7,888 research outputs found
Charge Disproportionation and Spin Ordering Tendencies in Na(x)CoO2
The strength and effect of Coulomb correlations in the (superconducting when
hydrated) x~1/3 and ``enhanced'' x~2/3 regimes of Na(x)CoO2 are evaluated using
the correlated band theory LDA+U method. Our results, neglecting quantum
fluctuations, are: (1) allowing only ferromagnetic order, there is a critical
U_c = 3 eV, above which charge disproportionation occurs for both x=1/3 and
x=2/3, (2) allowing antiferromagnetic order at x=1/3, U_c drops to 1 eV for
disproportionation, (3) disproportionation and gap opening occur
simultaneously, (4) in a Co(3+)-Co(4+) ordered state, antiferromagnetic
coupling is favored over ferromagnetic, while below U_c ferromagnetism is
favored. Comparison of the calculated Fermi level density of states compared to
reported linear specific heat coefficients indicates enhancement of the order
of five for x~0.7, but negligible enhancement for x~0.3. This trend is
consistent with strong magnetic behavior and local moments (Curie-Weiss
susceptibility) for x>0.5 while there no magnetic behavior or local moments
reported for x<0.5. We suggest that the phase diagram is characterized by a
crossover from effective single-band character with U >> W for x>0.5 into a
three-band regime for x U_eff <= U/\sqrt(3) ~ W and
correlation effects are substantially reduced.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, corrected a few typos and changed reference
NaCoO in the x -> 0 Regime: Coupling of Structure and Correlation effects
The study of the strength of correlations in NaCoO is extended to the
x=0 end of the phase diagram where Mott insulating behavior has been widely
anticipated. Inclusion of correlation as modeled by the LDA+U approach leads to
a Mott transition in the subband if U is no less than U=2.5 eV. Thus
U smaller than U is required to model the metallic, nonmagnetic CoO
compound reported by Tarascon and coworkers. The orbital-selective Mott
transition of the state, which is essentially degenerate with the
states, occurs because of the slightly wider bandwidth of the
bands. The metal-insulator transition is found to be strongly coupled to the
Co-O bond length, due to associated changes in the bandwidth, but the
largest effects occur only at a reduced oxygen height that lies below the
equilibrium position.Comment: 8 pages with 9 embedded figure
Electron Confinement, Orbital Ordering, and Orbital Moments in - Oxide Heterostructures
The (SrTiO)/(SrVO) multilayer system is studied
with first principles methods through the observed insulator-to-metal
transition with increasing thickness of the SrVO layer. When correlation
effects with reasonable magnitude are included, crystal field splittings from
the structural relaxations together with spin-orbit coupling (SOC) determines
the behavior of the electronic and magnetic structures. These confined slabs of
SrVO prefer =() orbital ordering of and
() orbitals within the plane, accompanied by
=(0,0) spin order (ferromagnetic alignment). The result is a
SOC-driven ferromagnetic Mott insulator. The orbital moment of 0.75
strongly compensates the spin moment on the sublattice. The
insulator-metal transition for (occurring between =4 and
=5) is reproduced. Unlike in the isoelectronic TiO/VO
(rutile structure) system and in spite of some similarities in orbital
ordering, no semi-Dirac point [{\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 102}, 166803 (2009)]
is encountered, but the insulator-to-metal transition occurs through a
different type of unusual phase. For n=5 this system is very near (or at) a
unique semimetallic state in which the Fermi energy is topologically determined
and the Fermi surface consists of identical electron and hole Fermi circles
centered at =0. The dispersion consists of what can be regarded as a
continuum of radially-directed Dirac points, forming a "Dirac circle".Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
Half metallic digital ferromagnetic heterostructure composed of a -doped layer of Mn in Si
We propose and investigate the properties of a digital ferromagnetic
heterostructure (DFH) consisting of a -doped layer of Mn in Si, using
\textit{ab initio} electronic-structure methods. We find that (i) ferromagnetic
order of the Mn layer is energetically favorable relative to antiferromagnetic,
and (ii) the heterostructure is a two-dimensional half metallic system. The
metallic behavior is contributed by three majority-spin bands originating from
hybridized Mn- and nearest-neighbor Si- states, and the corresponding
carriers are responsible for the ferromagnetic order in the Mn layer. The
minority-spin channel has a calculated semiconducting gap of 0.25 eV. Analysis
of the total and partial densities of states, band structure, Fermi surfaces
and associated charge density reveals the marked two-dimensional nature of the
half metallicity. The band lineup is found to be favorable for retaining the
half metal character to near the Curie temperature (). Being Si based
and possibly having a high as suggested by an experiment on dilutely
doped Mn in Si, the heterostructure may be of special interest for integration
into mature Si technologies for spintronic applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
Dirac Point Degenerate with Massive Bands at a Topological Quantum Critical Point
The quasi-linear bands in the topologically trivial skutterudite insulator
CoSb are studied under adiabatic, symmetry-conserving displacement of the
Sb sublattice. In this cubic, time-reversal and inversion symmetric system, a
transition from trivial insulator to topological point Fermi surface system
occurs through a critical point in which massless (Dirac) bands are {\it
degenerate} with massive bands. Spin-orbit coupling does not alter the
character of the transition. The mineral skutterudite (CoSb) is very near
the critical point in its natural state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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