2,842 research outputs found
Quantum Fidelity Decay of Quasi-Integrable Systems
We show, via numerical simulations, that the fidelity decay behavior of
quasi-integrable systems is strongly dependent on the location of the initial
coherent state with respect to the underlying classical phase space. In
parallel to classical fidelity, the quantum fidelity generally exhibits
Gaussian decay when the perturbation affects the frequency of periodic phase
space orbits and power-law decay when the perturbation changes the shape of the
orbits. For both behaviors the decay rate also depends on initial state
location. The spectrum of the initial states in the eigenbasis of the system
reflects the different fidelity decay behaviors. In addition, states with
initial Gaussian decay exhibit a stage of exponential decay for strong
perturbations. This elicits a surprising phenomenon: a strong perturbation can
induce a higher fidelity than a weak perturbation of the same type.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, to be published Phys. Rev.
Spacings and pair correlations for finite Bernoulli convolutions
We consider finite Bernoulli convolutions with a parameter
supported on a discrete point set, generically of size . These sequences
are uniformly distributed with respect to the infinite Bernoulli convolution
measure , as tends to infinity. Numerical evidence suggests that for
a generic , the distribution of spacings between appropriately rescaled
points is Poissonian. We obtain some partial results in this direction; for
instance, we show that, on average, the pair correlations do not exhibit
attraction or repulsion in the limit. On the other hand, for certain algebraic
the behavior is totally different.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure
Bell's inequality with Dirac particles
We study Bell's inequality using the Bell states constructed from four
component Dirac spinors. Spin operator is related to the Pauli-Lubanski pseudo
vector which is relativistic invariant operator. By using Lorentz
transformation, in both Bell states and spin operator, we obtain an observer
independent Bell's inequality, so that it is maximally violated as long as it
is violated maximally in the rest frame.Comment: 7 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:quant-ph/0308156
by other author
Observing the evolution of a quantum system that does not evolve
This article deals with the problem of gathering information on the time
evolution of a single metastable quantum system whose evolution is impeded by
the quantum Zeno effect. It has been found it is in principle possible to
obtain some information on the time evolution and, depending on the specific
system, even to measure its average decay rate, even if the system does not
undergo any evolution at all.Comment: Two over three PRA referees didn't like the old title... And no more
quantum circuits in the new versio
No directed fractal percolation in zero area
We show that fractal (or "Mandelbrot") percolation in two dimensions produces
a set containing no directed paths, when the set produced has zero area. This
improves a similar result by the first author in the case of constant retention
probabilities to the case of retention probabilities approaching 1
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A characterization of L<inf>2</inf> mixing and hypercontractivity via hitting times and maximal inequalities
There are several works characterizing the total-variation mixing time of a
reversible Markov chain in term of natural probabilistic concepts such as
stopping times and hitting times. In contrast, there is no known analog for the
mixing time, (while there are sophisticated analytic tools
to bound , in general they do not determine up to a constant
factor and they lack a probabilistic interpretation). In this work we show that
can be characterized up to a constant factor using hitting times
distributions. We also derive a new extremal characterization of the
Log-Sobolev constant, , as a weighted version of the spectral
gap. This characterization yields a probabilistic interpretation of
in terms of a hitting time version of hypercontractivity. As
applications of our results, we show that (1) for every reversible Markov
chain, is robust under addition of self-loops with bounded weights,
and (2) for weighted nearest neighbor random walks on trees, is
robust under bounded perturbations of the edge weights
The Benefits of an Alternative Approach to Analytic Number Theory
In our talk we will survey the alternative (or “pretentious”) approach to analytic
number theory, which has the potential to be more flexible and broad reaching than traditional
zeta-function methods, highlighting some spectacular recent developments. In this “sampler”
we give some indication of the change in perspective that motivates this shift in techniqu
A variant of Peres-Mermin proof for testing noncontextual realist models
For any state in four-dimensional system, the quantum violation of an
inequality based on the Peres-Mermin proof for testing noncontextual realist
models has experimentally been corroborated. In the Peres-Mermin proof, an
array of nine holistic observables for two two-qubit system was used. We, in
this letter, present a new symmetric set of observables for the same system
which also provides a contradiction of quantum mechanics with noncontextual
realist models in a state-independent way. The whole argument can also be cast
in the form of a new inequality that can be empirically tested.Comment: 3 pages, To be published in Euro. Phys. Let
On the "Mandelbrot set" for a pair of linear maps and complex Bernoulli convolutions
We consider the "Mandelbrot set" for pairs of complex linear maps,
introduced by Barnsley and Harrington in 1985 and studied by Bousch, Bandt and
others. It is defined as the set of parameters in the unit disk such
that the attractor of the IFS is
connected. We show that a non-trivial portion of near the imaginary axis is
contained in the closure of its interior (it is conjectured that all non-real
points of are in the closure of the set of interior points of ). Next we
turn to the attractors themselves and to natural measures
supported on them. These measures are the complex analogs of
much-studied infinite Bernoulli convolutions. Extending the results of Erd\"os
and Garsia, we demonstrate how certain classes of complex algebraic integers
give rise to singular and absolutely continuous measures . Next we
investigate the Hausdorff dimension and measure of , for
in the set , for Lebesgue-a.e. . We also obtain partial results on
the absolute continuity of for a.e. of modulus greater
than .Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
Wigner's little group and Berry's phase for massless particles
The ``little group'' for massless particles (namely, the Lorentz
transformations that leave a null vector invariant) is isomorphic to
the Euclidean group E2: translations and rotations in a plane. We show how to
obtain explicitly the rotation angle of E2 as a function of and we
relate that angle to Berry's topological phase. Some particles admit both signs
of helicity, and it is then possible to define a reduced density matrix for
their polarization. However, that density matrix is physically meaningless,
because it has no transformation law under the Lorentz group, even under
ordinary rotations.Comment: 4 pages revte
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