940 research outputs found

    Derived varieties of complexes and Kostant’s theorem for gl(m|n)

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    Possible quantum kinematics. II. Non-minimal case

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    The quantum analogs of the N-dimensional Cayley-Klein spaces with different combinations of quantum and Cayley-Klein structures are described for non-minimal multipliers, which include the first and the second powers of contraction parameters in the transformation of deformation parameter. The noncommutative analogs of (N-1)-dimensional constant curvature spaces are introduced. Part of these spaces for N=5 are interpreted as the noncommutative analogs of (1+3) space-time models. As a result the wide variety of the quantum deformations of realistic kinematics are suggested.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Far-infrared and submillimeter-wave conductivity in electron-doped cuprate La_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_4

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    We performed far-infrared and submillimeter-wave conductivity experiments in the electron-doped cuprate La_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_4 with x = 0.081 (underdoped regime, T_c = 25 K). The onset of the absorption in the superconducting state is gradual in frequency and is inconsistent with the isotropic s-wave gap. Instead, a narrow quasiparticle peak is observed at zero frequency and a second peak at finite frequencies, clear fingerprints of the conductivity in a d-wave superconductor. A far-infrared conductivity peak can be attributed to 4Delta_0, or to 2Delta_0 + Delta_spin, where Delta_spin is the resonance frequency of the spin-fluctuations. The infrared conductivity as well as the suppression of the quasiparticle scattering rate below T_c are qualitatively similar to the results in the hole-doped cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures include

    On the peak in the far-infrared conductivity of strongly anisotropic cuprates

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    We investigate the far-infrared and submillimeter-wave conductivity of electron-doped La_(2-x)Ce_xCuO_4 tilted 1 degree off from the ab-plane. The effective conductivity measured for this tilt angle reveals an intensive peak at finite frequency (\nu ~ 50 cm{-1}) due to a mixing of the in-plane and out-of-plane responses. The peak disappears for the pure in-plane response and transforms to the Drude-like contribution. Comparative analysis of the mixed and the in-plane contributions allows to extract the c-axis conductivity which shows a Josephson plasma resonance at 11.7 cm{-1} in the superconducting state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures include

    Negative Refraction in Ferromagnet/Superconductor Superlattices

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    Negative refraction, which reverses many fundamental aspects of classical optics, can be obtained in systems with negative magnetic permeability and negative dielectric permittivity. This Letter documents an experimental realization of negative refraction at millimeter waves, finite magnetic fields and cryogenic temperatures utilizing a multilayer stack of ferromagnetic and superconducting thin films. In the present case the superconducting YBa_2Cu_3O_7 layers provide negative permittivity while negative permeability is achieved via ferromagnetic (La:Sr)MnO_3 layers for frequencies and magnetic fields close to the ferromagnetic resonance. In these superlattices the refractive index can be switched between positive and negative regions using external magnetic field as tuning parameter.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures, Phys. Rev. Lett., accepte