24 research outputs found
Freight Train Scheduling using Integer Linear Programming: A case study of cement distribution
Transportation process is responsible for providing efficiency of moving products considering time, cost, and vehicle utilities through inbound and outbound logistics. Transportation disruptions such as congestion, delays, or cancellations can have a detrimental impact on the company. PT X uses trains to transport unpackaged cement in bulk from factory to port. PT X has not met the daily train delivery target due to train delays, inconsistency delivery frequency and ineffective schedule. Therefore, the quantity of shipment does not meet the expected target. In this study, optimization of train rescheduling was carried out to minimize total train delays. This optimization is expected to be able to create a new train schedule that meets the daily delivery target. The proposed model is formulated as and solved as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem by considering single-track railway constraints. Results show the optimal train schedules give a total delay of 26 minutes. Compared to the existing condition, train delays are reduced by 69.7% and provide a more effective schedule with consistent delivery frequency
Increasing Environmental Awareness to Overcome Lack of Natural Resources Through Character Building Based on Microeconomic Theory
This research aims to assess students awareness attitude on natural resources in the region of Unswagati Cirebon Indonesia. Qualitative research method is used in this study involving 87 students as sample at the second grade of Economic Education FKIP Unswagati in the year of 2016/2017. Data were gathered using interviews, observation, and documents. These were analyzed employing qualitative technique through developing the domains, taxonomies, compositions, and cultural themes. Results indicate that the students have positive attitudes towards their environment while using natural resources, having sufficient knowledge and skills in maintaining, managing, preserving, and restoring the environment to overcome the lack of natural resources.Keywords: Environmental awareness, natural resources, character building, microeconomic theor
Analysis of Natural Dye Batik Waste Management in Ciwaringin Village that is Integrated into Science Learning in Elementary Schools as an SDGs Program
Batik is a cultural heritage of Indonesia, this is recognized by UNESCO that batik is an Indonesian culture that must be preserved. But in reality, the development of the batik industry is inversely proportional, Impact on the environment where the batik industry uses a lot of synthetic dyes, which have a negative impact on the surrounding aquatic environment. The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of processing batik waste using natural dyes carried out by batik craftsmen in Ciwaringin village then the natural dye process can be integrated in science learning in elementary schools as one of the SDGs programs that utilize local potential and improve environmental conservation in the surrounding environment so that the waste produced does not damage the environment. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, where data collection uses interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis was carried out with three main stages, namely data collection through exploration, data reduction, analysis, and integration in science learning in elementary schools. The results showed that the analysis of waste treatment starting from the process of making natural dyes, the process of making batik and the results of coloring the resulting waste is very low in residual waste so that batik products using natural dyes can be analyzed in terms of local wisdom that can be integrated in science learning in elementary schools, this can be used as an SDGs program in elementary schools that has a positive impact on the environment. The implication of this research is an effort to implement education to create local wisdom and environmental preservation and stimulate student creativity in creating art products that have SDGs sustainability values
Seperti yang dikutip dari Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Avian Influenza (AI), atau sering disebut dengan flu burung adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus H5N1 tipe A pada unggas. Virus H5N1 diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua kategori yaitu patogenik rendah dan patogenik tinggi yang mengacu pada kemampuan virus untuk menyebabkan penyakit parah (berdasarkan karakteristik molekuler dari virus dan mortalitas pada unggas di bawah kondisi percobaan). Virus H5N1 hidup dalam saluran pencernaan unggas sehingga unggas yang terinfeksi dapat mengeluarkan virus ini melalui tinja yang kemudian mengering dan hancur menjadi semacam bubuk. Bubuk inilah yang kemudian dihirup oleh manusia atau binatang lainnya. Pada penelitian ini, untuk mempresentasikan pola penyebaran virus Avian Influenza pada populasi unggas dibuat ke dalam bentuk model matematika dengan menggunakan Sistem Persamaan Diferensial Nonlinear (PDNL). Dari fakta yang ada mengenai virus Avian Influenza, dibentuk asumsi yang nantinya digunakan untuk membuat model matematika. Setelah model matematika terbentuk lebih lanjut dicari titik ekuilibrium model dan dianalisis apakah titik ekuilibrum yang ditemukan stabil asimtotik atau tidak, kemudian diakhir penelitian ditentukan simulasi numeris dengan membuat plot/grafik dari sistem model matematika agar dapat diinterpretasikan pada keadaan yang sebenarnya.Kata kunci : Avian Influenza, Pemodelan Matematika, Titik Ekuilibrium, Kestabila
Seperti yang dikutip dari Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Avian Influenza (AI), atausering disebut dengan flu burung adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virusH5N1 yang telah bermutasi dengan virus influenza sehingga dapat menyerang pada manusia.Virus H5N1 ini diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua kategori yaitu patogenik rendah dan tinggiyang mengacu pada kemampuan virus untuk menyebabkan penyakit parah yangmenyerang sistem pernapasan pada manusia. Manusia yang memiliki resiko tertinggi untuktertular dari virus ini yaitu anak-anak karena sistem pertahanan tubuh atau immunitascenderung lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan manusia dewasa. Pada makalah jurnal ini,untuk mempresentasikan pola penyebaran virus Avian Influenza pada manusia dibuat kedalam bentuk model matematika dengan menggunakan Sistem Persamaan DiferensialNonlinear (PDNL). Dari fakta yang ada mengenai virus Avian Influenza, dibentuk asumsiyang nantinya digunakan untuk membuat model matematika. Setelah model matematikaterbentuk lebih lanjut dicari titik ekuilibrium model dan dianalisis apakah titik ekuilibrumyang ditemukan stabil asimtotik atau tidak, kemudian diakhir penelitian ditentukan simulasinumeris dengan membuat plot/grafik dari sistem model matematika agar dapatdiinterpretasikan pada keadaan yang sebenarnya.Kata kunci : Avian Influenza, Pemodelan Matematika, Titik Ekuilibrium, Kestabila
The purpose of this study is to design a digital module based on mathematical communication skills. This a development research which is carried out to determine the use of poor learning media and students’ low comprehensive skills in understanding mathematical topics associated with relations and functions. One of the solutions used to overcome this problem is by designing a digital teaching module using media. The research and development method consisting of Analysis, Design, Development, implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE), were used to carry out this study. The results showed that the digital module is highly valid with a total expert validation of 95.1% and in the very good category. Also, the students' response to the digital module is in the very good category, with a total response criterion of 89.8%. Therefore, the designed digital module has the ability to improve students' independence in learning because its use is not limited to classrooms
Many students' perceptions indicate that mathematics is a difficult subject because it is always related to formulas and calculations. In addition, many students still have difficulty in solving story problems so that many make mistakes in doing them. Therefore, this study aims to describe the learning difficulties experienced by students in solving story problems, one of which is SPLTV material. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Procedures for data collection through tests, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the biggest difficulty experienced by students was difficulty in performing mathematical procedures with a percentage of 74%. The contributing factors are because students are less careful in carrying out calculations, using incorrect arithmetic operations resulting in inaccurate answers and the completion process is less clear, and inaccuracy in concluding the final answe
One of the roles of education in the digital era, where all information can be obtained easily through existing facilities on smartphones / androids owned by students, then in an effort to improve financial literacy and student environment is expected to be achieved through web-based learning with the subject matter of scarcity theory and theory of consumer behavior. Specific research objectives, namely to produce learning media that are developed based on a valid, practical, and effective.The research method used in this research is research and development (R&D). The results of the study note that, the validity test of teaching materials was developed and carried out by three validators, the results showed that this web-based economic teaching material was valid.Assessment based on respondents' opinions on web-based teaching materials shows a positive response. The results of practicality tests on 20 students have been considered practical. In addition, the effectiveness test shows that, web-based teaching materials have good effectiveness.The conclusion is that web-based teaching materials are valid, practical, and effective, so that they can be used in the learning process in the classroom to improve the competencies students must master, namely financial literacy and environmental literacy in terms of student consumption behavior. Keywords: financial literacy, environmental literacy, web-based learning media, student consumption behavior
The Implementation of Augmented Reality Hairstyles at Beauty Salons Using the Viola-Jones Method (Case Study: Eka Salon)
Augmented reality is the technology that superimposes a computer-generated digital content on a user's view of the real world in a real time so users can experience the real virtual objects. The use of augmented reality has spread into various industries, for an example in the fashion industry. One of fashion industry type is hairstyle industry. Eka Salon is a beauty salon that provides beauty treatments for women's hair care. This salon has a problem that customer are not satisfacted with the results of their new haircut because that doesnt match with their expectations. This can be seen from the results of observations at Eka Salon is resulted that 8 out of 15 interviewed customers were not satisfied with their new haircuts because it did not match the appearance in the catalog. In this research, an augmented reality hairstyles will be made that can visualize how the shape of the selected hairstyle by the customer without having to cut their hair first. The Viola-Jones method was chosen as the method used in this study because it has a high accuracy of 90% in face detection. The result of this research is that the Viola-Jones method can detect facial surfaces and generate a 3D hairstyle model distance to 100cm properly. The test of the acceptance level of this application is carried out by Eka Salon customers with an average percentage of 84.3%
Edukasi Sustainable Living melalui Pembuatan Ecobrick pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Desa Sampora yang terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Kuningan Jawa Barat, yang warganya memiliki usaha konveksi. Limbah perca yang dihasilkan dari bisnis konveksi dekorasi tenda pesta yang memiliki volume sebanyak 1 ton/hari. Limbah perca hanya dibiarkan menumpuk, sehingga hal ini dapat menjadi permasalahan lingkungan apabila tidak ditangani dengan baik. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini untuk menciptakan budaya sustainable waste recycling di sekolah khususnya di SDN 2 Sampora. Kegiatan pengabdian dibagi menjadi 3 tahapan, yaitu tahap observasi, tahap pelatihan, dan tahap monitoring evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan PKM adalah siswa dapat memahami cara membuat ecobrick berupa kursi guna mencegah penumpukan sampah yang dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan sehingga akan menciptakan lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat