22 research outputs found

    Cytokine expression by Foxp3+ Treg in adenoidal cells.

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    <p>Percentage of Foxp3+ Treg in adenoidal MNC after stimulation with WCA compared with unstimulated medium control (A). Intracellular cytokine staining shows IL-10 (B) and IL-17 (C) production by Foxp3+ Treg and Foxp3− CD4+ T cells after WCA stimulation compared with unstimulated control. Only CD4+ T cell gate is shown in B and C. Result of one representative experiment of four replicates is shown.</p

    Association of pneumococcal carriage and Treg cells in adenoidal MNC.

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    <p>Percentages of CD4+Tcells which were Foxp3+ Treg (%Treg) (A) and their expression of CD39 (B) and intracellular CTLA4 (C) in PBMC and adenoidal MNC (AdMNC) in children who were culture positive (+) and negative (−) for pneumococcus. MFI – median fluorescence intensity. (*p<0.05 compared to culture negative children.) Culture+, n = 8; culture−, n = 12.</p

    Expression of CD39 and CTLA4 by Foxp3+ Treg cells.

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    <p>Fluorescence histograms showing CD39 (A) and CTLA4 (B) expression by Foxp3+ Treg cells in PBMC (black) and adenoidal MNC (AdMNC) (red) from one representative of 20 replicate experiments summarized in panel C. (*p<0.01 compared to PBMC).</p

    Adenoidal Treg exhibit strong inhibition of CD4+ T cell responses to WCA.

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    <p>CD4+ T cell proliferation (A+B) and cytokine production (C) in the presence or absence of Treg after stimulation with pneumococcal WCA. A). % CD4+ T cell proliferation in adenoidal MNC and Treg-depleted MNC from pneumococcal culture+ (n = 6) and culture− children (n = 6) (*p<0.01 compared to culture− group). B). CD4+ T cell proliferation induced by WCA in Treg-depleted MNC suppressed by the repletion of purified Treg (*p<0.01 compared to Treg-depleted MNC+WCA, n = 4. C). *p<0.01, #p<0.01 compared to Treg-depleted MNC+WCA.</p

    <i>a</i>. BAL neutrophil levels and <i>b</i>. LRSQ scores in elective BAL samples that were positive and negative for microbial rDNA (m rDNA).

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    <p>Elective BAL samples that were m rDNA positive had significantly higher neutrophil levels than m rDNA negative samples (33%[18–70] vs. 8.5%[4–38] p<0.05). The median total LRSQ-Neuro score was generally higher in the BAL m rDNA positive group (17[5–32] vs. 5[0–9]), but not significantly so (p = 0.097).</p

    Mean (SEM) LRSQ-Neuro domain scores in PICU-ND, Elective-ND and healthy control patients over previous three months.

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    <p>Elective-ND patients scored significantly higher than healthy controls in all LRSQ-Neuro domains, except ‘Symptoms with colds’ (p<0.05).</p

    Basic demographic, and broncho-alveolar lavage cellular/cytokine characteristics.

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    <p>Median (IQR) cellular, protein and cytokine components of BAL are shown.</p><p>Basic demographic, and broncho-alveolar lavage cellular/cytokine characteristics.</p

    Microbiological and clinical characteristics of Elective ND and PICU ND patients.

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    <p>(No patients had tracheostomies in place)</p><p>Microbiological and clinical characteristics of Elective ND and PICU ND patients.</p