370 research outputs found

    Development of new gene delivery carriers based on lipid nanoparticles

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    Gene therapy is a potential strategy for treating numerous gene-associated human diseases. The main constrain for the successful application of gene-based therapy is dependent on the efficient gene delivery system, virus being so far, the most effective. However, this delivery system can have oncogenic and immunogenic effects, and induce inflammatory responses. Thus, nanoparticulate non-viral vectors have been developed based on lipid and polymers overcoming some of these concerns, besides having safety advantages. Among these, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) are of particular relevance due to their size, shape, surface properties, and biological behaviour, which can be easily modulated. The SLN developed on this work comprise two lipids, glyceryl distearate and glyceryl monostearate, emulsified using poloxamer 188 as surfactant. The capacity of pDNA condensation was improved on the developed SLN by modulating its surface charge by two strategies: including a positive lipid or a cationic surfactant, along with and without the addition of a positive peptide. Both strategies were effective on the increase of surface charge with zeta potential values greater than +30 mV. The obtained SLN present a mean particle size lower than 200 nm, which remained stable after two-month storage at 4ºC and at room temperature. The cell viability evaluated after 24 h exposure was higher than 70% when compared to culture medium for membrane integrity and metabolic activity. The higher pDNA condensation capacity of SLN was shown for particles with the addiction of the peptide, being these particles selected for further transfection and uptake studies. With the internalization study, it has been proven that the particles were internalized by the cells, as confirmed by the GFP expression values obtained in the transfection assays. These studies showed that all formulations were effective, suggesting the proposed SLN approaches can be used as potential delivery system suitable for gene therapy

    From the professional knowledge of the gerontologist to the process of caring

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    From the professional knowledge of the gerontologist to the process of caring This communication aims at contributing to the discussion on the professional knowledge of gerontologists. The gerontologists that we refer to are individuals with a degree in gerontology. The results of a study conducted under an FCT research project reflect the study of the professional knowledge of professional graduates in social sciences and humanities who work in organizations of the social sector. The empirical data stem from: (1) ethnographic observation (12 non-consecutive days of work that took place within a month, or approximately 96 hours of observation) with a gerontologist, having as main objective to study the interactions of the professional gerontologist in the context of working in an institution for the elderly, (2) four in-depth interviews with two gerontologists focused on individual perception on the issues of aging, the workplace and career paths, (3) five in-depth interviews with directors of employers of gerontologists, on these skills. The study revealed the existence of 18 different kinds of professional knowledge, which result in a direct interaction of the gerontologist (caregiver) with the subject (person cared) that constitutes a process of caring. We found that the knowledge of the gerontologists is co-constructed in the interaction caregiver / person cared for, they are in relation to the complex scientific and unscientific knowledge that they mobilize, are expressed by technical and strategic skills, relational skills, prudential skills and discursive skills, are promoters of confidence, self-efficacy and empowerment of either the caregiver or the person cared for, they are benchmarks of professional identity and culture, they are liberators, driving innovation and promoting excellence in service. These kinds of knowledge are expressed in an integrated manner (complex, cyclical, shared, reflected and therefore always revisable) in performing the tasks of caring. This integration of values, skills and knowledge differentiates the work of the gerontologist and it is the essential process of caring. This, as a central element of professional identity of the gerontologist, once shared, is a defining element of the professional culture of that gerontologist. This is essential to the process of professionalization, since at present (under the conditions of post-modernity), professionalism is increasingly defined by the quality of service and recognition of it by "customers", the reflective capacity of professionals, by their versatility and ability to work in interdisciplinary contexts.Esta comunicação tem como objetivo contribuir para a discussão sobre os saberes profissionais dos gerontólogos. Os gerontólogos a que nos referimos são indivíduos com licenciatura em gerontologia. A referida comunicação resulta das atividades do projeto de investigação FCT, dedicado ao trabalho e ao saber profissional de profissionais diplomados em ciências sociais e humanas que trabalham no terceiro setor social. Os dados empíricos resultam de: (1) observação etnográfica (12 dias de trabalho não consecutivos que decorreram no espaço de um mês, correspondendo a cerca de 96 horas de observação) com um gerontólogo, tendo como objetivo principal estudar as interações profissionais do gerontólogo em contexto de trabalho numa instituição de idosos; (2) quatro entrevistas em profundidade com dois gerontólogos centradas na perceção individual sobre as problemáticas do envelhecimento, contexto de trabalho e percurso profissional; (3) cinco entrevistas em profundidade com diretores de entidades empregadoras de gerontólogos, sobre as competências profissionais destes. O estudo evidenciou a existência de 18 saberes profissionais distintos, que decorrem em interação direta do gerontólogo (cuidador) com o idoso (pessoa cuidada) que configuram um processo de cuidado gerontológico. Verificamos que os saberes do gerontólogo são co construídos na interação cuidador/pessoa cuidada; são complexos quanto ao conhecimento científico e não científico que mobilizam; exprimem-se por competências técnico-estratégicas, relacionais, prudenciais e discursivas; são promotores de confiança, de autoeficácia e de empoderamento quer do cuidador quer da pessoa cuidada; são referenciais da identidade e da cultura profissional; são emancipadores, gerando inovação e promovendo a excelência do serviço. Estes saberes exprimem-se de forma integrada (complexa, cíclica, partilhada, refletida e, portanto sempre revisível) na execução das tarefas de cuidar. Esta integração de valores, conhecimentos e saberes diferencia o trabalho do gerontólogo e constitui o essencial do processo de cuidado gerontológico. Este, enquanto elemento central da identidade profissional do gerontólogo e, uma vez partilhado, é um elemento definidor da cultura profissional do mesmo. Isto é essencial ao processo de profissionalização, dado que, na atualidade (condições da pós-modernidade), o profissionalismo é cada vez mais definido pela qualidade do serviço e reconhecimento do mesmo pelos “clientes”; pela capacidade reflexiva dos profissionais, pela sua polivalência e capacidade de operar em contextos interdisciplinares

    Saberes profissionais e trabalho profissional do gerontólogo

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    This paper aims to contribute to the discussion on professional knowledge and professional work of gerontologists. The empirical data are from FCT research project, named “Knowledge, Autonomy and Reflexivity in Professional Work in the Third Sector (SARTPRO)”, dedicated to the professional work and professional knowledge of the graduates in the humanities and social sciences who work in the third social sector. The methodology was based on: ethnographic observations of the professional work of a gerontologist, four in-depth interviews with two gerontologists focused on their individual perception on the problems of aging, the work context and career, and five in-depth interviews with the gerontologists’ employers - the directors of long-term institutions for the elderly. The study revealed the existence of 24 different professional tasks. These are complex concerning the knowledge they require; are expressed by technical, relational, prudential and discursive skills; are promoters of confidence, self-efficacy and empowerment, both of the caregiver and the person cared; are a referential for the identity and professional culture and are emancipatory, generating innovation and excellence.Esta comunicação tem como objetivo contribuir para a discussão sobre os saberes profissionais e o trabalho profissional dos gerontólogos. Os dados empíricos resultam do projeto de investigação FCT – Saberes, Autonomias e Reflexividade no Trabalho Profissional no Terceiro Sector (SARTPRO) dedicado ao trabalho e ao saber profissional de profissionais diplomados em ciências sociais e humanas que trabalham no terceiro setor social. A metodologia assentou em: observação etnográfica do trabalho profissional de um gerontólogo; quatro entrevistas em profundidade com dois gerontólogos centradas na perceção individual sobre as problemáticas do envelhecimento, contexto de trabalho e percurso profissional; e cinco entrevistas em profundidade com diretores de entidades empregadoras de gerontólogos sobre as competências profissionais destes. O estudo evidenciou a existência de 24 saberes profissionais distintos. Estes são complexos quanto ao conhecimento que mobilizam; exprimem-se por competências técnicas, relacionais, prudenciais e discursivas; são promotores de confiança, de autoeficácia e de empoderamento quer do cuidador quer da pessoa cuidada; são referenciais da identidade e da cultura profissional; são emancipadores, gerando inovação e excelência

    A new explanatory model for the first Upper Paleolithic occupations in SW Iberia

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 12. Demographic processes and cultural change : archaeological perspectives.A new explanatory model for this crucial transition in human evolution is presented here, focusing on aspects such as the physical features of the territory, the reliability of all available absolute dates, as well as the sizes and characteristics of the lithic assemblages of early upper Paleolithic contexts.En aquesta comunicació es presenta un nou model explicatiu d'aquesta transició crucial en l'evolució humana, emfatitzant aspectes com ara les característiques físiques del territori, la fiabilitat de totes les dates absolutes disponibles, així com les mides i les característiques dels conjunts lítics dels contextos del Paleolític Superior Inicial

    Variability of heart rate in athletes and non athletes

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    Introduction: Heart rate variability (HRV) consists of measuring the time interval between beats. This describes oscillations in the interval between consecutive heart beats (R-R intervals) that reflect changes in heart rate as a function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system. Regular practice of physical activity is a factor responsible for the increase in vagal tone due to increased cardiac work, since there is a reduction in the sensitivity of the beta receptors. The HRV analysis can be performed in the time domain and frequency domain. Cardiofrequency meters, electrocardiogram and Holter are the instruments used to obtain their indices, where a high variability corresponds to a good physiological adaptation, while a low variability is an indicator of possible cardiovascular complications. Objectives: The objective of this study was to compare the R-R intervals obtained during rest for 6 minutes, in supine position, between a group of athletes and a group of non-athletes using the Polar RS800CX heart rate monitor and to analyze heart rate variability in time and frequency domain. Methods: A total of 26 women athletes and non-athletes aged 18 to 33 years underwent electrocardiogram at rest and for 6 minutes while simultaneously using the Polar RS800CX heart rate monitor. Results: Significant differences were observed in some HRV parameters obtained between the group of athletes with the non-sports control group, in the time domain, in the frequency domain no differences were observed. Conclusions: The regular practice of physical activity provides an increase in HRV, indicating that athletes have a lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, unlike sedentary individuals, because in these the risk will be significantly greater.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of occupational activity on ambulatory blood pressure behaviour

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    Hypertension (HBP) is a key risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, being strongly associated with behavioral and environmental aspects of living. Professional activities, amongst others that take place throughout the day, are responsible for important blood pressure (BP) variations and may increase it. Objective: This study aims at ascertaining the blood pressure profile and variation in teachers, during a typical teaching session. Methods: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) was performed in a cohort of 21 university teachers during a typical professional day, comprising the following periods: 24-hour period, day period, night period, morning period, 2 hours before class, during class, 2 hours after class, aerobic exercise period and 1 hour after exercise period. Results: Teachers demonstrated higher BP during the occupational activities (137.71 / 88.57 mmHg) compared to the period before (128.81 / 82.43 mmHg) and after the class (132,38 / 85, 19 mmHg) (p <0.05). It was found that systolic BP has the greatest variability across the considered activities and time periods. In a gender analysis, men had higher systolic BP compared to women (141.55 mmHg / 133.50 mmHg, respectively), and demonstrated greater variability across activities. Conclusions: The results clearly demonstrated the existence of important variations in BP due to different daily activities. The occupational period produced a significant increase in the different components of BP and heart rate. The long-term effects of repeated exposure to this increase in BP related with the occupational contexts remains to be demonstrated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Professional work of the gerontologists: a methodological approach

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    This paper aims to contribute to the discussion of the professional work of the gerontologists. Gerontologists are professionals with a university degree in gerontology, specialized in the care of the elderly. This study is part of a study funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Portugal, dedicated to the graduates professional work of social sciences and humanities who work in the social third sector organizations. This research has a mixed character between conventional research and participatory research. The gerontologists and employers of gerontologists actively participated in the definition and redefinition research techniques and the interpretation and analysis of results. Empirical data derived from: (1) ethnographic observation (12 non-consecutive days of work that took place in a month, or about 96 hours of observation) with a gerontologist, whose main objective is to study the interactions of the context of professional gerontologist working in an institution for the elderly, (2) to four interviews with two gerontologists on individual perception on aging issues, workplace and career (3) interviews with five managers employers gerontologists on these skills. The study revealed the existence of sixteen different practical tasks performed by gerontologists. We also identified eight professional attitudes that are important in carrying out the practical tasks. We found that those tasks are complex because they mobilize abstract knowledge and empirical knowledge and require a combination of principles, competencies and attitudes. The professional work of the gerontologist promotes the confidence, self-efficacy and autonomy of the caregiver and the carried person. It leads also to the emancipation because it promotes innovation and excellence in care for the elderly and their families. Keywords: professional work, professional knowledge, professionalism, gerontological care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acute effects of smoking on the arterial function of young healthy smokers

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    Several studies have supported the idea that smoking induces changes with direct impact on endothelial function and arterial stiffness. The main purpose of this study was to assess the acute effects of smoking on vascular function in healthy young adults. METHODS: We designed a quasi-experimental study, including ninety participants aged between 18 and 25 years. Participants were divided into three groups: Active exposure group (AG) - 30 usual smokers; passive exposure group (PG) and non-exposure control group (CG), each including 30 non-smokers matched for age, gender and overall lifestyle. Heart rate (HR), brachial blood pressure (bBP), flow-mediated dilation (FMD), aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and carotid pulse wave analysis (PWA) were evaluated in two moments: baseline and 30 minutes after smoking exposition (AG and PG) or 30 minutes after the first evaluation (CG). RESULTS: Significant changes from baseline were observed only in the AG, with an increase in PWV, from 5.6 ± 0.7 m/s to 6.1 ± 0.2 m/s post-smoking (p = 0.040), and a decrease in FMD of about -5.7 ± 2.3% after smoking one cigarette (p < 0.001). A significant increase in brachial and central BP was also observed in the AG. A trend for increase in brachial and central BP, and decrease in the FMD was observed in the PG and no significant changes were depicted in the CG. CONCLUSION: Just one cigarette produces significant detrimental acute effects on the vascular endothelium and hemodynamic profile of healthy young short-term smokers. Changes are also observed, although to a lesser extent, in passive smokers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Verification of analog circuits in power-down mode

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e ComputadoresThe energy efficiency and optimization are two important points of analog circuits. With purpose to reduce the power consumption, most of these circuits are equipped with power-down features, which means the circuits are idle when they are not used. In power-down mode internal nodes can have floating states which results in an increase of the transistor degradation. In this thesis a computer program that checks the node voltage levels and the state of the transistors in power-down mode is presented. The search procedure will ensure that all currents in the paths are safely turned off. The program works just with the structural information of the circuit given into a input file i.e net-list file. No numerical simulation is needed. Experimental results show the efficacy and efficiency in industrial circuits and also the integration with the CADENCE software