21 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Handbook Dan Manual Tinjauan Isi

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    Koleksi rujukan adalah koleksi yang dapat membantu petugas perpustakaan dalam memberikan layanan informasi kepada pengguna. Karena fungsinya inilah diperlukan pengertian yang jelas mengenai masing-masing koleksi rujukan beserta isinya agar pustakawan tidak keliru dalam menentukan strategi penelusuran informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pengguna. Ada dua koleksi rujukan yaitu handbook dan manual yang sering diartikan sama. Kerancuan pengertian ini harus dihindari karena perbedaannya secara jelas dapat terlihat dari isinya. Dengan demikian penegasan adanya perbedaan antara handbook dan manual sangat diperlukan


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    This study aims to determine the utilization of resources in the article of Journal of Psychology UGM period 1993-2014. The method employed is quantitative, with the subject assessment UGM Psychology Bulletin 1993-2014 period. Object of this study are reference or bibliography of the article that was published in the publication that period. Analysis of data using the percentage method and presented in a frequency table with the aid of a computer program MS Excel. Based on the data analysis, the results show that the name of the faculty with the highest cited frequency is Hastjarjo that is equal to 22,30%, the rank below are Prawitasari amounted to 17,98%, followed by Kuntjoro with a frequency of 12,94%. Then Ancok and Helmi respectively by 8,63%, followed by Hadipranata amounted to 7,91%, and Anwar amounted to 7,19%. The lowest frequency of 0,72% accepted by ten other teaching staff. Utilization of the title work of the teaching staff shows that there are 24 works that have been cited twice or more. The highest frequency of title of the work cited by 16,66% with the title “Reliability and validity” by Saifuddin Anwar, followed by a work entitled “The importance of a paradigm shift and approach to learning and the application of social psychology in Indonesia” by Kuntjoro, and the work entitled “Facial expressions to uncover the basic human emotions “by Prawitasari. Frequency of two titles Kuntjoro works and Prawitasari respectively reached 12,5%. The core information that is used as a source of information is more varied subjective and depends on the needs of authors of the article

    Koleksi Rujukan Grey Literature

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    Abstrak Bahan pustaka rujukan adalah semua koleksi pustaka yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan untuk memperoteh informasi tertentu. Di antara koleksi rujukan tersebut ada beberapa koleksi yang jarang atau bahkan tidak dapat diperoleh secara mudah di pasaran. Mengapa? Karena koleksi tersebut diterbitkan hanya untuk keperluan lingkungan terbatas pada suatu institusi tertentu, dan koleksi ini biasa disebut koleksi grey literature. Sebagai contoh antara lain: skripsi, tesis, disertasi, prosiding, dan naskah-naskah kerjasama

    Studi Bibliometri Media Komunikasi Ilmiah Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola kepenulisan artikel dan usia literatur Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi (BIPI) periode 2003-2015. Kajian ini juga merupakan kajian kuantitatif deskriptif, dengan sumber data BIPI 2003-2015, dan objek kajiannya meliputi: artikel, penulis, literatur, dan tahun penerbitan literatur. Dalam Penganalisisan digunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa periode 2003-2015 telah diterbitkan 23 nomer, yang memuat 99 artikel. Penulis yang terlibat sebanyak 108 penulis, terdiri dari 55 penulis perempuan dan 53 penulis laki-laki. Menurut asalnya ada 56 penulis eksternal, dan 52 penulis internal. Meskipun demikian jumlah artikel karya penulis internal lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar 51 artikel, dan artikel karya penulis eksternal sebanyak 48 artikel. Tingkat kolaborasi 0,39 menunjukkan sebagian besar artikel ditulis secara individual (non-kolaborasi). Menurut jenis kolaborasi, kolaborasi dosen-mahasiswa menduduki peringkat tertinggi. Literatur pendukung artikel sebanyak 1.830 literatur, dan jenis buku teks menempati posisi tertinggi (62,02%). Sekitar 60% lebih, usia literatur berkisar antara 0-10 tahun

    Kepuasan Pemustaka Terhadap Fasilitas Perpustakaan di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada

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    This study aims to determine the characteristics and level of user satisfaction on the facilities available at the library of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. This descriptive quantitative study,  population are users of the library at the Faculty of Psychology of the period from August to October 2016 with a sample of 174 people. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire, to determine the characteristics and user satisfaction of the library facilities at the Faculty of Psychology. Characteristic variables include: gender, study program, as well as the number of semesters that are taken when shooting data. Variable library user satisfaction focused on the following five indicators: collection, services, information technology, human resources, and infrastructure. Measurement of each indicator by using univariate analysis. The results show that: (1) Characteristics of the higher percentage of women (79.88%) than men (20.12%), undergraduate student of the highest percentage (64.94%) among other courses, and most of them (53.44%) has been studied in the range 1-4 semester. (2) User satisfaction on the facilities available at the library of the Faculty of Psychology UGM grade average score of 74.38% is included in the category of very satisfactory

    Pemanfaatan Database EBSCO dan ProQuest sebagai Rujukan Penyusunan Tesis dan Disertasi bagi Mahasiswa Program Magister Sains dan Doktor Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM: Analisis Sitiran Jurnal Ilmiah

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    This study aims to examine the utilization of e-journals in EBSCO database "Business Source Complete" and ProQuest "ABI / INFORM Collection" as the citation in the writing of theses and dissertations by the students of Master of Science and Doctor of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 2014-2015. This quantitative descriptive study used documentation method for data collection. Data analysis used frequency tabulation and percentage calculation of Kerlinger's formulas. The results showed that the availability of journals in the EBSCO database for the preparation of theses and dissertations was higher than in ProQuest. The degree of duplication of availability of journals both in EBSCO and ProQuest for the preparation of theses and dissertations of all majors was 24.88% and 27.81% respectively. Journals published between 2001-2010 was more highly utilized. Overall the utilization of these two databases was low

    ANALISIS SITIRAN JURNAL PSIKOLOGI UGM TAHUN 1997-2006 Citation Analysis of Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006.

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    The study aims: (1 )to discover the foreign journal referred by the Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006, (2) to know the percentage of use of the subscribed foreign journal by the Faculty Library of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University founded in Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal from 1997 to 2006, (3) to know the relevancy and use of foreign journal by the scientific article in the Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006, (4) to know the currency of the foreign journal referred by Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006. The study is a descriptive research with the Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal by 1997-2006 as a subject, and the foreign journals referred in Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal by 1997-2006 as an object. Documentation, and interview are used as methods of collecting data, and citation analysis as an data analysis. The result of study: (1) There are 148 titles offoreign journal cited in Gadjah Mada University Journal of Psychology dating from 1997-2006, including 14 titles of the journal subscribed by Faculty Library of Gadjah Mada University, (2) The freguence of the citation of the 14 titles was that: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology by 68 times (39,76%), Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology by 23 (13,45%), Journal of Applied Psychology by 21 (12,28%), Psychological Bulletin by 11 (6,43%), Journal of Abnormal Psychology and Journal of Counseling Psychology by 9 respectively ( 5,26%), Journal of Educational Psychology by 8 (4,67%), Developmental Psychology by 7 (4,09%), Journal of Occupational Psychology by 5 (2,92%), Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology and Psychological Review by 3 respectively (1,75%), Journal of Experimental Psychology by 2 (1,16%), American Psychologist and Health Psychology by 1 each (0,58%). (3) There are also a relevancy between the scientific article and the foreign journal referred, in the Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006 (4) The foreign journal subscribed by the Faculty Library of Psychology Gadjah Mada University was included in a current category (52,77%), not current category (45,47%), and more than 30 years (1,76%). Key words: use of journal, citation analysi


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    The purpose of this study is to know how the characteristics of authorship, authors involvement, and characteristics of the articles in the Jurnal Psikologi UGM 1976-2015 period. In this descriptive quantitative study, data were collected by documentation method. Jurnal Psikologi UGM is research subject, and all of article in the journal is unit analysis. Data were collected by documentation method while the data were analyze by the percentage formula and presented by table of frequency. As many as 53 numbers of Journal of Psychology UGM were collected. The results showed percentage of women author are (60,12%) higher than men. Most of them are lecturer (52,95%) and college students (35,30%), from the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (62,30%) and the other (37,70%). Education level of writer, post graduate (80%) higher than bachelor (20%). Joint authorship (56,88%) are higher than single authorship (43,11%), with the collaboration level of 0,56. Highest frequency the involvement of the authors is Faturochman as many as 16 articles. Most articles use Indonesian language (92,96%), and the rest in English. Long of article between 11-15 pages (41,9%) highest. Based on subject, Clinical and Counseling Psychology (25,5%) highest, and then Social Psychology (25,1%), Educational Psychology and Psychometrics (24,5%). Based on research methods of article, 67,22% articles using quantitative survey methods

    Kontribusi Pustakawan Universitas Gadjah Mada Pada Jurnal "Media Informasi"

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    This study aimed to determine librarian Universitas Gadjah Mada contribution at journal "Media Informasi". Quantitative descriptive approach were used in this study, and data were collected by documentation technique. The subject of this study are "Media Informasi" published in 1996-2012, all the articles and authors as an objects. The analysisd ata based on the percentage provided on the table. The results showed that the Media Informasi published in 1996-2012, there are 76.53% authors from UGM and 23.57% from outside the UGM. Articles topics of librarian (library human resources) earned the highest ranking (23.95%), and the topic of library institutionsin the second rank (22.39%) While the contributiono the author is still around "the author contributed one article", however there is an author who contributed almost 20 articles in that publication period


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    The purpose of this study is to know how the characteristics of authorship, authors involvement, and characteristics of the articles in the Jurnal Psikologi UGM 1976-2015 period. In this descriptive quantitative study, data were collected by documentation method. Jurnal Psikologi UGM is research subject, and all of article in the journal is unit analysis. Data were collected by documentation method while the data were analyze by the percentage formula and presented by table of frequency. As many as 53 numbers of Journal of Psychology UGM were collected. The results showed percentage of women author are (60,12%) higher than men. Most of them are lecturer (52,95%) and college students (35,30%), from the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (62,30%) and the other (37,70%). Education level of writer, post graduate (80%) higher than bachelor (20%). Joint authorship (56,88%) are higher than single authorship (43,11%), with the collaboration level of 0,56. Highest frequency the involvement of the authors is Faturochman as many as 16 articles. Most articles use Indonesian language (92,96%), and the rest in English. Long of article between 11-15 pages (41,9%) highest. Based on subject, Clinical and Counseling Psychology (25,5%) highest, and then Social Psychology (25,1%), Educational Psychology and Psychometrics (24,5%). Based on research methods of article, 67,22% articles using quantitative survey methods.</p