138 research outputs found
Kramers-Wannier dualities via symmetries
Kramers-Wannier dualities in lattice models are intimately connected with
symmetries. We show that they can be found directly and explicitly from the
symmetry transformations of the boundary states in the underlying conformal
field theory. Intriguingly the only models with a self-duality transformation
turn out to be those with an auto-orbifold property.Comment: 4 pages, no figur
Symmetric boundary conditions in boundary critical phenomena
Conformally invariant boundary conditions for minimal models on a cylinder
are classified by pairs of Lie algebras of ADE type. For each model, we
consider the action of its (discrete) symmetry group on the boundary
conditions. We find that the invariant ones correspond to the nodes in the
product graph that are fixed by some automorphism. We proceed to
determine the charges of the fields in the various Hilbert spaces, but, in a
general minimal model, many consistent solutions occur. In the unitary models
, we show that there is a unique solution with the property that the
ground state in each sector of boundary conditions is invariant under the
symmetry group. In contrast, a solution with this property does not exist in
the unitary models of the series and . A possible
interpretation of this fact is that a certain (large) number of invariant
boundary conditions have unphysical (negative) classical boundary Boltzmann
weights. We give a tentative characterization of the problematic boundary
conditions.Comment: 13 pages, REVTeX; reorganized and expanded version; includes a new
section on unitary minimal models; conjectures reformulated, pointing to the
generic existence of negative boundary Boltzmann weights in unitary model
Sandpile probabilities on triangular and hexagonal lattices
We consider the Abelian sandpile model on triangular and hexagonal lattices.
We compute several height probabilities on the full plane and on half-planes,
and discuss some properties of the universality of the model.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures. v2 and v3: minor correction
Multipoint correlators in the Abelian sandpile model
We revisit the calculation of height correlations in the two-dimensional
Abelian sandpile model by taking advantage of a technique developed recently by
Kenyon and Wilson. The formalism requires to equip the usual graph Laplacian,
ubiquitous in the context of cycle-rooted spanning forests, with a complex
connection. In the case at hand, the connection is constant and localized along
a semi-infinite defect line (zipper). In the appropriate limit of a trivial
connection, it allows one to count spanning forests whose components contain
prescribed sites, which are of direct relevance for height correlations in the
sandpile model. Using this technique, we first rederive known 1- and 2-site
lattice correlators on the plane and upper half-plane, more efficiently than
what has been done so far. We also compute explicitly the (new) next-to-leading
order in the distances ( for 1-site on the upper half-plane,
for 2-site on the plane). We extend these results by computing new correlators
involving one arbitrary height and a few heights 1 on the plane and upper
half-plane, for the open and closed boundary conditions. We examine our lattice
results from the conformal point of view, and confirm the full consistency with
the specific features currently conjectured to be present in the associated
logarithmic conformal field theory.Comment: 60 pages, 21 figures. v2: reformulation of the grove theorem, minor
Boundary monomers in the dimer model
The correlation functions of an arbitrary number of boundary monomers in the
system of close-packed dimers on the square lattice are computed exactly in the
scaling limit. The equivalence of the 2n-point correlation functions with those
of a complex free fermion is proved, thereby reinforcing the description of the
monomer-dimer model by a conformal free field theory with central charge c=1.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure
Concavity analysis of the tangent method
The tangent method has recently been devised by Colomo and Sportiello
(arXiv:1605.01388 [math-ph]) as an efficient way to determine the shape of
arctic curves. Largely conjectural, it has been tested successfully in a
variety of models. However no proof and no general geometric insight have been
given so far, either to show its validity or to allow for an understanding of
why the method actually works. In this paper, we propose a universal framework
which accounts for the tangency part of the tangent method, whenever a
formulation in terms of directed lattice paths is available. Our analysis shows
that the key factor responsible for the tangency property is the concavity of
the entropy (also called the Lagrangean function) of long random lattice paths.
We extend the proof of the tangency to -deformed paths.Comment: published version, 22 page
Wind on the boundary for the Abelian sandpile model
We continue our investigation of the two-dimensional Abelian sandpile model
in terms of a logarithmic conformal field theory with central charge c=-2, by
introducing two new boundary conditions. These have two unusual features: they
carry an intrinsic orientation, and, more strangely, they cannot be imposed
uniformly on a whole boundary (like the edge of a cylinder). They lead to seven
new boundary condition changing fields, some of them being in highest weight
representations (weights -1/8, 0 and 3/8), some others belonging to
indecomposable representations with rank 2 Jordan cells (lowest weights 0 and
1). Their fusion algebra appears to be in full agreement with the fusion rules
conjectured by Gaberdiel and Kausch.
Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure
Senegal\u27s Trade in Cage Birds, 1979-81
Senegal is one of the world\u27s principal exporters of cage birds. The estimated value to Senegal of this trade is equivalent to U.S. $500,000 annually. Between 1979 and 1981, over 1 million birds were exported annually to at least 26 countries. During this period, the Government of Senegal proposed some policy guide-lines and legislative changes to manage this important industry rationally. The present report updates the exportation figures for these years and indicates some of the proposed legislation
Integrability and conformal data of the dimer model
The central charge of the dimer model on the square lattice is still being
debated in the literature. In this paper, we provide evidence supporting the
consistency of a description. Using Lieb's transfer matrix and its
description in terms of the Temperley-Lieb algebra at , we
provide a new solution of the dimer model in terms of the model of critical
dense polymers on a tilted lattice and offer an understanding of the lattice
integrability of the dimer model. The dimer transfer matrix is analysed in the
scaling limit and the result for is expressed in terms of
fermions. Higher Virasoro modes are likewise constructed as limits of elements
of and are found to yield a realisation of the Virasoro algebra,
familiar from fermionic ghost systems. In this realisation, the dimer Fock
spaces are shown to decompose, as Virasoro modules, into direct sums of
Feigin-Fuchs modules, themselves exhibiting reducible yet indecomposable
structures. In the scaling limit, the eigenvalues of the lattice integrals of
motion are found to agree exactly with those of the conformal integrals
of motion. Consistent with the expression for obtained from
the transfer matrix, we also construct higher Virasoro modes with and
find that the dimer Fock space is completely reducible under their action.
However, the transfer matrix is found not to be a generating function for the
integrals of motion. Although this indicates that Lieb's transfer matrix
description is incompatible with the interpretation, it does not rule out
the existence of an alternative, compatible, transfer matrix description
of the dimer model.Comment: 54 pages. v2: minor correction
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