2,938 research outputs found
Action detection using a neural network elucidates the genetics of mouse grooming behavior.
Automated detection of complex animal behaviors remains a challenging problem in neuroscience, particularly for behaviors that consist of disparate sequential motions. Grooming is a prototypical stereotyped behavior that is often used as an endophenotype in psychiatric genetics. Here, we used mouse grooming behavior as an example and developed a general purpose neural network architecture capable of dynamic action detection at human observer-level performance and operating across dozens of mouse strains with high visual diversity. We provide insights into the amount of human annotated training data that are needed to achieve such performance. We surveyed grooming behavior in the open field in 2457 mice across 62 strains, determined its heritable components, conducted GWAS to outline its genetic architecture, and performed PheWAS to link human psychiatric traits through shared underlying genetics. Our general machine learning solution that automatically classifies complex behaviors in large datasets will facilitate systematic studies of behavioral mechanisms
Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with central quadriceps tendon bone (CQTB) graft: An outcome study in fifty Indian patients
Background: Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using biologic autografts is the current gold standard in the management of symptomatic ACL tears. The commonly used BPTB (Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone) and quadrupled hamstring tendon grafts have their own disadvantages. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of CQTB (Central Quadriceps Tendon Bearing) graft as an autograft for ACL reconstruction in relieving instability in ACL deficient knees.Methods: 50 patients (45males; 5 females) with symptomatic ACL laxity, who underwent arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using the CQTB graft were followed up for 1 year. The functional improvement was analyzed by comparing the pre-operative Lysholm scores with those at 03 months, 06 months and 12 months post operatively. The objective improvement was analyzed comparing the Anterior Drawer and Lachman test grades pre-operatively and after 1 year follow up. The mean length of the graft and the post-operative morbidity were also noted.Results: The average Lysholm scores improved from a pre-operative value of 44.34 to 78.98,87.86 and 91.58 at 03months,06 months and 1 year respectively. (p<0.05; ANOVA). The number of patients with Grade I, II and III laxities on Anterior Drawer test improved from 01, 36 and 12 respectively to 43, 06 and 01 respectively 1 year after surgery (p<0.05; paired t test). The number of patients with Grade I, II and III laxities on Lachman test reduced from 1, 34 and 15 y to 39, 10 and 01 respectively. The average thickness of graft harvested was 9.21mm.Conclusions: CQTB autograft is a viable option along with other available autografts in its ability to reconstruct native ACL, without any hazards and additional complications
Gradual distraction for treatment of severe knee flexion contractures using the Ilizarov’s apparatus
Background: Knee flexion contractures result in a significant amount of functional disability due to reduced mobility and limb length discrepancy. Treatment options include non-surgical methods like serial casting, dynamic splinting and traction or surgical methods like osteotomies and soft tissue procedures. External fixation has emerged as a highly successful means of achieving controlled gradual correction of joint contractures with low rates of complications including recurrence. The aim of this study is to evaluate the functional outcome in terms of residual deformity and change in ambulatory status following correction using the Ilizarov’s apparatus.Methods: 12 patients with knee flexion contractures ranging from 20°-70° underwent correction using the Ilizarov’s external fixator (IEF). The use of simple mathematic formulae enabled us to calculate and estimate the rate and duration of distraction. End results were assessed at one year by the residual contracture as: Excellent: 0-5°, Good: 6-15°, Fair: 16-30° and Poor: >30°.Results: The functional assessment was graded as excellent in 7, good in 4 and fair in 1 out of 12 patients. All patients were independent ambulators and only 1 out of 12 patients required an additional orthosis for maintenance of the correction.Conclusions: The IEF is a safe and precise modality even for the most complex contractures of the knee. Accurate placement of the hinges along the center of rotation of the knee avoids undue subluxation of the tibia during correction. In order to ensure a low rate of complications, it is imperative to have a detailed pre-operative plan and all principles of fixation should be meticulously adhered to.
Discovery of a Role for Rab3b in Habituation and Cocaine Induced Locomotor Activation in Mice Using Heterogeneous Functional Genomic Analysis
Substance use disorders are prevalent and present a tremendous societal cost but the mechanisms underlying addiction behavior are poorly understood and few biological treatments exist. One strategy to identify novel molecular mechanisms of addiction is through functional genomic experimentation. However, results from individual experiments are often noisy. To address this problem, the convergent analysis of multiple genomic experiments can discern signal from these studies. In the present study, we examine genetic loci that modulate the locomotor response to cocaine identified in the recombinant inbred (BXD RI) genetic reference population. We then applied the GeneWeaver software system for heterogeneous functional genomic analysis to integrate and aggregate multiple studies of addiction genomics, resulting in the identification o
Seven naturally variant loci serve as genetic modifiers of Lamc2jeb induced non-Herlitz junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa in mice.
Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a group of rare genetic disorders that compromise the structural integrity of the skin such that blisters and subsequent erosions occur after minor trauma. While primary genetic risk of all subforms of EB adhere to Mendelian patterns of inheritance, their clinical presentations and severities can vary greatly, implying genetic modifiers. The Lamc2jeb mouse model of non-Herlitz junctional EB (JEB-nH) demonstrated that genetic modifiers can contribute substantially to the phenotypic variability of JEB and likely other forms of EB. The innocuous changes in an \u27EB related gene\u27, Col17a1, have shown it to be a dominant modifier of Lamc2jeb. This work identifies six additional Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) that modify disease in Lamc2jeb/jeb mice. Three QTL include other known \u27EB related genes\u27, with the strongest modifier effect mapping to a region including the epidermal hemi-desmosomal structural gene dystonin (Dst-e/Bpag1-e). Three other QTL map to intervals devoid of known EB-associated genes. Of these, one contains the nuclear receptor coactivator Ppargc1a as its primary candidate and the others contain related genes Pparg and Igf1, suggesting modifier pathways. These results, demonstrating the potent disease modifying effects of normally innocuous genetic variants, greatly expand the landscape of genetic modifiers of EB and therapeutic approaches that may be applied
Identifying the molecular systems that influence cognitive resilience to Alzheimer\u27s disease in genetically diverse mice.
Individual differences in cognitive decline during normal aging and Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) are common, but the molecular mechanisms underlying these distinct outcomes are not fully understood. We utilized a combination of genetic, molecular, and behavioral data from a mouse population designed to model human variation in cognitive outcomes to search for the molecular mechanisms behind this population-wide variation. Specifically, we used a systems genetics approach to relate gene expression to cognitive outcomes during AD and normal aging. Statistical causal-inference Bayesian modeling was used to model systematic genetic perturbations matched with cognitive data that identified astrocyte and microglia molecular networks as drivers of cognitive resilience to AD. Using genetic mapping, we identifie
Momordica charantia (bitter melon) attenuates high-fat diet-associated oxidative stress and neuroinflammation
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The rising epidemic of obesity is associated with cognitive decline and is considered as one of the major risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroinflammation is a critical component in the progression of several neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. Increased metabolic flux to the brain during overnutrition and obesity can orchestrate stress response, blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption, recruitment of inflammatory immune cells from peripheral blood and microglial cells activation leading to neuroinflammation. The lack of an effective treatment for obesity-associated brain dysfunction may have far-reaching public health ramifications, urgently necessitating the identification of appropriate preventive and therapeutic strategies. The objective of our study was to investigate the neuroprotective effects of <it>Momordica charantia </it>(bitter melon) on high-fat diet (HFD)-associated BBB disruption, stress and neuroinflammatory cytokines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>C57BL/6 female mice were fed HFD with and without bitter melon (BM) for 16 weeks. BBB disruption was analyzed using Evans blue dye. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) perfused brains were analyzed for neuroinflammatory markers such as interleukin-22 (IL-22), IL-17R, IL-16, NF-κB1, and glial cells activation markers such as Iba1, CD11b, GFAP and S100β. Additionally, antioxidant enzymes, ER-stress proteins, and stress-resistant transcription factors, sirtuin 1 (Sirt1) and forkhead box class O transcription factor (FoxO) were analyzed using microarray, quantitative real-time RT-PCR, western immunoblotting and enzymatic assays. Systemic inflammation was analyzed using cytokine antibody array.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BM ameliorated HFD-associated changes in BBB permeability as evident by reduced leakage of Evans blue dye. HFD-induced glial cells activation and expression of neuroinflammatory markers such as NF-κB1, IL-16, IL-22 as well as IL-17R were normalized in the brains of mice supplemented with BM. Similarly, HFD-induced brain oxidative stress was significantly reduced by BM supplementation with a concomitant reduction in FoxO, normalization of Sirt1 protein expression and up-regulation of Sirt3 mRNA expression. Furthermore, plasma antioxidant enzymes and pro-inflammatory cytokines were also normalized in mice fed HFD with BM as compared to HFD-fed mice.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Functional foods such as BM offer a unique therapeutic strategy to improve obesity-associated peripheral inflammation and neuroinflammation.</p
Behavioral phenotypes revealed during reversal learning are linked with novel genetic loci in diversity outbred mice.
Impulsive behavior and impulsivity are heritable phenotypes that are strongly associated with risk for substance use disorders. Identifying the neurogenetic mechanisms that influence impulsivity may also reveal novel biological insights into addiction vulnerability. Our past studies using the BXD and Collaborative Cross (CC) recombinant inbred mouse panels have revealed that behavioral indicators of impulsivity measured in a reversal-learning task are heritable and are genetically correlated with aspects of intravenous cocaine self-administration. Genome-wide linkage studies in the BXD panel revealed a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 10, but we expect to identify additional QTL by testing in a population with more genetic diversity. To this end, we turned to Diversity Outbred (DO) mice; 392 DO mice (156 males, 236 females) were phenotyped using the same reversal learning test utilized previously. Our primary indicator of impulsive responding, a measure that isolates the relative difficulty mice have with reaching performance criteria under reversal conditions, revealed a genome-wide significant QTL on chromosome 7 (max LOD score = 8.73, genome-wide corrected
Identification of quantitative trait loci for survival in the mutant dynactin p150Glued mouse model of motor neuron disease.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common degenerative motor neuron disorder. Although most cases of ALS are sporadic, 5-10% of cases are familial, with mutations associated with over 40 genes. There is variation of ALS symptoms within families carrying the same mutation; the disease may develop in one sibling and not in another despite the presence of the mutation in both. Although the cause of this phenotypic variation is unknown, it is likely related to genetic modifiers of disease expression. The identification of ALS causing genes has led to the development of transgenic mouse models of motor neuron disease. Similar to families with familial ALS, there are background-dependent differences in disease phenotype in transgenic mouse models of ALS suggesting that, as in human ALS, differences in phenotype may be ascribed to genetic modifiers. These genetic modifiers may not cause ALS rather their expression either exacerbates or ameliorates the effect of the mutant ALS causing genes. We have reported that in both the G93A-hSOD1 and G59S-hDCTN1 mouse models, SJL mice demonstrated a more severe phenotype than C57BL6 mice. From reciprocal intercrosses between G93A-hSOD1 transgenic mice on SJL and C57BL6 strains, we identified a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) on mouse chromosome 17 that results in a significant shift in lifespan. In this study we generated reciprocal intercrosses between transgenic G59S-hDCTN1 mice on SJL and C57BL6 strains and identified survival QTLs on mouse chromosomes 17 and 18. The chromosome 17 survival QTL on G93A-hSOD1 and G59S-hDCTN1 mice partly overlap, suggesting that the genetic modifiers located in this region may be shared by these two ALS models despite the fact that motor neuron degeneration is caused by mutations in different proteins. The overlapping region contains eighty-seven genes with non-synonymous variations predicted to be deleterious and/or damaging. Two genes in this segment, NOTCH3 and Safb/SAFB1, have been associated with motor neuron disease. The identification of genetic modifiers of motor neuron disease, especially those modifiers that are shared by SOD1 and dynactin-1 transgenic mice, may result in the identification of novel targets for therapies that can alter the course of this devastating illness
High-throughput measurement of fibroblast rhythms reveals genetic heritability of circadian phenotypes in diversity outbred mice and their founder strains.
Circadian variability is driven by genetics and Diversity Outbred (DO) mice is a powerful tool for examining the genetics of complex traits because their high genetic and phenotypic diversity compared to conventional mouse crosses. The DO population combines the genetic diversity of eight founder strains including five common inbred and three wild-derived strains. In DO mice and their founders, we established a high-throughput system to measure cellular rhythms using in vitro preparations of skin fibroblasts. Among the founders, we observed strong heritability for rhythm period, robustness, phase and amplitude. We also found significant sex and strain differences for these rhythms. Extreme differences in period for molecular and behavioral rhythms were found between the inbred A/J strain and the wild-derived CAST/EiJ strain, where A/J had the longest period and CAST/EiJ had the shortest. In addition, we measured cellular rhythms in 329 DO mice, which displayed far greater phenotypic variability than the founders-80% of founders compared to only 25% of DO mice had periods of ~ 24 h. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that genetic diversity contributes to phenotypic variability in circadian rhythms, and high-throughput characterization of fibroblast rhythms in DO mice is a tractable system for examining the genetics of circadian traits
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