determinó el volumen de agua azul y verde adicionada en la producción de lima Tahití y la cantidad del recurso para la depuración de contaminantes en la gris. Para los años estudiados (húmedo y seco) el consumo total para la producción anual del fruto estudiado fue 1.74×106 m3 con una huella virtual de 452,3 m3/t para el año húmedo, mientras que para el año seco las HH total y virtual fueron de 1.25×107 m3 y 486.2 m3/t, respectivamente

    Sistemas de ativação e de inibição de conduta e sua relação com o funcionamento executivo em ex-combatentes irregulares do conflito armado colombiano

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    Objective: To explore the correlations between behavior activation and inhibition systems (BAS/ BIS) and executive functions in ex-combatants of the Colombian armed conflict. Methodology: Observational, exploratory study, with a sample of 39 ex-combatants belonging to the “High Counseling of the Presidency for Reintegration” program, residents in Antioquia-Colombia, with an average of 35±7.6 year of age, 87.2% were males, with school grades of10±2.8; who were compared with a control group of 14 non-combatants, with ages between 33±6.1 years-old, 71.4% were males, and with school grades 10±2.7. The BAS/ BIS questionnaire was administered in order to score the Reward Sensitivity (RS) and Punishment Sensitivity (PS). The EF was evaluated with INECO-Frontal Screening (IFS). Results: There were specific alterations of EF in the execution of conflicting instructions(CI), verbal working memory (MTV) and verbal inhibitory control (CIV). Direct correlations, moderate to high coefficients between SAC (SR) and CA abstraction capacity, CMI inhibitory motor control, MTV, spatial working memory (MTE), and global executive functioning (IFSTOT). Conclusions: Colombian ex-combatants have lower performance in verbal working memory and verbal inhibitory control, which would affect anticipation, goal setting, plan design, initiation of voluntary behaviors and inhibitory control, which generates generation of wrong decisions.Objetivo: Explorar la relación entre los sistemas de activación de conducta (SAC) / sistema de inhibición de conducta (SIC) y funciones ejecutivas (FE) en excombatientes del conflicto armado colombiano. Metodología: Estudio observacional, exploratorio, con muestra no aleatoria de 39 excombatientes del programa de la Alta Consejería de la Presidencia para la Reintegración, residentes en Antioquia-Colombia, edad 35±7.6 años, 87.2% hombres, y escolaridad 10±2.8 grados; comparados con un grupo control de 14 no combatientes (edad 33±6.1 años, 71.4% hombres y escolaridad 10±2.7 grados). Se les administró un cuestionario de SAC/SIC, usando la sensibilidad a la recompensa (SR) y la sensibilidad al castigo (SC). Para la FE se aplicó la prueba Ineco Frontal Screening (IFS). Resultados: Hubo alteraciones específicas de la FE: en la ejecución de instrucciones conflictivas (IC), memoria de trabajo verbal (MTV) y control inhibitorio verbal (CIV). Se evidenciaron correlaciones directas, con coeficientes de moderados a altos entre el SAC (SR) y la capacidad de abstracción CA, el control motor inhibitorio (CMI), la MTV, la memoria de trabajo espacial (MTE) y el funcionamiento ejecutivo global (IFSTOT). Conclusiones: Los excombatientes presentaron un rendimiento inferior en la memoria de trabajo verbal y el control inhibitorio verbal, lo que impacta las capacidades de anticipación, establecimiento de metas, diseño de planes, iniciación de conductas voluntarias y el control inhibitorio. Lo anterior puede generar la toma de decisiones equivocadas.Objetivo: Explorar a relação entre os sistemas de ativação de conduta (SAC) / sistema de inibição de conduta (SIC) e funções executivas (FE) em ex-combatentes do conflito armado colombiano. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, exploratório, com amostra não aleatória de 39 ex-combatentes do programa da Alto Conselho da Presidência para a Reintegração, residentes em Antioquia-Colômbia, idade 35±7.6 anos, 87.2% homens, e escolaridade 10±2.8 graus; comparados com um grupo controle de 14 não combatentes (idade 33±6.1 anos, 71.4% homens e escolaridade 10±2.7 graus). Se lhes administrou um questionário de SAC/SIC, usando a sensibilidade à recompensa (SR) e a sensibilidade ao castigo (SC). Para a FE se aplicou a prova Ineco Frontal Screening (IFS). Resultados: Houve alterações específicas da FE: na execução de instruções conflitivas (IC), memória de trabalho verbal (MTV) e controle inibitório verbal (CIV). Se evidenciaram correlações diretas, com coeficientes de moderados a altos entre o SAC (SR) e a capacidade de abstração CA, o controle motor inibitório (CMI), a MTV, a memória de trabalho espacial (MTE) e o funcionamento executivo global (IFSTOT). Conclusões: Os ex-combatientes apresentaram um rendimento inferior na memória de trabalho verbal e o controle inibitório verbal, o que impacta as capacidades de antecipação, estabelecimento de metas, desenho de planos, iniciação de condutas voluntárias e o controle inibitório. O anterior pode gerar a toma de decisões equivocadas

    Utility of the Wender-Utah rating scale and the checklists for the diagnosis of familial attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults. Convergent and concurrent validities [Utilidad de la escala Wender-Utah y de las escalas de sntomas para el diagn

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    Introduction. Standard questionnaires to characterize familial attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) of adults have been studied in some studies. Aim. To observe convergent and concurrent validity of four standard rating scales to quantify the familial ADHD symptoms of adults. Patients and methods. The sample was constituted by the 392 adults; aged 18 through 84 years, belonging to 141 Antioquian families with multiple ADHD affected members, who fulfilled by self-report the Wender-Utah Rating Scale and the ADHD checklist; and, beside, answered a questionnaire asking for current and past ADHD symptoms, in a neurological interview. Correlation analyses were done. Sensitivity and specificity for ADHD diagnosis were also determined. Results. Significant and over 0.6 correlations were observed between scales that explored past ADHD symptoms. Distant cut-off points for 90% sensitivity and specificity were observed for all questionnaires. The best LR+ (12.15) was found for the report of 5 or more past hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms; follow by the report of 7 or more past ADHD symptoms (6.92). Conclusions. Cut-off points should be taken with caution when these rating scales were used for adult ADHD screening. Psychometric properties do not allow using these scales as substitution of structured clinical interview for the gold standard ADHD diagnosis in adults

    Calcifediol treatment and COVID-19-related outcomes

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    Context: COVID-19 is a major health problem because of saturation of intensive care units (ICU) and mortality. Vitamin D has emerged as a potential treatment able to reduce the disease severity. Objective: This work aims to elucidate the effect of 25(OH)D3 (calcifediol) treatment on COVID-19-related outcomes. Methods: This observational cohort study was conducted from March to May 2020, among patients admitted to COVID-19 wards of Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain. A total of 930 patients with COVID-19 were included; 92 were excluded because of previous calcifediol intake. Of the remaining 838, a total of 447 received calcifediol (532 μg on day 1 plus 266 μg on days 3, 7, 15, and 30), whereas 391 were not treated at the time of hospital admission (intention-to-treat). Of the latter, 53 patients were treated later during ICU admission and were allocated in the treated group in a second analysis. In healthy individuals, calcifediol is about 3.2-fold more potent on a weight basis than cholecalciferol. Main outcome measures were ICU admission and mortality. Results: ICU assistance was required by 102 (12.2%) participants. Out of 447 patients treated with calcifediol at admission, 20 (4.5%) required the ICU, compared to 82 (21%) out of 391 nontreated (P < .001). Logistic regression of calcifediol treatment on ICU admission, adjusted by age, sex, linearized 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at baseline, and comorbidities showed that treated patients had a reduced risk of requiring the ICU (odds ratio [OR] 0.13; 95% CI 0.07-0.23). Overall mortality was 10%. In the intention-to-treat analysis, 21 (4.7%) out of 447 patients treated with calcifediol at admission died compared to 62 patients (15.9%) out of 391 nontreated (P = .001). Adjusted results showed a reduced mortality risk with an OR of 0.21 (95% CI, 0.10-0.43). In the second analysis, the obtained OR was 0.52 (95% CI, 0.27-0.99). Conclusion: In patients hospitalized with COVID-19, calcifediol treatment significantly reduced ICU admission and mortality

    Prevalence of resistance associated substitutions and efficacy of baseline resistance-guided chronic hepatitis C treatment in Spain from the GEHEP-004 cohort

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    Treatment guidelines differ in their recommendation to determine baseline resistance associated substitutions (RAS) before starting a first-line treatment with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). Here we analyze the efficacy of DAA treatment with baseline RAS information. We conducted a prospective study involving 23 centers collaborating in the GEHEP-004 DAA resistance cohort. Baseline NS5A and NS3 RASs were studied by Sanger sequencing. After issuing a comprehensive resistance report, the treating physician decided the therapy, duration and ribavirin use. Sustained virological response (SVR12) data are available in 275 patients. Baseline NS5A RAS prevalence was between 4.3% and 26.8% according to genotype, and NS3 RASs prevalence (GT1a) was 6.3%. Overall, SVR12 was 97.8%. Amongst HCV-GT1a patients, 75.0% had >800,000 IU/ml and most of those that started grazoprevir/elbasvir were treated for 12 weeks. In genotype 3, NS5A Y93H was detected in 9 patients. 42.8% of the HCV-GT3 patients that started sofosbuvir/velpatasvir included ribavirin, although only 14.7% carried Y93H. The efficacy of baseline resistance-guided treatment in our cohort has been high across the most prevalent HCV genotypes in Spain. The duration of the grazoprevir/elbasvir treatment adhered mostly to AASLD/IDSA recommendations. In cirrhotic patients infected with GT-3 there has been a high use of ribavirin.This work was supported in part by grants from Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (www.isciii.es) (PI15/00713), Plan Nacional de I+D+I and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER (http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb801432ea0/?vgnextoid=e331aa27bfba7610VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD) (RD16/0025/0040), Fundacion Progreso y salud, Junta de Andalucia (https://www.sspa.juntadeandalucia.es/fundacionprogresoysalud/gestionconvocatorias/ugc/login.sol.jsp?id=10) (PI-0411-2014), and GEHEP-SEIMC (GEHEP-004).Peer reviewe

    Increasing importance of European lineages in seeding the hepatitis C virus subtype 1a epidemic in Spain

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    Reducing the burden of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) requires large-scale deployment of intervention programmes, which can be informed by the dynamic pattern of HCV spread. In Spain, ongoing transmission of HCV is mostly fuelled by people who inject drugs (PWID) infected with subtype 1a (HCV1a). Aim: Our aim was to map how infections spread within and between populations, which could help formulate more effective intervention programmes to halt the HCV1a epidemic in Spain. Methods: Epidemiological links between HCV1a viruses from a convenience sample of 283 patients in Spain, mostly PWID, collected between 2014 and 2016, and 1,317, 1,291 and 1,009 samples collected abroad between 1989 and 2016 were reconstructed using sequences covering the NS3, NS5A and NS5B genes. To efficiently do so, fast maximum likelihood-based tree estimation was coupled to a flexible Bayesian discrete phylogeographic inference method. Results: The transmission network structure of the Spanish HCV1a epidemic was shaped by continuous seeding of HCV1a into Spain, almost exclusively from North America and European countries. The latter became increasingly relevant and have dominated in recent times. Export from Spain to other countries in Europe was also strongly supported, although Spain was a net sink for European HCV1a lineages. Spatial reconstructions showed that the epidemic in Spain is diffuse, without large, dominant within-country networks. Conclusion: To boost the effectiveness of local intervention efforts, concerted supra-national strategies to control HCV1a transmission are needed, with a strong focus on the most important drivers of ongoing transmission, i.e. PWID and other high-risk population

    Increasing importance of European lineages in seeding the hepatitis C virus subtype 1a epidemic in Spain

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    Reducing the burden of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) requires large-scale deployment of intervention programmes, which can be informed by the dynamic pattern of HCV spread. In Spain, ongoing transmission of HCV is mostly fuelled by people who inject drugs (PWID) infected with subtype 1a (HCV1a). Aim: Our aim was to map how infections spread within and between populations, which could help formulate more effective intervention programmes to halt the HCV1a epidemic in Spain. Methods: Epidemiological links between HCV1a viruses from a convenience sample of 283 patients in Spain, mostly PWID, collected between 2014 and 2016, and 1,317, 1,291 and 1,009 samples collected abroad between 1989 and 2016 were reconstructed using sequences covering the NS3, NS5A and NS5B genes. To efficiently do so, fast maximum likelihood-based tree estimation was coupled to a flexible Bayesian discrete phylogeographic inference method. Results: The transmission network structure of the Spanish HCV1a epidemic was shaped by continuous seeding of HCV1a into Spain, almost exclusively from North America and European countries. The latter became increasingly relevant and have dominated in recent times. Export from Spain to other countries in Europe was also strongly supported, although Spain was a net sink for European HCV1a lineages. Spatial reconstructions showed that the epidemic in Spain is diffuse, without large, dominant within-country networks. Conclusion: To boost the effectiveness of local intervention efforts, concerted supra-national strategies to control HCV1a transmission are needed, with a strong focus on the most important drivers of ongoing transmission, i.e. PWID and other high-risk population

    II Congreso internacional en educación física, recreación, deporte y actividad física. “Innovación y tendencias” - Memorias

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    El II Congreso Internacional de Educación Física, Recreación, Deporte y Actividad Física: “Innovación y Tendencias“ y el II Encuentro de Egresados del Departamento de Cultura Física de la Universidad de Córdoba se realizó en la ciudad de Montería, capital del Departamento de Córdoba, Colombia, como iniciativa del Grupo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Actividad Fisica y la Salud –GICAFS- del Departamento de Cultura Física, perteneciente a la Facultad de Educación y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad de Córdoba, como muestra hacia la comunidad académica y la sociedad en general de la responsabilidad ética, social y profesional, para aportar a la construcción de tejido social, atendiendo a las recomendaciones del plan decenal del deporte, la Educación Física, la Recreación y la Actividad Física 2009-2019 (COLDEPORTES, 2009).Edición 201