7,081 research outputs found
Quantum states in a magnetic anti-dot
We study a new system in which electrons in two dimensions are confined by a
non homogeneous magnetic field. The system consists of a heterostructure with
on top of it a superconducting disk. We show that in this system electrons can
be confined into a dot region. This magnetic anti-dot has the interesting
property that the filling of the dot is a discrete function of the magnetic
field. The circulating electron current inside and outside the anti-dot can be
in opposite direction for certain bound states. And those states exhibit a
diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition with increasing magnetic field. The
absorption spectrum consists of many peaks, some of which violate Kohn's
theorem, and which is due to the coupling of the center of mass motion with the
other degrees of freedom.Comment: 6 pages, 12 ps figure
Energy-Momentum dispersion relation of plasmarons in bilayer graphene
The relation between the energy and momentum of plasmarons in bilayer
graphene is investigated within the Overhauser approach, where the
electron-plasmon interaction is described as a field theoretical problem. We
find that the Dirac-like spectrum is shifted by depending on the electron concentration and
electron momentum. The shift increases with electron concentration as the
energy of plasmons becomes larger. The dispersion of plasmarons is more
pronounced than in the case of single layer graphene, which is explained by the
fact that the energy dispersion of electrons is quadratic and not linear. We
expect that these predictions can be verified using angle-resolved
photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
The interaction between a superconducting vortex and an out-of-plane magnetized ferromagnetic disk: influence of the magnet geometry
The interaction between a superconducting vortex in a type II superconducting
film (SC) and a ferromagnet (FM) with out-of-plane magnetization is
investigated theoretically within the London approximation. The dependence of
the interaction energy on the FM-vortex distance, film thickness and different
geometries of the magnetic structures: disk, annulus(ring), square and triangle
are calculated. Analytic expressions and vectorplots of the current induced in
the SC due to the presence of the FM are presented. For a FM disk with a
cavity, we show that different local minima for the vortex position are
possible, enabling the system to be suitable to act as a qubit. For FMs with
sharp edges, like e.g. for squares and triangles, the vortex prefers to enter
its equilibrium position along the corners of the magnet.Comment: Preprint, 10 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Optical properties of (In,Ga)As capped InAs quantum dots grown on [11k] substrates
Using three-dimensional k.p calculation including strain and
piezoelectricity, we showed that the size of the quantum dot (QD) in the growth
direction determines the influence of the (In,Ga)As capping layer on the
optical properties of [11k] grown InAs QDs, where k=1,2,3. For flat dots,
increase of In concentration in the capping layer leads to a decrease of the
transition energy, as is the case of [001] grown QDs, whereas for large dots an
increase of the In concentration in the capping layer is followed by an
increase of the transition energy up to a critical concentration of In, after
which the optical transition energy starts to decrease
Field-enhanced critical parameters in magnetically nanostructured superconductors
Within the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory, we demonstrate the
enhancement of superconductivity in a superconducting film, when nanostructured
by a lattice of magnetic particles. Arrays of out-of-plane magnetized dots
(MDs) extend the critical magnetic field and critical current the sample can
sustain, due to the interaction of the vortex-antivortex pairs and surrounding
supercurrents induced by the dots and the external flux lines. Depending on the
stability of the vortex-antivortex lattice, a peak in the Hext-T boundary is
found for applied integer and rational matching fields, which agrees with
recent experiments [Lange et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 197006 (2003)]. Due to
compensation of MDs- and Hext-induced currents, we predict the field-shifted
jc-Hext characteristics, as was actually realized in previous experiment but
not commented on [Morgan and Ketterson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3614 (1998)].Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Europhysics Letter
Quantum dot size dependent influence of the substrate orientation on the electronic and optical properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Using 3D k.p calculation including strain and piezoelectricity we predict
variation of electronic and optical properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs)
with the substrate orientation. The QD transition energies are obtained for
high index substrates [11k], where k = 1,2,3 and are compared with [001]. We
find that the QD size in the growth direction determines the degree of
influence of the substrate orientation: the flatter the dots, the larger the
difference from the reference [001] case.Comment: Submitted to Appl. Phys. Let
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