868 research outputs found

    Polymer optical fiber Bragg grating acting as an intrinsic biochemical concentration sensor

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    We demonstrate an intrinsic biochemical concentration sensor based on a polymer optical fiber Bragg grating. The water content absorbed by the polymer fiber from a surrounding solution depends on the concentration of the solution because of the osmotic effect. The variation of water content in the fiber causes a change in the fiber dimensions and a variation in refractive index and, therefore, a shift in the Bragg wavelength. Saline solutions with concentration from 0% to 22% were used to demonstrate the sensing principle, resulting in a total wavelength shift of 0.9 nm, allowing high-resolution concentration measurements to be realized

    Nonlinear response in polymer optical fibre Bragg grating based sensors

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    PMMA based polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings have been used for humidity, temperature and concentration sensing. Due to the water affinity of PMMA, the characteristic wavelength of the grating is largely modulated by the water content in the fibre. The rate of water transportation between fibre and surrounding depends on the permeability coefficient for PMMA, which is a function of surrounding temperature and humidity. This leads to increased water content with increasing humidity and temperature. Consequently the wavelength of the grating shows a nonlinear change over varying humidity and temperature. This nonlinearity needs to be calibrated prior to sensor application

    Strain response of POF sensors

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    With regard to polymer fibre Bragg gratings, we investigate one of the consequences of the visco-elastic nature of the constituent polymer: hysteresis in the response of wavelength shift vs sensor elongation. We show that when a grating sensor is directly bonded to a substrate, the hysteresis is reduced by a factor of 10 from the case where the sensor is freely suspended between two supports

    Investigation into time response of polymer fiber Bragg grating based humidity sensors

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    In this work we experimentally investigate the response time of humidity sensors based on polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings. By the use of etching with acetone we can control the poly (methyl methacrylate) based fiber in order to reduce the diffusion time of water into the polymer and hence speed up the relative wavelength change caused by humidity variations. A much improved response time of 12 minutes for humidity decrease and 7 minutes for humidity increase, has been achieved by using a polymer optical fiber Bragg grating with a reduced diameter of 135 microns

    An intrinsic biochemical concentration sensor using a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating

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    A new type of fibre-optic biochemical concentration sensor based on a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating (POFBG) is proposed. The wavelength of the POFBG varies as a function of analyte concentration. The feasibility of this sensing concept is demonstrated by a saline concentration sensor. When polymer fibre is placed in a water based solution the process of osmosis takes place in this water-fibre system. An osmotic pressure which is proportional to the solution concentration, will apply to the fibre in addition to the hydraulic pressure. It tends to drive the water content out of the fibre and into the surrounding solution. When the surrounding solution concentration increases the osmotic pressure increases to drive the water content out of the fibre, consequently increasing the differential hydraulic pressure and reducing the POFBG wavelength. This process will stop once there is a balance between the osmotic pressure and the differential hydraulic pressure. Similarly when the solution concentration decreases the osmotic pressure decreases, leading to a dominant differential hydraulic pressure which drives the water into the fibre till a new pressure balance is established. Therefore the water content in the polymer fibre - and consequently the POFBG wavelength - depends directly on the solution concentration. A POFBG wavelength change of 0.9 nm was measured for saline concentration varying from 0 to 22%. For a wavelength interrogation system with a resolution of 1 pm, a measurement of solution concentration of 0.03% can be expected

    Effects of Post Treatments on Bismuth-Doped and Bismuth/ Erbium Co-doped Optical Fibres

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    Bismuth-doped and bismuth/erbium co-doped optical fibres have attracted much attention for their great potential in the photonic applications at ultrawide O, E, S, C and L bands. The effects of post treatments, including various heating, high energy ray radiation, laser radiation and H2 loading processes, on these fibres’ performance, functionality and stability have been experimentally studied. Experimental results demonstrate that these post treatments could allow us to get insights regarding the formation and the structure of bismuth active centre (BAC) and be used to control and regulate the formation of BAC

    High performance liquid level monitoring system based on polymer fiber Bragg gratings embedded in silicone rubber diaphragm

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    Liquid-level sensing technologies have attracted great prominence, because such measurements are essential to industrial applications, such as fuel storage, flood warning and in the biochemical industry. Traditional liquid level sensors are based on electromechanical techniques; however they suffer from intrinsic safety concerns in explosive environments. In recent years, given that optical fiber sensors have lots of well-established advantages such as high accuracy, costeffectiveness, compact size, and ease of multiplexing, several optical fiber liquid level sensors have been investigated which are based on different operating principles such as side-polishing the cladding and a portion of core, using a spiral side-emitting optical fiber or using silica fiber gratings. The present work proposes a novel and highly sensitive liquid level sensor making use of polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs). The key elements of the system are a set of POFBGs embedded in silicone rubber diaphragms. This is a new development building on the idea of determining liquid level by measuring the pressure at the bottom of a liquid container, however it has a number of critical advantages. The system features several FBG-based pressure sensors as described above placed at different depths. Any sensor above the surface of the liquid will read the same ambient pressure. Sensors below the surface of the liquid will read pressures that increase linearly with depth. The position of the liquid surface can therefore be approximately identified as lying between the first sensor to read an above-ambient pressure and the next higher sensor. This level of precision would not in general be sufficient for most liquid level monitoring applications; however a much more precise determination of liquid level can be made by linear regression to the pressure readings from the sub-surface sensors. There are numerous advantages to this multi-sensor approach. First, the use of linear regression using multiple sensors is inherently more accurate than using a single pressure reading to estimate depth. Second, common mode temperature induced wavelength shifts in the individual sensors are automatically compensated. Thirdly, temperature induced changes in the sensor pressure sensitivity are also compensated. Fourthly, the approach provides the possibility to detect and compensate for malfunctioning sensors. Finally, the system is immune to changes in the density of the monitored fluid and even to changes in the effective force of gravity, as might be obtained in an aerospace application. The performance of an individual sensor was characterized and displays a sensitivity (54 pm/cm), enhanced by more than a factor of 2 when compared to a sensor head configuration based on a silica FBG published in the literature, resulting from the much lower elastic modulus of POF. Furthermore, the temperature/humidity behavior and measurement resolution were also studied in detail. The proposed configuration also displays a highly linear response, high resolution and good repeatability. The results suggest the new configuration can be a useful tool in many different applications, such as aircraft fuel monitoring, and biochemical and environmental sensing, where accuracy and stability are fundamental. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Optical fibre temperature and humidity sensor

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    An optical fibre sensor system for humidity and temperature, comprising two Bragg gratings recorded in silica and polymer fibre, has been characterised. The response of this system is very well conditioned (2-norm condition number = 8.8) and consequently uncertainties in wavelength measurement do not lead to large errors in the recovered humidity and temperature
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