25 research outputs found

    On the acceleration of ions by interplanetary shock waves. 1: Single encounter considerations

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    The acceleration of energetic ions in interplanetary magnetosonic fast-mode shock waves was studied via analytical modeling and numerical simulations. An analytical model that combines both the shock drift and compressional acceleration mechanisms is presented. The analytical predictions of the model are shown to be in good agreement with numerical simulation results

    Cosmic ray drift, shock wave acceleration and the anomalous component of cosmic rays

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    A model of the anomalous component of the quiet-time cosmic ray flux is presented in which ex-interstellar neutral particles are accelerated continuously in the polar regions of the solar-wind termination shock, and then drift into the equatorial regions of the inner heliosphere. The observed solar-cycle variations, radial gradient, and apparent latitude gradient of the anomalous component are a natural consequence of this model

    On the acceleration of ions by interplanetary shock waves. 3: High time resolution observations of CIR proton events

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    Observations within + or - 3 hours of corotating interaction region (CIR) shock waves of proton intensities, pitch angle distribution and crude differential energy spectra of the range of 0.6 E sub p 3.4 MeV are presented. The principle result is the evidence for the persistent flow of particles away from the shock. The observations are found to be in good agreement with the hypothesis of local interplanetary shock acceleration by the shock drift and compression mechanisms. The same set of observations strongly suggest that transit time damping does not play an important role in the acceleration of protons to 1 MeV in the immediate vicinity of CIR shocks

    A device for recording automatic audio tape recording1

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    Adaptation of a commercially available timer for use as a means of operating an audio tape recorder several times during the day is described. Data on a mother's rates of commanding her children were collected via both physically present observer and recorder methods in order to compare the usefulness of the recordings with direct observation. There was a high positive relationship between observer-recorder command rates, with the observer rates being consistently higher, when data were collected via both methods simultaneously as well as at different points in time