1,298 research outputs found

    Lenguas y saberes en América Latina

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    El trabajo surge a partir del interés por estudiar una de las lenguas de América Latina, el idioma guaraní que nos permitirá saber más sobre esta y a la par relacionarlo con la botánica que si bien ha estado presente con más fuerza en su llegada a esta parte del continente sudamericano hoy día es un tema clave a tocar dado la importancia que este tiene en la medicina y la fuerte adopción de la misma por la cultura paraguaya. Sin ser menos importante el hecho de revalorizar el idioma guaraní en las nuevas generaciones por lo que bien se dará un estudio profundo de lo que es y representa actualmente la etnia guaraní como la importancia de su lengua en las hierbas medicinales. Comprendiendo mejor así nuestra problemática propuesta en el inicio. Utilizando la metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa con el fin de sustentar nuestra problemática y a la vez mostrar cómo incide de manera significativa la cultura de los guaraníes en la de los paraguayos. Colocando por último algunos aspectos que creemos que el Paraguay aún debe lograr

    Magnetic states of linear defects in graphene monolayers: effects of strain and interaction

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    The combined effects of defect-defect interaction and of uniaxial or biaxial strains of up to 10\% on the development of magnetic states on the defect-core-localized quasi-one-dimensional electronic states generated by the so-called 558 linear extended defect in graphene monolayers are investigated by means of {\it ab initio} calculations. Results are analyzed on the basis of the heuristics of the Stoner criterion. We find that conditions for the emergence of magnetic states on the 558 defect can be tuned by uniaxial tensile parallel strains (along the defect direction) at both limits of isolated and interacting 558 defects. Parallel strains are shown to lead to two cooperative effects that favor the emergence of itinerant magnetism: enhancement of the DOS of the resonant defect states in the region of the Fermi level and tuning of the Fermi level to the maximum of the related DOS peak. A perpendicular strain is likewise shown to enhance the DOS of the defect states, but it also effects a detunig of the Fermi level that shifts away from the maximum of the DOS of the defect states, which inhibts the emergence of magnetic states. As a result, under biaxial strains the stabilization of a magnetic state depends on the relative magnitudes of the two components of strain.Comment: 9 pages 8 figure

    Speech-language-hearing instruments to assess peripheral facial palsy: an integrative literature review

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    Purpose: to describe and analyze the clinical instruments that assess peripheral facial palsy through an integrative literature review. Methods: the precepts for this type of review were followed: research question, identification, selection of studies, and critical analysis. The Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Google Scholar, and PubMed databases were accessed to search for fully available articles published in national journals between January 2008 and July 2018. The terms used in the search were “Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences”, “Evaluation”, and “Facial Paralysis”, in both English and Portuguese. The data obtained were organized per author, title, objective, instruments used, description of the instruments, and application procedures used in the articles. Results: out of the total 992 articles found, only 18 met the inclusion criteria of the research. In most of them, there was only the citation of the assessment instruments or considerations about them, without fully describing the application procedures. Conclusion: the study identified publications that indicate the use of clinical and speech-language-hearing assessment instruments. However, further detailing is necessary regarding the assessment procedures to help develop and refine the speech-language-hearing methodologies and techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization and ecotoxicity evaluation of chitosan/tripolyphosphate nanoparticles loaded with different essential oils

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    Essential oils (EOs) are botanical products extracted from medicinal and aromatic plants, which are constituted by volatile hydrophobic compounds exhibiting varied biological activities such as biopesticidal properties1. Chitosan is a polysaccharide with cationic nature and high potential to encapsulate natural ingredients. Electrostatic interactions between the cationic chitosan (protonated amine groups) and polyanions like tripolyphosphate (TPP) can be considered as an efficient polyelectrolyte complex to encapsulate EOs2. Therefore, the objective of this study was to encapsulate Anethum graveolens, Coriandrum sativum, Satureja montana and Thymus vulgaris EOs into chitosan/TPP nanoparticles via the ionic gelation technique. The particles encapsulating the EOs were characterized regarding their physicochemical and structural properties through DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering) and UV-vis spectroscopy during 30 days of storage. A first screening of the ecotoxic potential of the formulations was performed through the Microtox Test using the bioluminescent bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri. Nanoparticles with average sizes ranging from 188 to 210nm and surface charge between +28 to +35 mV, respectively, were physically stable throughout storage at 4ºC. The EOs encapsulation efficiency (EE %) was high for the 4 EOs tested (86 to 97%). Despite having less toxicity than EOs loaded nanoparticles prepared from a concentration of 4.76 mg of EO/mL, empty chitosan/TPP nanoparticles (4.76 mg/mL of chitosan) also showed some toxicity through the Microtox Test. Other ecotoxicity tests will be carried out to assess the nanoformulations´ potential hazard towards different non-target organisms. Chitosan/TPP nanoparticles are a suitable, stable, and high-efficient nanocarrier.This work was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through a PhD research grant with the reference UI/BD/151043/2021.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Positive discipline, as a methodological strategy in building relationships based on mutual respect and conflict resolution in the classroom, of the 5th grade students of the Santa Cruz de la Nueva Baeza School

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    La disciplina constituye uno de los principales elementos del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, y trasciende del contexto educativo, al familiar y al social; ya que desde el colegio los alumnos aprenden a vivir como miembros activos de la sociedad y sus comportamientos y formas de relacionarse inciden positiva o negativamente en la comunidad donde viven (Nelsen, 2007). Los educadores, aunque están de acuerdo en que es necesario mantener un orden en sus clases, coinciden en señalar que, en muchas ocasiones, las actuaciones y las estrategias para mejorar la disciplina resultan insuficientes. La disciplina, con frecuencia relacionada con rigidez y autoritarismo, debe ser vista y tratada dentro de la escuela como un elemento capaz de propiciar el respeto por el otro, y que ayude a través de la modelación del maestro a la construcción de espacios democráticos, respetuosos y con estudiantes capaces de asumir sus responsabilidades (García, 2008). La presente investigación muestra los avances en el desarrollo de procesos de resolución de conflictos en el aula de clase y del buen trato mediante la implementación de la Disciplina Positiva como estrategia metodológica. El propósito de este proyecto es ofrecer herramientas metodológicas a los docentes para que a través de la implementación de la Disciplina Positiva se promuevan actitudes de buen trato en la relación estudiantes - docentes y la comunidad educativa en general. La investigación cualitativa de enfoque explicativo, inicia con la fase diagnóstica que incluye la realización de cuestionarios para maestros y alumnos con el propósito de conocer los comportamientos y las formas de relacionarse en el aula de clase de 5°, una fase de capacitación en Disciplina Positiva para los maestros, junto a una fase de diseño para implementar a partir de los diagnósticos las herramientas a desarrollar en 5° y una fase de ejecución, donde se implementaran las estrategias planteadas y que se irán evaluando a través de cuestionarios, observaciones y análisis de contenidos. Finalmente, es preciso mencionar que la Disciplina Positiva, es una estrategia metodológica que busca corregir a niños y jóvenes sin hacer uso del castigo, se centra en la búsqueda de soluciones y en el desarrollo de habilidades para la vida a través de la amabilidad, la firmeza, la empatía y el respeto mutuo, asegurando de esta manera aprendizajes significativos en los diferentes espacios en los que se desenvuelven (Nelsen, 2007).Capítulo 1: Planteamiento del Problema 12 Antecedentes de la Investigación 13 Definición del Problema 16 Pregunta de Investigación 18 Objetivos……… 19 Objetivo general. 19 Objetivos específicos. 20 Supuestos de la Investigación 20 Justificación de la Investigación 21 Limitaciones y Delimitaciones 24 Limitaciones 24 Delimitaciones. 24 Definición de Términos 24 Capítulo 2: Marco Teórico 27 Disciplina Escolar 27 Disciplina escolar en diferentes países. 30 Disciplina escolar en Colombia. 34 Definiendo la disciplina positiva. 38 Teoría Adleriana. 40 Modelo Disciplina Positiva. 42 Experiencias y aproximaciones significativas sobre Disciplina Positiva 54 Capítulo 3: Método 61 Método de Investigación 61 Población participante 62 Marco contextual 63 Categorías de análisis. 64 Instrumentos de recolección de datos. 67 Prueba Piloto. 70 Procedimiento para la aplicación de instrumentos. 70 Análisis de datos. 72 Aspectos éticos 75 Capítulo 4: Análisis y Discusión de Resultados 76 Capítulo 5: Conclusiones 136 Bibliografía 144 Anexos 151 Curriculum Vitae 223MaestríaDiscipline is one of the main elements of the teaching-learning process, and it goes beyond the educational, family and social contexts; since the school the students learn to live as active members of society and their behaviors and ways of relating affect positively or negatively in the community where they live (Nelsen, 2007). Educators, although they agree that it is necessary to maintain order in their classes, they coincide that, on many occasions, the actions and strategies to improve discipline are insufficient. Discipline, often related to rigidity and authoritarianism, must be seen and treated within the school as an element capable of fostering respect for the other, and helping through the modeling of the teacher to the construction of democratic and respectful spaces also, with students capable of assuming their responsibilities (García, 2008). The present investigation shows the advances in the development of processes of resolution of conflicts in the class room and of the good treatment by means of the implementation of the Positive Discipline like methodological strategy. The purpose of this project is to offer methodological tools to teachers so that, through the implementation of Positive Discipline, attitudes of good treatment in the student - teacher relationship and the educational community in general are promoted. The qualitative research of explanatory focus, begins with the diagnostic phase that includes the realization of questionnaires for teachers and students with the purpose of knowing the behaviors and the ways of relating in the classroom of 5th grade , a phase of training in Positive Discipline for the teachers, together with a design phase to implement, based on the diagnoses, the tools to be developed in the 5th grade and one execution phase, where the proposed strategies will be implemented and which will be evaluated through questionnaires, observations and analysis of content Finally, it is necessary to mention that Positive Discipline is a methodological strategy that seeks to correct children and young people without using punishment, focuses on the search for solutions and the development of life skills through kindness, firmness, empathy and mutual respect, thus ensuring significant learning in the different spaces in which they operate (Nelsen, 2007)

    Avances recientes en el diseño de nanoemulsiones: conceptos y tendencias sobre nanocosmeticos

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    La industria cosmética ha experimentado un auge en los últimos años como uno de los mercados que tiene un enorme potencial de crecimiento. Los productos cosméticos que contienen nanoemulsiones (NE), como portadores de compuestos activos, pueden moverse a través del estrato córneo, promoviendo la liberación de activos hacia la dermis. Los ingredientes activos lipofílicos que presentan mayor interés en el cuidado de la piel son: la vitamina E, el licopeno, carotenoides, los polifenoles, o coenzima Q-10 o simplemente las fragancias no alcohólicas. El pequeño tamaño de las gotas de la fase dispersa es otro factor que confiere características fisicoquímicas y biológicas importantes. Impide la floculación y la coalescencia de las nanoemulsiones, y los movimientos brownianos son suficientes para superar la sedimentación de las gotas por gravedad. Además, el tamaño reducido de las gotas también proporciona una mejor deposición sobre la piel y penetración, lo que permite una entrega eficiente de ingredientes activos en comparación con los vehículos convencionales. En esta revisión se destacan algunas contribuciones científicos-tecnológicas importantes, se presenta una revisión documental sobre los métodos de elaboración de nanoemulsiones, tanto de alta energía como de baja energía, así como los avances y desarrollos resaltantes sobre nanocosméticos

    El narcotráfico y el PCC en la frontera Paraguay-Brasil: el caso de Pedro Juan Caballero

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    Trabajo de Conclusión de Curso presentado al Instituto Latinoamericano de Economía, Sociedad y Política de la Universidad Federal de Integración Latinoamericana, como requisito parcial a la obtención del título de Bachiller en Relaciones Internacionales e Integración. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Micael Alvino da SilvaEl objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar que la región fronteriza de Pedro Juan Caballero y Ponta Porã (Paraguay- Brasil) representa un desafío internacional para ambos países. Considerando la premisa de que se trata de una región geoestratégica para el establecimiento y desarrollo del narcotráfico, por parte de organizaciones criminales (como el Comando Vermelho y el Primer Comando Capital). Para ello, se parte de la perspectiva de amenazas no-convencionales presentada por la Escuela de Copenhague, inserida en los estudios de las Relaciones Internacionales, así también como de un análisis documental de fuentes primarias (documentos de la SENAD) y secundarias (libros, periódicos y artículos), con los que se pretende abordar las acciones de Paraguay y Brasil frente a este fenómeno, para, en fin, evidenciar el desafío internacional al que se enfrentan.O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar que a região fronteiriça de Pedro Juan Caballero e Ponta Porã (Paraguai- Brasil) representa um desafio internacional para ambos os países. Considera-se a premissa de que se trata de uma região geoestratégica para o estabelecimento e o desenvolvimento do tráfico de drogas, por parte de organizações criminosas (como o Comando Vermelho e o Primeiro Comando Capital). Para isso, parte-se da perspectiva de ameaças não-convencionais apresentada pela Escola de Copenhague, inserida nos estudos das Relações Internacionais, assim também como da análise documental de fontes primárias (documentos da SENAD) e secundárias (livros, jornais e artigos), com os quais pretende-se abordar as ações do Paraguai e do Brasil frente a esse fenômeno, para enfim, evidenciar o desafio internacional para ambosThe objective of this job is to demostrate that the border region of Pedro Juan Caballero and Ponta Porã (Paraguay- Brazil) represents and international challenge for bouth countries. It is considered that it is a geoestrategic region for the drug trafficking stablishment and development, by criminal organizations (such as the Comando Vermelho and the Primer Comando Capital). To this end, it is start from the perspective of unconventional threats presented by Copenhaguen School, inserted in the studies of International Relations, as well as a documentary analysis of primary (SENAD’s documents) and secundary sources (books, journals, articles), with wich it is aim to approach about the Paraguay and Brazil actions in front of this phenomenon, to finally, hightlights the international challenge they are face

    How sponsors should bring relevant-added value to esports

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    This paper aimed to determine what types of relevant-added value esports fans most want sponsors to bring to them and to the competitive gaming industry. A review of the literature permitted the development of a conceptual model which was subsequently improved by analysing empirical data. A quantitative exploratory research was conducted on 1,359 esports fans who were sampled through a non-probability purposive heterogeneous method. Data was collected through a closed-ended online structured survey. The data showed that two of the three most wanted means for bringing relevant added value are by directly helping the esports industry rather than focusing on the fans. Specifically, supporting the tournaments and pro-players and promoting good practice and integrity were highly valued. Most brands are still unaware of how to conduct effective esports sponsorships. By being one of the first studies in this area, this research provides brands with useful guidelines for developing sustainable esports sponsorships.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Toxicity abatement of wastewaters from tourism units by constructed wetlands

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    The present research intended to investigate the toxicity abatement of domestic wastewater after passing a biosystem composed of a constructed wetland (CW) followed by a pond. The wastewater was generated in a tourism house in a rural and mountainous context and passed through a septic tank before being diverted to a CW followed by a pond. A battery of ecotoxicological tests, comprising microalgae (Raphidocelis subcapitata), macrophytes (Lemna minor), cladocerans (Daphnia magna), and bacteria (Aliivibrio fischeri), was used to assess the toxicity of the wastewater collected before and after the CW and the water of the pond. Physicochemical parameters (pH, conductivity, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, phosphates, ammonium, and nitrate) were also determined. The CW was able to remove carbon and nutrients from the water with a concomitant reduction of its toxicity. This study, reinforced the added value of using toxicity tests as a complement to CW operational monitoring to validate the solution and to analyze possible readjustments that may be required to improve efficiency. This study lends further support to the claim that CWs can be a sustainable solution for treating small volumes of domestic wastewater in a rural context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Model of the Threats that Disreputable Behavior Present to Esports Sponsors

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    Both esports sponsors and academia are not aware of how disreputable behavior in the esports scene can negatively affect their brands. Hence, this research aimed at identifying which types of disreputable behavior in competitive gaming present the biggest threats to esports sponsors. In this quantitative and exploratory research, a non probability, purposive, and heterogeneous sampling method was employed to gather a sample of 1,592 esports fans who filled a closed-ended online survey. Results showed that illegal and unregulated gambling was a high-risk threat to esports sponsors; toxic behavior, match-fixing, and cheating were labeled as medium-risk threats; and sexism, cyberattacks, and doping were found to be low-risk threats. Besides being one of the first studies on esports sponsorships, which serves as a basis for future research in this market, the findings contribute to the sustainability of the esports industry and its sponsors. Managerial implications are also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio