20 research outputs found

    Physical activity and sedentary behavior: Proportions of the participants in the three clusters and the total sample who had engaged five or more times in the week preceding the interview.

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    <p>Physical activity and sedentary behavior: Proportions of the participants in the three clusters and the total sample who had engaged five or more times in the week preceding the interview.</p

    Participants' time spent in sedentary behaviors (hours/week) in the three clusters and the total sample.

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    <p>Participants' time spent in sedentary behaviors (hours/week) in the three clusters and the total sample.</p

    Characteristics of the three clusters and the total sample (categorical variables).

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    <p>Characteristics of the three clusters and the total sample (categorical variables).</p

    Adjusted change in BMI and incidence of diabetes of the three clusters (LPAHSB: low physical activity high sedentary behavior; HPALSB: high physical activity low sedentary behavior; LPALSB: low physical activity low sedentary behavior).

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    <p>Adjusted change in BMI and incidence of diabetes of the three clusters (LPAHSB: low physical activity high sedentary behavior; HPALSB: high physical activity low sedentary behavior; LPALSB: low physical activity low sedentary behavior).</p

    Characteristics of the three clusters and the total sample (continuous variables).

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    <p>Characteristics of the three clusters and the total sample (continuous variables).</p

    Plot of all participants by clusters on the first two discriminant components, dc1 (representing physical activity at Waves I and III and sedentary behaviors at Waves I and II) and dc2 (representing physical activity at Waves II and III and sedentary behaviors at Waves I and III).

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    <p>Plot of all participants by clusters on the first two discriminant components, dc1 (representing physical activity at Waves I and III and sedentary behaviors at Waves I and II) and dc2 (representing physical activity at Waves II and III and sedentary behaviors at Waves I and III).</p

    Physical health related quality of life (Physical HRQoL, bars) and their 95% confidence intervals in participants with depressive symptoms (PHQ-9≥10, 111 men and 228 women) and without depressive symptoms (PHQ-9<10, 7,196 men and 8,492 women) by sex.

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    <p>*Adjusting for age, education level, drinking status, physical activity level, body mass index, number of chronic diseases, life stress, neighborhood cohesion, household monthly income and the number of person in a household.</p

    The multilevel regression model of health related quality of life <sup>a</sup> with demographic variables, depressive symptoms and family satisfaction in the Chinese population aged 20 and above (N = 16,039).

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    *<p>p<0.05;</p>**<p>p<0.01;</p>***<p>p<0.001.</p>a<p>Physical and Mental health related quality of life were measured by SF-12 version 2.</p>b<p>Intra-class correlation within family was 0.22 for Physical and 0.32 for Mental HRQoL.</p

    Characteristics of the study sample and its difference between men and women. <sup>a.</sup>

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    a<p>P values for difference between men and women.</p>b<p>Unless otherwise indicated, data presented are mean (standard division).</p>c<p>US1 = HK 1 = HK7.8.</p>d<p>Summed by self-reported heart disease, stroke, diabetes, asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, gastrointestinal diseases, and cancer.</p>e<p>Total scores for each domain range from 0 to 100.</p>f<p>Measured by Family APGAR; higher scores indicate greater satisfaction with family support.</p>g<p>Perceived neighborhood social cohesion; scores range from 1 to 5, higher scores indicate greater social cohesion.</p