29 research outputs found
Sublethal Concentrations of Silver Nanoparticles Stimulate Biofilm Development
Although silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
are used as antimicrobial
agents in a wide variety of commercial products, sublethal exposure
can counterproductively promote the development of biofilms. We observed
by fluorescence microscopy denser biofilm growth with mixed cultures
from a wastewater treatment plant after exposure to 21.6 ÎĽg/L
10 nm AgNPs. To further understand biofilm promotion mechanisms, experiments
were conducted with a pure culture of <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> PAO1. Sublethal exposure of PAO1 to AgNPs (10.8 and 21.6 ÎĽg/L)
also enhanced biofilm development and upregulated quorum sensing,
lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, and antibiotic resistance (efflux
pump) genes. An increase in the sugar and protein contents of the
PAO1 biofilm matrix (by 55 ± 3 and 114 ± 32%, respectively,
relative to unexposed controls) corroborated the transcriptional upregulation
of PAO1 biofilm-related genes. Enhanced biofilm development by exposure
to low AgNP concentrations might accelerate biofouling and biocorrosion
and harbor pathogens that pose a risk to public health
Photochemical Transformation of Carboxylated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
The study investigated the photochemical
transformation of carboxylated
multiwalled carbon nanotubes (COOH-MWCNTs), an important environmental
process affecting their physicochemical characteristics and hence
fate and transport. UVA irradiation removed carboxyl groups from COOH-MWCNT
surface while creating other oxygen-containing functional groups with
an overall decrease in total surface oxygen content. This was attributed
to reactions with photogenerated reactive oxygen species (ROS). COOH-MWCNTs
generated singlet oxygen (<sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub>) and hydroxyl
radical (<sup>•</sup>OH) under UVA light, which exhibited different
reactivity toward the COOH-MWCNT surface. Inhibition experiments that
isolate the effects of <sup>•</sup>OH and <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> as well as experiments using externally generated <sup>•</sup>OH and <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> separately revealed that <sup>•</sup>OH played an important role in the photochemical transformation of
COOH-MWCNTs under UVA irradiation. The Raman spectroscopy and surface
functional group analysis results suggested that <sup>•</sup>OH initially reacted with the surface carboxylated carbonaceous fragments,
resulting in their degradation or exfoliation. Further reaction between <sup>•</sup>OH and the graphitic sidewall led to formation of defects
including functional groups and vacancies. These reactions reduced
the surface potential and colloidal stability of COOH-MWCNTs, and
are expected to reduce their mobility in aquatic systems
Manganese Peroxidase Degrades Pristine but Not Surface-Oxidized (Carboxylated) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
The transformation of engineered
nanomaterials in the environment
can significantly affect their transport, fate, bioavailability, and
toxicity. Little is known about the biotransformation potential of
single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). In this study, we compared
the enzymatic transformation of SWNTs and oxidized (carboxylated)
SWNTs (O-SWNTs) using three ligninolytic enzymes: lignin peroxidase,
manganese peroxidase (MnP), and laccase. Only MnP was capable of transforming
SWNTs, as determined by Raman spectroscopy, near-infrared spectroscopy,
and transmission electron microscopy. Interestingly, MnP degraded
SWNTs but not O-SWNTs. The recalcitrance of O-SWNTs to enzymatic transformation
is likely attributable to the binding of Mn<sup>2+</sup> by their
surface carboxyl groups at the enzyme binding site, which inhibits
critical steps in the MnP catalytic cycle (i.e., Mn<sup>2+</sup> oxidation
and Mn<sup>3+</sup> dissociation from the enzyme). Our results suggest
that oxygen-containing surface functionalities do not necessarily
facilitate the biodegradation of carbonaceous nanomaterials, as is
commonly assumed
Pyrolytic Remediation of Oil-Contaminated Soils: Reaction Mechanisms, Soil Changes, and Implications for Treated Soil Fertility
of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils offers the potential for rapid remediation
without destroying soil fertility. Here we elucidate the fundamental
mechanisms of pyrolytic treatment and advance understanding of the
surface properties of pyrolyzed soils. Using thermogravimetry and
evolved gas analysis, we identified the two stages of pyrolytic remediation.
Desorption of light hydrocarbons is the dominant process for temperatures
between 150 and 350 °C. Pyrolysis reactions dominate in the 400–500 °C
range releasing gaseous products (hydrogen, methane, higher alkanes,
and olefins) and forming a solid char. XPS analysis and partial combustion
revealed that the char forms a layer coating the particles of treated
soils. Since pyrolysis can effectively reduce the TPH of contaminated
soils at temperatures below 500 °C, it avoids carbonate decomposition
reactions that may lead to large soil pH increases and severe loss
of fertility. This is a significant potential advantage over competing
thermal processes that expose contaminated soil to temperatures above
500 °C
Biogenic versus Thermogenic H<sub>2</sub>S Source Determination in Bakken Wells: Considerations for Biocide Application
Hydrocarbon souring represents a
significant safety and corrosion
challenge to the oil and gas industry. H<sub>2</sub>S may originate
from geochemical or biogenic sources, although its source is rarely
discerned. Biocides are sometimes utilized during well operations
to prevent or inhibit H<sub>2</sub>S generation. Here we develop a
regional temperature map showing that downhole temperatures in Bakken
reservoir wells equal or exceed the upper known temperature limit
for microbial life. Attempts to extract microbial DNA from produced
water yielded little to no detectable quantities. Stable isotope analysis
yielded <sup>34S</sup>δ values from 4.4 to 9.8‰, suggesting
souring had a geochemical origin. Under Bakken reservoir conditions,
anhydrite can react with hydrocarbons to form H<sub>2</sub>S. Anhydrite
present near the sour areas studied could be the underlying geochemical
source creating this H<sub>2</sub>S. In cases of geochemical souring,
reevaluation of the need for biocide addition may provide significant
reductions in both operational costs and overall environmental footprint
Extracellular Saccharide-Mediated Reduction of Au<sup>3+</sup> to Gold Nanoparticles: New Insights for Heavy Metals Biomineralization on Microbial Surfaces
is a critical process controlling the biogeochemical
cycling, fate, and potential environmental impacts of heavy metals.
Despite the indispensability of extracellular polymeric substances
(EPS) to microbial life and their ubiquity in soil and aquatic environments,
the role played by EPS in the transformation and biomineralization
of heavy metals is not well understood. Here, we used gold ion (Au<sup>3+</sup>) as a model heavy metal ion to quantitatively assess the
role of EPS in biomineralization and discern the responsible functional
groups. Integrated spectroscopic analyses showed that Au<sup>3+</sup>was readily reduced to zerovalent gold nanoparticles (AuNPs, 2–15
nm in size) in aqueous suspension of <i>Escherichia coli</i> or dissolved EPS extracted from microbes. The majority of AuNPs
(95.2%) was formed outside <i>Escherichia coli</i> cells,
and the removal of EPS attached to cells pronouncedly suppressed Au<sup>3+</sup> reduction, reflecting the predominance of the extracellular
matrix in Au<sup>3+</sup> reduction. XPS, UV–vis, and FTIR
analyses corroborated that Au<sup>3+</sup> reduction was mediated
by the hemiacetal groups (aldehyde equivalents) of reducing saccharides
of EPS. Consistently, the kinetics of AuNP formation obeyed pseudo-second-order
reaction kinetics with respect to the concentrations of Au<sup>3+</sup> and the hemiacetal groups in EPS, with minimal dependency on the
source of microbial EPS. Our findings indicate a previously overlooked,
universally significant contribution of EPS to the reduction, mineralization,
and potential detoxification of metal species with high oxidation
Tetracycline Resistance Gene Maintenance under Varying Bacterial Growth Rate, Substrate and Oxygen Availability, and Tetracycline Concentration
Neither amplification nor attenuation of antibiotic resistance
genes (ARG) in the environment are well understood processes. Here,
we report on continuous culture and batch experiments to determine
how tetracycline (TC), aerobic vs anaerobic conditions, bacterial
growth rate, and medium richness affect the maintenance of plasmid-borne
TC resistance (Tet<sup>R</sup>) genes. The response of <i>E.
coli</i> (a model resistant strain excreted by farm animals)
versus <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> (a model bacterium
that could serve as a reservoir for ARGs in the environment) were
compared to gain insight into response variability. Complete loss
of the Tet<sup>R</sup> RP1 plasmid (56 kb) occurred for <i>P.
aeruginosa</i> in the absence of TC, and faster loss was observed
in continuous culture at higher growth rates. In contrast, <i>E. coli</i> retained its smaller pSC101 plasmid (9.3 kb) after
500 generations without TC (albeit at lower levels, with ratios of
resistance to 16S rDNA genes decreasing by about 2-fold). A higher
rate of ARG loss was observed in <i>P. aeruginosa</i> when
grown in minimal growth medium (M9) than in richer Luria broth. Faster
ARG loss occurred in <i>E. coli</i> under anaerobic (fermentative)
conditions than under aerobic conditions. Thus, in these two model
strains it was observed that conditions that ease the metabolic burden
of plasmid reproduction (e.g., higher substrate and O<sub>2</sub> availability)
enhanced resistance plasmid maintenance; such conditions (in the presence
of residual antibiotics) may be conducive to the establishment and
preservation of ARG reservoirs in the environment. These results underscore
the need to consider antibiotic concentrations, redox conditions,
and substrate availability in efforts to evaluate ARG propagation
and natural attenuation
Phosphate Changes Effect of Humic Acids on TiO<sub>2</sub> Photocatalysis: From Inhibition to Mitigation of Electron–Hole Recombination
A major
challenge for photocatalytic water purification with TiO<sub>2</sub> is the strong inhibitory effect of natural organic matter (NOM),
which can scavenge photogenerated holes and radicals and occlude ROS
generation sites upon adsorption. This study shows that phosphate
counteracts the inhibitory effect of humic acids (HA) by decreasing
HA adsorption and mitigating electron–hole recombination. As
a measure of the inhibitory effect of HA, the ratios of first-order
reaction rate constants between photocatalytic phenol degradation
in the absence versus presence of HA were calculated. This ratio was
very high, up to 5.72 at 30 mg/L HA and pH 4.8 without phosphate,
but was decreased to 0.76 (5 mg/L HA, pH 8.4) with 2 mM phosphate.
The latter ratio indicates a surprising favorable effect of HA on
TiO<sub>2</sub> photocatalysis. FTIR analyses suggest that this favorable
effect is likely due to a change in the conformation of adsorbed HA,
from a multiligand exchange arrangement to a complexation predominantly
between COOH groups in HA and the TiO<sub>2</sub> surface in the presence
of phosphate. This configuration can reduce hole consumption and facilitate
electron transfer to O<sub>2</sub> by the adsorbed HA (indicated by
linear sweep voltammetry), which mitigates electron–hole recombination
and enhances contaminant degradation. A decrease in HA surface adsorption
and hole scavenging (the predominant inhibitory mechanisms of HA)
by phosphate (2 mM) was indicated by a 50% decrease in the photocatalytic
degradation rate of HA and 80% decrease in the decay rate coefficient
of interfacial-related photooxidation in photocurrent transients.
These results, which were validated with other compounds (FFA and
cimetidine), indicate that anchoring phosphate - or anions that exert
similar effects on the TiO<sub>2</sub> surface - might be a feasible
strategy to counteract the inhibitory effect of NOM during photocatalytic
water treatment
Methane Bioattenuation and Implications for Explosion Risk Reduction along the Groundwater to Soil Surface Pathway above a Plume of Dissolved Ethanol
Fuel ethanol releases can stimulate methanogenesis in
aquifers, which could pose an explosion risk if methane migrates into
enclosed spaces where ignitable conditions exist. To assess this potential
risk, a flux chamber was emplaced on a pilot-scale aquifer exposed
to continuous release (21 months) of an ethanol solution (10% v:v)
that was introduced 22.5 cm below the water table. Despite methane
concentrations within the ethanol plume reaching saturated levels
(20–23 mg/L), the maximum methane concentration reaching the
chamber (21 ppm<sub>v</sub>) was far below the lower explosion limit
in air (50,000 ppm<sub>v</sub>). The low concentrations of methane
observed in the chamber are attributed to methanotrophic activity,
which was highest in the capillary fringe. This was indicated by methane
degradation assays in microcosms prepared with soil samples from different
depths, as well as by PCR measurements of <i>pmoA</i>, which
is a widely used functional gene biomarker for methanotrophs. Simulations
with the analytical vapor intrusion model “Biovapor”
corroborated the low explosion risk associated with ethanol fuel releases
under more generic conditions. Model simulations also indicated that
depending on site-specific conditions, methane oxidation in the unsaturated
zone could deplete the available oxygen and hinder aerobic benzene
biodegradation, thus increasing benzene vapor intrusion potential.
Overall, this study shows the importance of methanotrophic activity
near the water table to attenuate methane generated from dissolved
ethanol plumes and reduce its potential to migrate and accumulate
at the surface