128 research outputs found

    Dessins d'enfants and Hubbard Trees

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    We show that the absolute Galois group acts faithfully on the set of Hubbard trees. Hubbard trees are finite planar trees, equipped with self-maps, which classify postcritically finite polynomials as holomorphic dynamical systems on the complex plane. We establish an explicit relationship between certain Hubbard trees and the trees known as ``dessins d'enfant'' introduced by Grothendieck.Comment: 27 pages, 8 PostScript figure

    Thurston obstructions and Ahlfors regular conformal dimension

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    Let f:S2S2f: S^2 \to S^2 be an expanding branched covering map of the sphere to itself with finite postcritical set PfP_f. Associated to ff is a canonical quasisymmetry class \GGG(f) of Ahlfors regular metrics on the sphere in which the dynamics is (non-classically) conformal. We show \inf_{X \in \GGG(f)} \hdim(X) \geq Q(f)=\inf_\Gamma \{Q \geq 2: \lambda(f_{\Gamma,Q}) \geq 1\}. The infimum is over all multicurves ΓS2Pf\Gamma \subset S^2-P_f. The map fΓ,Q:RΓRΓf_{\Gamma,Q}: \R^\Gamma \to \R^\Gamma is defined by fΓ,Q(γ)=[γ]Γδγdeg(f:δγ)1Q[γ], f_{\Gamma, Q}(\gamma) =\sum_{[\gamma']\in\Gamma} \sum_{\delta \sim \gamma'} \deg(f:\delta \to \gamma)^{1-Q}[\gamma'], where the second sum is over all preimages δ\delta of γ\gamma freely homotopic to γ\gamma' in S2PfS^2-P_f, and λ(fΓ,Q) \lambda(f_{\Gamma,Q}) is its Perron-Frobenius leading eigenvalue. This generalizes Thurston's observation that if Q(f)>2Q(f)>2, then there is no ff-invariant classical conformal structure.Comment: Minor revisions are mad