2,429 research outputs found
Theoretical uncertainty in sin 2beta: An update
The source of theoretical uncertainty in the extraction of sin 2beta from the
measurement of the golden channel Bd -> J/psi K0 is briefly reviewed. An
updated estimate of this uncertainty based on SU(3) flavour symmetry and the
measurement of the decay Bd -> J/psi pi0 is also presented.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, Proceedings of CKM2010, the 6th
International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, University of Warwick,
UK, 6-10 September 201
Model Inference with Reference Priors
We describe the application of model inference based on reference priors to
two concrete examples in high energy physics: the determination of the CKM
matrix parameters rhobar and etabar and the determination of the parameters m_0
and m_1/2 in a simplified version of the CMSSM SUSY model. We show how a
1-dimensional reference posterior can be mapped to the n-dimensional (n-D)
parameter space of the given class of models, under a minimal set of conditions
on the n-D function. This reference-based function can be used as a prior for
the next iteration of inference, using Bayes' theorem recursively.Comment: Proceedings of PHYSTAT1
The light stop window
We show that a right-handed stop in the 200-400 GeV mass range, together with
a nearly degenerate neutralino and, possibly, a gluino below 1.5 TeV, follows
from reasonable assumptions, is consistent with present data, and offers
interesting discovery prospects at the LHC. Triggering on an extra jet produced
in association with stops allows the experimental search for stops even when
their mass difference with neutralinos is very small and the decay products are
too soft for direct observation. Using a razor analysis, we are able to set
stop bounds that are stronger than those published by ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. v2: fig. 9b has been updated and revised at
large values of the stop/neutralino mass splitting. The discussion of stop
co-annihilations has been upgraded including Sommerfeld enhancement
Study the effect of beam energy spread and detector resolution on the search for Higgs boson decays to invisible particles at a future ee circular collider
We study the expected sensitivity to measure the branching ratio of Higgs
boson decays to invisible particles at a future circular \epem collider
(FCC-ee) in the process with ( or
) using an integrated luminosity of 3.5 ab at a center-of-mass
energy GeV. The impact of the energy spread of the FCC-ee beam
and of the resolution in the reconstruction of the leptons is discussed. %Two
different detector concepts are considered: a detector corresponding to the CMS
reconstruction performances and the expected design of the ILC detector. The
minimum branching ratio for a observation after 3.5ab of data
taking is . The branching ratio exclusion limit at
95\% CL is .Comment: 17 pages, submitted to EPJ
Variational Autoencoders for New Physics Mining at the Large Hadron Collider
Using variational autoencoders trained on known physics processes, we develop
a one-sided threshold test to isolate previously unseen processes as outlier
events. Since the autoencoder training does not depend on any specific new
physics signature, the proposed procedure doesn't make specific assumptions on
the nature of new physics. An event selection based on this algorithm would be
complementary to classic LHC searches, typically based on model-dependent
hypothesis testing. Such an algorithm would deliver a list of anomalous events,
that the experimental collaborations could further scrutinize and even release
as a catalog, similarly to what is typically done in other scientific domains.
Event topologies repeating in this dataset could inspire new-physics model
building and new experimental searches. Running in the trigger system of the
LHC experiments, such an application could identify anomalous events that would
be otherwise lost, extending the scientific reach of the LHC.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, 5 table
Automated visual inspection of CMS HGCAL silicon sensor surface using an ensemble of a deep convolutional autoencoder and classifier
More than a thousand 8" silicon sensors will be visually inspected to look
for anomalies on their surface during the quality control preceding assembly
into the High-Granularity Calorimeter for the CMS experiment at CERN. A deep
learning-based algorithm that pre-selects potentially anomalous images of the
sensor surface in real time has been developed to automate the visual
inspection. The anomaly detection is done by an ensemble of independent deep
convolutional neural networks: an autoencoder and a classifier. The performance
is evaluated on images acquired in production. The pre-selection reduces the
number of images requiring human inspection by 85%, with recall of 97%. Data
gathered in production can be used for continuous learning to improve the
accuracy incrementally
Adversarially Learned Anomaly Detection on CMS Open Data: re-discovering the top quark
We apply an Adversarially Learned Anomaly Detection (ALAD) algorithm to the
problem of detecting new physics processes in proton-proton collisions at the
Large Hadron Collider. Anomaly detection based on ALAD matches performances
reached by Variational Autoencoders, with a substantial improvement in some
cases. Training the ALAD algorithm on 4.4 fb-1 of 8 TeV CMS Open Data, we show
how a data-driven anomaly detection and characterization would work in real
life, re-discovering the top quark by identifying the main features of the
t-tbar experimental signature at the LHC.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure
The Global Electroweak and Higgs Fits in the LHC era
We update the global fit to electroweak precision observables, including the
effect of the latest measurements at hadron colliders of the and top-quark
masses and the effective leptonic weak mixing angle. We comment on the impact
of these measurements in terms of constraints on new physics. We also update
the bounds derived from the fit to the Higgs-boson signal strengths, including
the observables measured at the LHC Run 2, and compare the improvements with
respect to the 7 and 8 TeV results.Comment: 5+1 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Prepared for the Proceedings of the
5th LHCP Conference -Shanghai, May 2017- and the EPS-HEP 2017 Conference
-Venice, July 2017. (LHCP version.
Higgs look-alikes at the LHC
The discovery of a Higgs particle is possible in a variety of search channels
at the LHC. However the true identity of any putative Higgs boson will at first
remain ambiguous, until one has experimentally excluded other possible
assignments of quantum numbers and couplings. We quantify to what degree one
can discriminate a Standard Model Higgs boson from "look-alikes" at, or close
to, the moment of discovery at the LHC. We focus on the fully-reconstructible
"golden" decay mode to a pair of Z bosons and a four-lepton final state,
simulating sPlot-weighted samples of signal and background events. Considering
both on-shell and off-shell Z's, we show how to utilize the full decay
information from the events, including the distributions and correlations of
the five relevant angular variables. We demonstrate how the finite phase space
acceptance of any LHC detector sculpts the decay distributions, a feature
neglected in previous studies. We use likelihood ratios to discriminate a
Standard Model Higgs from look-alikes with other spins or nonstandard parity,
CP, or form factors. For a benchmark resonance mass of 200 GeV/c^2, we achieve
a median expected discrimination significance of 3 sigma with as few as 19
events, and even better discrimination for the off-shell decays of a 145
GeV/c^2 resonance.Comment: 39 pages, 55 figures, typos fixed, figures added, and minor
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