2,110 research outputs found
Effects of the network structural properties on its controllability
In a recent paper, it has been suggested that the controllability of a
diffusively coupled complex network, subject to localized feedback loops at
some of its vertices, can be assessed by means of a Master Stability Function
approach, where the network controllability is defined in terms of the spectral
properties of an appropriate Laplacian matrix. Following that approach, a
comparison study is reported here among different network topologies in terms
of their controllability. The effects of heterogeneity in the degree
distribution, as well as of degree correlation and community structure, are
discussed.Comment: Also available online at: http://link.aip.org/link/?CHA/17/03310
A Stochastic Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid-Structure Dynamics at Microscopic Length Scales
In this work it is shown how the immersed boundary method of (Peskin2002) for
modeling flexible structures immersed in a fluid can be extended to include
thermal fluctuations. A stochastic numerical method is proposed which deals
with stiffness in the system of equations by handling systematically the
statistical contributions of the fastest dynamics of the fluid and immersed
structures over long time steps. An important feature of the numerical method
is that time steps can be taken in which the degrees of freedom of the fluid
are completely underresolved, partially resolved, or fully resolved while
retaining a good level of accuracy. Error estimates in each of these regimes
are given for the method. A number of theoretical and numerical checks are
furthermore performed to assess its physical fidelity. For a conservative
force, the method is found to simulate particles with the correct Boltzmann
equilibrium statistics. It is shown in three dimensions that the diffusion of
immersed particles simulated with the method has the correct scaling in the
physical parameters. The method is also shown to reproduce a well-known
hydrodynamic effect of a Brownian particle in which the velocity
autocorrelation function exhibits an algebraic tau^(-3/2) decay for long times.
A few preliminary results are presented for more complex systems which
demonstrate some potential application areas of the method.Comment: 52 pages, 11 figures, published in journal of computational physic
Feedback control of unstable steady states of flow past a flat plate using reduced-order estimators
We present an estimator-based control design procedure for flow control,
using reduced-order models of the governing equations, linearized about a
possibly unstable steady state. The reduced models are obtained using an
approximate balanced truncation method that retains the most controllable and
observable modes of the system. The original method is valid only for stable
linear systems, and we present an extension to unstable linear systems. The
dynamics on the unstable subspace are represented by projecting the original
equations onto the global unstable eigenmodes, assumed to be small in number. A
snapshot-based algorithm is developed, using approximate balanced truncation,
for obtaining a reduced-order model of the dynamics on the stable subspace. The
proposed algorithm is used to study feedback control of 2-D flow over a flat
plate at a low Reynolds number and at large angles of attack, where the natural
flow is vortex shedding, though there also exists an unstable steady state. For
control design, we derive reduced-order models valid in the neighborhood of
this unstable steady state. The actuation is modeled as a localized body force
near the leading edge of the flat plate, and the sensors are two velocity
measurements in the near-wake of the plate. A reduced-order Kalman filter is
developed based on these models and is shown to accurately reconstruct the flow
field from the sensor measurements, and the resulting estimator-based control
is shown to stabilize the unstable steady state. For small perturbations of the
steady state, the model accurately predicts the response of the full
simulation. Furthermore, the resulting controller is even able to suppress the
stable periodic vortex shedding, where the nonlinear effects are strong, thus
implying a large domain of attraction of the stabilized steady state.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figure
Momentum Space Regularizations and the Indeterminacy in the Schwinger Model
We revisited the problem of the presence of finite indeterminacies that
appear in the calculations of a Quantum Field Theory. We investigate the
occurrence of undetermined mathematical quantities in the evaluation of the
Schwinger model in several regularization scenarios. We show that the
undetermined character of the divergent part of the vacuum polarization tensor
of the model, introduced as an {\it ansatz} in previous works, can be obtained
mathematically if one introduces a set of two parameters in the evaluation of
these quantities. The formal mathematical properties of this tensor and their
violations are discussed. The analysis is carried out in both analytical and
sharp cutoff regularization procedures. We also show how the Pauli Villars
regularization scheme eliminates the indeterminacy, giving a gauge invariant
result in the vector Schwinger model.Comment: 10 pages, no figure
Higgs Triplets, Decoupling, and Precision Measurements
Electroweak precision data has been extensively used to constrain models
containing physics beyond that of the Standard Model. When the model contains
Higgs scalars in representations other than SU(2) singlets or doublets, and
hence rho not equal to one at tree level, a correct renormalization scheme
requires more inputs than the three needed for the Standard Model. We discuss
the connection between the renormalization of models with Higgs triplets and
the decoupling properties of the models as the mass scale for the scalar
triplet field becomes much larger than the electroweak scale. The requirements
of perturbativity of the couplings and agreement with electroweak data place
strong restrictions on models with Higgs triplets. Our results have important
implications for Little Higgs type models and other models with rho not equal
to one at tree level.Comment: 23 page
J/psi dissociation by light mesons in an extended Nambu Jona-Lasinio model
An alternative model for the dissociation of the J/psi is proposed. Chiral
symmetry is properly implemented. Abnormal parity interactions and mesonic form
factors naturally arise from the underlying quark sub-structure. Analytic
confinement for the light quarks is generated by appropriately chosen the quark
interaction kernels. Dissociation cross sections of the J/psi by either a pion
or a rho meson are then evaluated and discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, final versio
Master equation approach to friction at the mesoscale
At the mesoscale friction occurs through the breaking and formation of local
contacts. This is often described by the earthquake-like model which requires
numerical studies. We show that this phenomenon can also be described by a
master equation, which can be solved analytically in some cases and provides an
efficient numerical solution for more general cases. We examine the effect of
temperature and aging of the contacts and discuss the statistical properties of
the contacts for different situations of friction and their implications,
particularly regarding the existence of stick-slip.Comment: To be published in Physical Review
Synchronous solutions and their stability in nonlocally coupled phase oscillators with propagation delays
We study the existence and stability of synchronous solutions in a continuum
field of non-locally coupled identical phase oscillators with
distance-dependent propagation delays. We present a comprehensive stability
diagram in the parameter space of the system. From the numerical results a
heuristic synchronization condition is suggested, and an analytic relation for
the marginal stability curve is obtained. We also provide an expression in the
form of a scaling relation that closely follows the marginal stability curve
over the complete range of the non-locality parameter.Comment: accepted in Phys. Rev. E (2010
The Kondo crossover in shot noise of a single quantum dot with orbital degeneracy
We investigate out of equilibrium transport through an orbital Kondo system
realized in a single quantum dot, described by the multiorbital impurity
Anderson model. Shot noise and current are calculated up to the third order in
bias voltage in the particle-hole symmetric case, using the renormalized
perturbation theory. The derived expressions are asymptotically exact at low
energies. The resulting Fano factor of the backscattering current is
expressed in terms of the Wilson ratio and the orbital degeneracy as
at zero temperature. Then,
for small Coulomb repulsions , we calculate the Fano factor exactly up to
terms of order , and also carry out the numerical renormalization group
calculation for intermediate in the case of two- and four-fold degeneracy
(). As increases, the charge fluctuation in the dot is suppressed,
and the Fano factor varies rapidly from the noninteracting value to the
value in the Kondo limit , near the crossover region
, with the energy scale of the hybridization .Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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