50 research outputs found
An extension of the Koplienko-Neidhardt trace formulae
Koplienko [Ko] found a trace formula for perturbations of self-adjoint
operators by operators of Hilbert Schmidt class \bS_2. A similar formula in
the case of unitary operators was obtained by Neidhardt [N]. In this paper we
improve their results and obtain sharp conditions under which the
Koplienko--Neidhardt trace formulae hold.Comment: 21 page
Almost commuting functions of almost commuting self-adjoint operators
Let and be almost commuting (i.e, AB-BA\in\bS_1) self-adjoint
operators. We construct a functional calculus \f\mapsto\f(A,B) for \f in
the Besov class B_{\be,1}^1(\R^2). This functional calculus is linear, the
operators \f(A,B) and almost commute for \f,\,\psi\in
B_{\be,1}^1(\R^2), \f(A,B)=u(A)v(B) whenever \f(s,t)=u(s)v(t), and the
Helton--Howe trace formula holds. The main tool is triple operator integrals.Comment: 6 page
Estimates of operator moduli of continuity
In \cite{AP2} we obtained general estimates of the operator moduli of
continuity of functions on the real line. In this paper we improve the
estimates obtained in \cite{AP2} for certain special classes of functions.
In particular, we improve estimates of Kato \cite{Ka} and show that
for every bounded operators and on Hilbert space. Here
|S|\df(S^*S)^{1/2}. Moreover, we show that this inequality is sharp.
We prove in this paper that if is a nondecreasing continuous function on
that vanishes on (-\be,0] and is concave on [0,\be), then its operator
modulus of continuity \O_f admits the estimate
\O_f(\d)\le\const\int_e^\be\frac{f(\d t)\,dt}{t^2\log t},\quad\d>0.
We also study the problem of sharpness of estimates obtained in \cite{AP2}
and \cite{AP4}. We construct a C^\be function on such that
\|f\|_{L^\be}\le1, \|f\|_{\Li}\le1, and
In the last section of the paper we obtain sharp estimates of
in the case when the spectrum of has points. Moreover, we obtain a more
general result in terms of the \e-entropy of the spectrum that also improves
the estimate of the operator moduli of continuity of Lipschitz functions on
finite intervals, which was obtained in \cite{AP2}.Comment: 50 page
Operator and commutator moduli of continuity for normal operators
We study in this paper properties of functions of perturbed normal operators
and develop earlier results obtained in \cite{APPS2}. We study operator
Lipschitz and commutator Lipschitz functions on closed subsets of the plane.
For such functions we introduce the notions of the operator modulus of
continuity and of various commutator moduli of continuity. Our estimates lead
to estimates of the norms of quasicommutators in terms of
, where and are normal operator and is a
bounded linear operator. In particular, we show that if 0<\a<1 and is a
H\"older function of order \a, then for normal operators and ,
In the last section we obtain lower estimates for constants in operator
H\"older estimates.Comment: 33 page