56 research outputs found


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    The mangrove area has an important meaning in beach ecosystem, both from ecological and economical aspects. For this, the rehabilitation of mangrove forest is done as one effort that aims to maintain and return the mangrove forest function as one of life system supporters, especially in beach area. The most respondent ages of coast people of Gending, Pajarakan, dan Kraksaan districts, Probolinggo Regency are between 30 to 59 years old, i.e. as 86 people or 95.55% indicates that coast people are productive ages so they can be hoped very potential for having role in supporting mangrove ecosystem management of Probolinggo Regency coast. The average respondent educational rates are mostly Elementary School to Senior High School, Le. as 76 people. Generally, human resources of coast people have relatively good education level. Thereby, it can be hoped to have positive potencies for the role of coast people themselves toward the mangrove ecosystem management support of Probolinggo Regency coast. The average most respondents have family burdens two and three people as six people or 6.67 percents. But, there are still three respondents who have not have family burdens. Generally, more and more members help in respondent's jobs. The mangrove ecosystem management strategy of Probolinggo Regency coast is by involving people role (people and people figures) and governmental supports through the models of mangrove forest management strategy, the model of embankment cultivation management by entering mangrove as input resources of production facilities, and ecotourism management by the purpose of improving people income

    Cocoa Farming and Analysis of Economic Community Farmers E State in East Java

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    Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is one of the important agricultural commodity in the development of the plantation sub-sector, among others, to meet the needs of domestic as well as export commodity foreign exchange earner of the country. In East Java, cocoa is a strategic commodity to raise the dignity of the people by increasing the income of farmers and plantation growing regional economic centers. Cocoa plantations developed Rakyat (PR), Country Estates (PTPN) and estate plantations (PBS). Cocoa crop acreage in East Java in 2010 covering an area of ​​54 007 hectares divided into 23 634 Ha Smallholder, PTPN 26.480 ha, and 4,543 ha PBS. (Disbun East Java, 2010). Number of farmers in East Java 49 144 households, this study was conducted to determine the characteristics of cocoa farmers and farmers' income derived from cocoa farming, so that can know the feasibility of the business. The research was conducted in East Java with 100 respondents cocoa farmers of the people, using the survey method. The results showed that cocoa farming is still done with traditional cultivation levels are all management is done by family members and neighbors. Tinkat farmers with average land holdings of 1.56 ha to contribute 53.95 percent of total household income. In addition to the cocoa farming feasibility level analysis shows the value of the ratio B / C at 3, `13. Meaning that cocoa farming financially viable. In the analysis of the level of welfare because farmers are not prosperous farmer income for 1 Year <1 nishaf (85 Gram). Keywords: Characteristics,Farming System and Coco

    Peer Review Consumer Prefeence of packaged Rice and Buk Rice in Surabaya

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    Cocoa Farming and Analysis of Economic Community Farmers E State in East Java

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    Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is one of the important agricultural commodity in the development of the plantation sub-sector, among others, to meet the needs of domestic as well as export commodity foreign exchange earner of the country. In East Java, cocoa is a strategic commodity to raise the dignity of the people by increasing the income of farmers and plantation growing regional economic centers. Cocoa plantations developed Rakyat (PR), Country Estates (PTPN) and estate plantations (PBS). Cocoa crop acreage in East Java in 2010 covering an area of ​​54 007 hectares divided into 23 634 Ha Smallholder, PTPN 26.480 ha, and 4,543 ha PBS. (Disbun East Java, 2010). Number of farmers in East Java 49 144 households, this study was conducted to determine the characteristics of cocoa farmers and farmers' income derived from cocoa farming, so that can know the feasibility of the business. The research was conducted in East Java with 100 respondents cocoa farmers of the people, using the survey method. The results showed that cocoa farming is still done with traditional cultivation levels are all management is done by family members and neighbors. Tinkat farmers with average land holdings of 1.56 ha to contribute 53.95 percent of total household income. In addition to the cocoa farming feasibility level analysis shows the value of the ratio B / C at 3, `13. Meaning that cocoa farming financially viable. In the analysis of the level of welfare because farmers are not prosperous farmer income for 1 Year <1 nishaf (85 Gram). Keywords: Characteristics,Farming System and Coco
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