1,008 research outputs found
X-Ray Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei and Hierarchical Galaxy Formation
We have incorporated the description of the X-ray properties of Active
Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) into a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, adopting
physically motivated scaling laws for accretion triggered by galaxy encounters.
Our model reproduces the level of the cosmic X-ray background at 30 keV; we
predict that the largest contribution (around 2/3) comes from sources with
intermediate X-ray luminosity 10^{43.5}< L_X/erg/s <10^{44.5}, with 50 % of the
total specific intensity produced at z<2. The predicted number density of
luminous X-ray AGNs (L_X>10^{44.5} erg/s in the 2-10 keV band) peaks at z
around 2 with a decline of around 3 dex to z=0; for the low luminosity sources
(10^{43}<L_X/erg/s <10^{44}) it has a broaderand less pronounced maximum around
z 1.5. The comparison with the data shows a generally good agreement. The model
predictions slightly exceed the observed number of low-luminosity AGNs at z
around 1.5, with the discrepancy progressively extending to
intermediate-luminosity objects at higher redshifts; we discuss possible
origins for the mismatch. Finally, we predict the source counts and the flux
distribution at different redshifts in the hard (20-100 keV) X-ray band for the
sources contributing to the X- ray background.Comment: 27 pages, accepted for publication in Ap
Most Supermassive Black Holes must be Rapidly Rotating
We use the integrated spectrum of the X-ray background and quasars Spectral
Energy Distribution to derive the contribution of quasars to the energy output
of the Universe. We find a lower limit for the energy from accretion onto black
holes of 6%, of the total luminosity of the Universe and probably more, with
15% quite possible. Comparing these values with the masses of black holes in
the center of nearby galaxies we show that the accretion process must be on
average very efficient: at least 15% of the accreted mass must be transformed
into radiated energy. This further implies that most supermassive black holes
are rapidly rotating.Comment: 8 Pages, Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres
X-ray reprocessing in Seyfert Galaxies: simultaneous XMM-Newton/BeppoSAX observations
We selected a sample of eight bright unobscured (at least at the iron line
energy) Seyfert Galaxies observed simultaneously by XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX,
taking advantage of the complementary characteristics of the two missions. The
main results of our analysis can be summarized as follows: narrow neutral iron
lines are confirmed to be an ubiquitous component in Seyfert spectra; none of
the analyzed sources shows unambiguously a broad relativistic iron line; all
the sources of our sample (with a single exception) show the presence of a
Compton reflection component; emission lines from ionized iron are observed in
some sources; peculiar weak features around 5-6 keV (possibly arising from
rotating spots on the accretion disk) are detected in two sources. The scenario
emerging from these results strongly requires some corrections for the
classical model of reprocessing from the accretion disk. As for materials
farther away from the Black Hole, our results represent a positive test for the
Unification Model, suggesting the presence of the torus in (almost) all
sources, even if unobscured.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
The BeppoSAX High Energy Large Area Survey (HELLAS) - VI. The radio properties
We present results of a complete radio follow-up obtained with the VLA and
ATCA radio telescopes down to a 6 cm flux limit of about 0.3 mJy of all the 147
X-ray sources detected in the BeppoSAX HELLAS survey. We found 53 X-ray/radio
likely associations, corresponding to about one third of the X-ray sample.
Using the two point spectral index alpha_ro=0.35 we divided all the HELLAS
X-ray sources in radio quiet and radio loud. We have 26 sources classified as
radio-loud objects, corresponding to about 18% of the HELLAS sample. In
agreement with previous results, the identified radio-loud sources are
associated mainly with Type 1 AGNs with L(5-10 keV) > 10^44 erg/s, while all
the identified Type 2 AGNs and Emission Line Galaxies are radio quiet objects
with L(5-10 keV) < 10^44 erg/s. The analysis of the radio spectral index
suggests that Type 1 AGNs have a mean radio spectral index flatter than Type 2
AGNs and Emission Line Galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS, accepte
Nonthermal hard X-ray excess in the Coma cluster: resolving the discrepancy between the results of different PDS data analyses
The detection of a nonthermal excess in the Coma cluster spectrum by two
BeppoSAX observations analyzed with the XAS package (Fusco-Femiano et al.) has
been disavowed by an analysis (Rossetti & Molendi) performed with a different
software package (SAXDAS) for the extraction of the spectrum. To resolve this
discrepancy we reanalyze the PDS data considering the same software used by
Rossetti & Molendi. A correct selection of the data and the exclusion of
contaminating sources in the background determination show that also the SAXDAS
analysis reports a nonthermal excess with respect to the thermal emission at
about the same confidence level of that obtained with the XAS package
(~4.8sigma). Besides, we report the lack of the systematic errors investigated
by Rossetti & Molendi and Nevalainen et al. taking into account the whole
sample of the PDS observations off the Galactic plane, as already shown in our
data analysis of Abell 2256 (Fusco-Femiano, Landi & Orlandini). All this
eliminates any ambiguity and confirms the presence of a hard tail in the
spectrum of the Coma cluster.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
Turbulent accretion onto massive black holes
Turbulent spherical accretion onto massive black holes (Mapprox.10/sup 6/--10/sup 9/ M/sub sun/) is considered. Temperatures of the order of 10/sup 9/--10/sup 10/ K are found in the inner zone where the synchrotron frequencies are 10/sup 13/--10/sup 14/ Hz. If the optical depth of the hole atmosphere is tauapprox.1, Comptonization can produce a power-law spectrum of index approx.1 from the synchrotron frequencies up to medium X-rays. If tau> or approx. =1, convection of radiation into the hole becomes important at small radii, reducing the efficiency of emission. The results are briefly compared with the observations
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