3,015 research outputs found

    Outflows from Insured Unemployment in Hungary, 1992-1996

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    The paper looks at outflows from registered unemployment in Hungary between 1992 and 1996 using microdata from the unemployment insurance system. We address two questions. First, we investigate the trends in outflows in the period. A related question is whether the decline in the unemployment stock from early 1993 is associated with an increase in the outflow. Second, we look at how the probability of leaving registered unemployment to five states - employment, training, subsidised employment, subsidised self-employment and public works - varies with personal characteristics and the local unemployment rate. This also shows how active labour market policy in Hungary is "targeted" across groups of unemployed.

    Configuration of OpenWRT System Using NETCONF Protocol

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    Cílem práce je konfigurace platformy OpenWrt s využitím protokolu NETCONF. Na komunikaci pomocí protokolu NETCONF byly použity stávající nástroje ve formě knihovny libnetconf a sady nástrojů Netopeer. Implementační část se zabývá vývojem modulů na konfiguraci systému a síťových rozhraní.The aim of this thesis is OpenWrt platform configuration using the NETCONF protocol. Existing tools such as libnetconf library and Netopeer toolset were used for the communication using the NETCONF protocol. Implementation part deals with the development of modules for system and network interfaces configuration.

    The world of fractals

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    [EN] Fractals are fascinating geometric structures of nature which appear in more and more field of science, ranging from heartbeat characterization through, cancer research, stock exchange trends, meteorology, and computer graphics, up to digital image processing. Fractals can be created by simple algorithms that can be manifested with also simple computer programs. The necessary programs are available in the literature and they are easy to understand and manage for first-year undergraduate students too. Therefore fractals are suitable to attract student interest and improve their attitudes toward learning physics. Our main goal was that students work independently and gain experience on fractals with applying simple algorithm and making pictures of the weird formations of fractals. In this paper, a teaching material that is freely available on the internet is described. The material was originally intended for college students, but is suitable for anyone to become familiar with fractals.This research is supported by EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00006 “The development and enhancement of the research potential at John von Neumann University”project. The Project is supported by the Hungarian Government and co-financed by the European Social Fund. This study was funded by the Content Pedagogy Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.Nagy, P.; Tasnádi, P. (2020). The world of fractals. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):939-947. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11178OCS93994730-05-202

    Hydrodynamic Trapping of Swimming Bacteria by Convex Walls

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    Swimming bacteria display a remarkable tendency to move along flat surfaces for prolonged times. This behavior may have a biological importance but can also be exploited by using microfabricated structures to manipulate bacteria. The main physical mechanism behind the surface entrapment of swimming bacteria is, however, still an open question. By studying the swimming motion of Escherichia coli cells near microfabricated pillars of variable size, we show that cell entrapment is also present for convex walls of sufficiently low curvature. Entrapment is, however, markedly reduced below a characteristic radius. Using a simple hydrodynamic model, we predict that trapped cells swim at a finite angle with the wall and a precise relation exists between the swimming angle at a flat wall and the critical radius of curvature for entrapment. Both predictions are quantitatively verified by experimental data. Our results demonstrate that the main mechanism for wall entrapment is hydrodynamic in nature and show the possibility of inhibiting cell adhesion, and thus biofilm formation, using convex features of appropriate curvature

    Analysis and optimization regarding the activity of a Hungarian Pig Sales and Purchase Cooperation

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    In many ways, the Hungarian pork chain faces considerable disadvantages when compared to the situation in competing countries. In countries endowed with a modern meat chain, heavy concentration is the rule, but in Hungary decentralization still prevails, although thankfully the chain is not disintegrating even further. In our research we used the operation of co-operatives as a model in terms of a generalized network problem. The model allows the quantification of the number of pigs from given farms to slaughterhouses, the maximum sales revenue, the delivery threshold prices, and an analysis of the impact co-operative members exert on sales revenues.pork production, integration, network, linear programming, Demand and Price Analysis, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,